Wow.......what a letdown. I mean big time.
I didn't even call it right----I thought the flight portion of the game would be spot on.....but I've seen tighter air controls in Robotech:Battlecry (which is an AWESOME game!).
The flight control was mediocre at best. There is nothing more annoying than flying thru the city at medium speed and then an attack goes off that you need to rush to, and then flying smack dab into a building. I mean yeah---I could fly above the towers and then fly back down....but it'd be quicker and more thrilling if I could manuver between the buildings.
The combat is ok. Supes got some combos....but they aren't anything more complicated and useless than the combos from Spidey2. They just look pretty and are a lot better than pressing punch 3 times over and over again. Too bad the dodge feature is pretty much useless. What good is a superspeed dodging if I can only go left or right. No zoom back? No zoom forward? Lame.
The lock-on feature is more useless than the lock on feature in GTA3. I have a giant robot smacking me in the face with a lazer......why do I want to lock onto a badguy 3 blocks away? And if I do lock onto said bad guy in the different time zone......why can't I just use the R3 button to scroll to the next bad guy I wanna lock onto? It's more useless than a Gamma thread.
The story is a page straight outta Spidey2. We have the mainstory---but we'll throw in random ways to make sure we can get a cameo out of other villains. I know you need rogues to add some reasons for Superman to fight....but ugh.
The graphics are most definitely better on a XBOX360. If you're gonna play this on a PS2....drinks lots of water---because you'll want to piss on it later. The game looks horrible on the PS2. Accpet no less than the 360.
A couple more gripes---
The one feature I did like was the sonic boom. I was flying straight up as high and as fast as I could go and all of a sudden we see a white cloud explode around Superman as he breaks the sound barrier. At first it was extremely cool. Then when I could go no higher...I just hovered and looked down at the city/world.....then I just exploded towards the ground (trying to recreate the boom just like in the movie). I got my boom. But what I didn't get was an extra boost of speed. I thought you'd at least get a second or 2 of you going extremely fast from the initial boost (kinda like in Burnout/NFS). But no. You get the boom and then a bit of silence. No boost? Lame. But still........flying as high as you can then zooming towards the planet is as fun as climbing the Empire State Bldg in Spidey 2---then diving off (you all know you've done it more times than you can count).
The voice acting is boring. Yeah they got Bosworth, Spacey and Routh to do the voices......but they sound about as monotone as Macguire did in the Spiderman game.
The CGI for the films are weak. EA can do so much better than that.
Bottom line---this game was late and still feels as rushed as Enter the Matrix. If this is the best they can some up with---they should've just left it alone. Maybe worth a rental over the weekend just for the novelty of playing as Superman in a freeroam enviroment......but NOT worth a buy. Unless you're a HUGE Superman fan and just have to collect all things Superman. And even then---buy the game---play it for an hour or 2---put it deep at the bottoms of your game stack---and go watch your Superman: Brainiac Attacks DVD.
Ugh..... :sick:
Shame too. :cry: