Stupidest Comic Book Ideas Ever...

TheManWithoutFear said:
Why was Avengers: West Coast a bad idea. I don't know anything about them but the sound of it seems like a good idea and maybe it was just badly written. It's about time a super hero team was based somewhere other than NY.

Well, besides the fact that the writing sucked....

The Avengers aren't just the East Coast avengers, just like the Justice League doesn't just patrol the moon. Giving one Country two superhero teams (neither of which were well written at the time) with the same name, goals, and history.... and I mean... What's the point?

<---Will be reading the Clone Saga thingie

And I know there were explanations, but when it was going on it was "WTFH is Going ON!?"
Dr.Strangefate said:
3. Onslaught
4. the resulting "Heroes Reborn" story-arc
6. Avengers: West Coast

3 and 4 I heartily agree with. Had I been reading comics at the time I probably would have just stopped for the total suckiness.

Completely disagree with West Coast Avengers, though. Yeah, it had some not so great story-lines as they fired or switched-out writers a little too abruptly, but it was often better than the regular Avengers book. Compared to other books at the time it was actually pretty good.
thee great one said:
Ultimate Iron Man.

Disagreed. It was a good idea for a series.

BUT - blue skin, healing factor, brain body - all stupid.
The Clone Saga was originally supposed to last two or three months, if that. But Marvel, because they were going through bankruptcy, decided to milk it for all it was worth so they could get more money.

But on topic...

Ultimate Iron Man
Putting Wolverine on every single super-team
Changing the Sentry so he could be a normal superhero (I hate you, Bendis)
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Entropy said:
THE stupidest idea ever?


I completely and wholeheartedly disagree...

Bucky on the other hand, I'd give you, because that's throwing a kid into World War two...

Well... maybe Robin wasn't a great Idea back when it first happened, but all three robins are some of the best DC characters ever... So yeah.
Dr.Strangefate said:
I completely and wholeheartedly disagree...

Bucky on the other hand, I'd give you, because that's throwing a kid into World War two...

Well... maybe Robin wasn't a great Idea back when it first happened, but all three robins are some of the best DC characters ever... So yeah.

Yes, all three Robins have been great characters. It was still a bad idea. Bucky at least made more sense. For one thing, he was always portrayed as being a teenager, not an 8 year old boy. Just a few years younger than the kids who were getting shipped off to North Africa or the Pacific and probably older than some of the kids who were working in the Resistance. Still not the best idea but the way he has been retroactively written and the influence he has had on Cap and his career make up for it.
I believe Alex Ross said something along the lines of "Robin is one of the stupidest ideas for a character ever, but he's such a huge part of the Batman mythos and he's been written so interestingly that there's no way you can get rid of him or forget about him." (Not his exact words). Robin may be ridiculous but he's an important character. And when you think about it, most comic book characters are ridiculous and stupid ideas. A Kryptonian that looks totally human. A radioactive spider-bite that gives you powers instead of plane ol' cancer. And the whole concept of mutants with incredible abilities? C'mon.

Kon-El Superboy

Brainiac 13's Y2K makeover of Metropolis

Death of Superman/ the four Superman Clones

Lex Luthor "dying" of cancer, cloned as Lex II, and selling his soul to be restored.


Every Green Goblin after Harry
Bullseye getting Adamantium bones
Sprite(Shadowcat)'s old costume with the rollerskates and disco design.
Prof. X getting a cloned Sh'iar body and then breaking his spine again.
wait just a gosh darned second...

What's your problem with Kon-El?


But on topic, let's not forget Nightwing's Disco Outfit, The Punisher that hunted demons and the sort...

EVERY SINGLE COSTUME in the original Squadron Supreme.

"Let's turn Superman into Hyperion!" in the very very end of Dark Knight Strikes again.

G'nort. 'nuff said

And with the Fantastacular Archie Comics, why the hell did they need to go around and introduce Cheryl Blossom. She was like a WORSE version of Veronica! Come on, Archie, we all know that you'd be best off with Betty.

Also, don't forget that Wolverine thinks Jughead is the most powerful mutant alive (plz see "Archie versus The Punisher" #1 for details)
Dr.Strangefate said:
Also, don't forget that Wolverine thinks Jughead is the most powerful mutant alive (plz see "Archie versus The Punisher" #1 for details)

He's gotta be. I don't even think The Blob could pack away the burgers like Jugghead can. :wink:
Planet-man said:
I think he cheapens Superman. We only need one Superman. I mean, after all he is Superman.

Hate to burst your bubble, but there hasn't been -one- superman since the 40's...

Superboy, Supergirl, Superwoman, Captain Marvel, Hyperion, Supreme, Apollo... etc.

I think Kon-El rises above the others because he is the spawn of one of the greatest goods, and one of the greatest evils.

I thought he was a crap character before, when he was just a 16 yr old clone of Superman... but now he has something special to him.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Hate to burst your bubble, but there hasn't been -one- superman since the 40's...

Superboy, Supergirl, Superwoman, Captain Marvel, Hyperion, Supreme, Apollo... etc.

Well, Supergirl and Superwoman don't count, because I said I want them gone too. Captain Marvel isn't Superman, as he has a completely different costume, powers, and origin. I don't know who the other 3 are.

Bubble bursting deflected. Situation: Stable.:wink:
Planet-man said:
Kon-El Superboy
Every Green Goblin after Harry
Sprite(Shadowcat)'s old costume with the rollerskates and disco design.
I agree with all of these, especially the first two. The Kon-El Superboy is just...bleh. He's only something special to DSF because he thinks he's hot. ;)
Dr.Strangefate said:
wait just a gosh darned second...

What's your problem with Kon-El?


But on topic, let's not forget Nightwing's Disco Outfit, The Punisher that hunted demons and the sort...

EVERY SINGLE COSTUME in the original Squadron Supreme.

"Let's turn Superman into Hyperion!" in the very very end of Dark Knight Strikes again.

G'nort. 'nuff said

And with the Fantastacular Archie Comics, why the hell did they need to go around and introduce Cheryl Blossom. She was like a WORSE version of Veronica! Come on, Archie, we all know that you'd be best off with Betty.

Also, don't forget that Wolverine thinks Jughead is the most powerful mutant alive (plz see "Archie versus The Punisher" #1 for details)
"Archie meets The Punisher" is the greatest idea ever.

And I need to go write the full version of my "Ultimate Archie Meets Punisher" one-shot:

moonmaster said:
Ultimate Archie meets Ultimate Punisher:

"The Riverdale Gang" are a dangeroous street gang. While making a visit to his favorite crack house, "R-Chee" and the gang (Jugass, Betti, Veronilishala) are attacked by a crazed vigilante who calls himself the Punisher. After a bloody gunfight the Riverdale Gang escapes with their lives intact. Upon their return to school, they meet an odd looking new student named Frankie Castle. After much suspicion, the Gang finds out that Frankie is really the Punisher and a narc trying to infiltrate the school. They shoot him to death with an AK-47. They then chop off his head and make it into a bong (now that's realistic).
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