Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
I commented about this in the Superman movie sequel thread.
I commented about this in the Superman movie sequel thread.
It was alright. My main criticism is the whole Superman is a vegetarian
Still the most hilarious criticism of a GN I've seen. It wasn't even mentioned in the story!
So wait a minute...what continuity is this in?
It was originally an infite crisis revamp, like GA: Year One. But then they thought it wasn't good enough? or changed too much? or just they'd like superman more like the films.
and I see Johns is doing another origin story this year, to supercede this. (which will be lke superman I ?)
This is one of those books that I'm sure is great and classic and yada yada yada, but I just cannot bring myself to become interested in it. Even with Yu art.
This is one of those books that I'm sure is great and classic and yada yada yada, but I just cannot bring myself to become interested in it. Even with Yu art.
It's also written by Mark Waid. You liked some of his FANTASTIC FOUR fun and he writes a great Superman. It's a good read.
God, I just re-read this in two sittings and I love it so much. It's so the greatest Superman movie never made.
The only ever so minor problem I have with it is that there isn't really enough chemistry between Lois and Clark/Superman.
In fact, I think that this story is most suited to a series of self-contained stories, rather than taking place in the larger DCU Universe. I'd love to see Waid write a series of sequels.
In a Superman related side note: I was just watching SupermanI last night and to this's hard to not become giddy when Superman catches Lois as she's falling from the helicopter and he says, "Don't worry Miss, I've got you."
It's just so pimpin'.