Teen Titans series discussion *Spoilers*

Totally different situations. She is BRAINWASHED, I think Bruce would know that she is not guilty...

Bruce also doesnt trust Raven becouse of her father dispite all the good she has done.

As a matter fact Bruce trust onlt a handfull of people.

There is one thing that doesnt fit though...cass quit being batgirl.
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Bruce also doesnt trust Raven becouse of her father dispite all the good she has done.

As a matter fact Bruce trust onlt a handfull of people.

There is one thing that doesnt fit though...cass quit being batgirl.

But he do trust Nightwing, the guy who "killed" Blockbuster. He trust Wonder Woman again too. The Batman ******* doesn't exist anymore, the first OYL issues show that.
But he do trust Nightwing, the guy who "killed" Blockbuster. He trust Wonder Woman again too. The Batman ******* doesn't exist anymore, the first OYL issues show that.

It wasnt Nighwing it was Tarantula he just didnt stop her not the same sir.

AAnd Batman is a jerk man..you cant have Batman without his jerkyness its why he's cool
But he do trust Nightwing, the guy who "killed" Blockbuster. He trust Wonder Woman again too. The Batman ******* doesn't exist anymore, the first OYL issues show that.

I agree that the Nightwing thing wasn't the same. If you read the issues Dick was pretty much a broken man at that point. I doubt he could have stopped her if he wanted to.

I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of Johns leaving the book here. Anyone else looking forward to Beechen coming on board?
I agree that the Nightwing thing wasn't the same. If you read the issues Dick was pretty much a broken man at that point. I doubt he could have stopped her if he wanted to.

I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of Johns leaving the book here. Anyone else looking forward to Beechen coming on board?

I think he will do a good job.
but he's no Geoff Johns....

Venom Melendez said:
AAnd Batman is a jerk man..you cant have Batman without his jerkyness its why he's cool

eh.... I think that's bull****. Frank Miller started an era where everyone thinks Batman needs to be a douchebag, but that's totally not the case. We've seen 15 years of that ****. Frankly, I'm glad we're starting to see a Batman we can sympathize with.
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but he's no Geoff Johns....

eh.... I think that's bull****. Frank Miller started an era where everyone thinks Batman needs to be a douchebag, but that's totally not the case. We've seen 15 years of that ****. Frankly, I'm glad we're starting to see a Batman we can sympathize with.

My fav version of Bats was the Bruce timm/Dini version

I mean he wasnt a Jerk but he unintentionaly came off as one know what i mean?

Like that episode we're he helped out the guy who uses Scarface That Bats ruled.
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I got into Teen Titans by reading it OYL, and since going back and reading the whole series, I've enjoyed it a lot. Titans East looks like it's going to be excellent.
The Doom Patrol story was eh and I wanted to see more in Titans around the World. It hasn't been bad, but its not nearly as good as it used to be.

really? Because I've loved it. I thought it got eh around the Insiders/Outsiders storyline, and has just successively getting better and better post-Crisis. I was a little worried during the Doom Patrol story, but Beast Boy and Mallah/The Brain pulled me through it. I digged the hell out of Titans Aroudn the World and am really looking forward to Titans East... oh well
really? Because I've loved it. I thought it got eh around the Insiders/Outsiders storyline, and has just successively getting better and better post-Crisis. I was a little worried during the Doom Patrol story, but Beast Boy and Mallah/The Brain pulled me through it. I digged the hell out of Titans Aroudn the World and am really looking forward to Titans East... oh well

Agreed though i wished we would have seen more of the other Titans that where in during 52..Like Mas yMenos and that dude Molecule or Plastique Man's son .

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