Stranger Things - Timeline (continued)


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2019


The timeline for Stranger Things was unfinished due to DIrishB's leaving us too soon.

It's comprised of the following properties:
  • Stranger Things (Netflix TV Show)
  • Stranger Things - Minute by Minute with Brenda Wood (Link)
  • Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds (Novel Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (Novel Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: SIX (Comic Tie-In)
  • Stranger Things: Into the Fire (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: Halloween Special (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: Zombie Boys (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: The Bully (Comic Tie-in)
  • Stranger Things: Summer Camp (Comic Tie-in)

My edits don't include characters having quick-cut flashbacks (eg: Will getting possessed by the Mind Flayer) because the flashbacks 1) show nothing new and 2) aren't shown from different angles or perspectives. I HAVE included flashbacks which do those two things.

I have also included the 4-part comic book tie-in which showcases Will in the Upside-Down as well as the brand-new comic book tie-in, "SIX", which takes place in the 70's and gives us another victim of the Hawkins Lab experiments.

The books are here but page guides are missing because I don't own them but will try to get a hold of them soon.

Please let me know if anyone has suggestions.

DIrishB's original notes (with edits):

"This is the detailed timeline for Netflix's Stranger Things series. So far, the timeline includes all episodes from the first three seasons, broken up by time coding for flashbacks, and the webisode/promo Stranger Things - Minute by Minute with Brenda Wood, which is most likely non canon since it conflicts with the show's timeline (the promo dates itself sometime in October before Halloween, despite utilizing events in the show that didn't happen until mid November, 1983). For now its included for completeness' sake. Also included are the prequel novel (in bold blue italicized text) and comic book series (in bold green italicized text) by Dark Horse."


July 20th

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 6-19)

July 21st
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 20-31)

August 15th
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 32-34)

August 18th
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 35-56)

September ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 57-63)

September ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 64-66)

September ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 67-80)

October 30th
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 81-91)

October 31st
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 92-101)

November 3rd
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 102-109)

November ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 110-118)

November ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 118-122)

December 1st
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 123-127)

December ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 127-129)

December ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 130-135)

December ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 135-141)

December ???
Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 141-144)



Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 145-170)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 171-191)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 192-216)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 217-237)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 238-261)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 262-282)


Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg. 1-2)

Stranger Things - Suspicious Minds (pg. 283-287)


June 4
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 155-157)



Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg. 4-6)



Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1
(pg 11-12)

Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down"
(0:11:16 - 0:11:51)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:18:04 - 0:18:41)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:37:59 - 0:38:05)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:38:15 - 0:38:22)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:40:18 - 0:40:43)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:41:04 - 0:41:10)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:41:22 - 0:41:34)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:41:37 - 0:42:01)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:42:09 - 0:42:11)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:49:17 - 0:50:31)



Stranger Things: SIX #1
(pg. 9-11)


May 17
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town
(pg. 36-46)

Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg. 17-19)

Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 5-6)

Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 12-14)
Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 17-18)


Stranger Things: SIX #3 (pg. 5)
Stranger Things: SIX #3 (pg. 8)

July 4
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 17-33)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 50-53)

July 5
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 54-87)

July 6
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 88-101)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 107-113)

July 7
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 116-134)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 137-150)

July 8
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 151-154)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 158-175)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 178-190)

July 9
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 191-204)

July 10
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 205-215)

July 12
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 219-220)

July 13
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 221-237)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 241-307)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 310-318)

July 14
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 319-345)

July 26
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 346-350)

December 25
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 353-355)



Stranger Things: SIX #1
(pg. 2-4)
Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg.6-9)
Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg.11-17)
Stranger Things: SIX #1 (pg.19-20)

Stranger Things: SIX #2
(pg. 1-5 - up to bottom left panel)
Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 6-11)
Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 14-16)

Stranger Things: SIX #2 (pg. 18-20)

Stranger Things: SIX #3 (pg. 1-4)
Stranger Things: SIX #3 (pg. 6-7)

Stranger Things: SIX #3 (pg. 9-20)

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3
(pg 18 - first panel only, no narration)
Stranger Things: SIX #4 (pg. 1-7)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 1 - panel 1, no narration)
Stranger Things: SIX #4 (pg. 8-19)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 1 - panel 4, no narration)
Stranger Things: SIX #4 (pg. 20)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 4 - flashback only, no narration

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 3 - flashbacks only, no narration)

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 6-7 - flashback only, no narration)

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 4)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 5-6 - flashback only, no narration)


September 8th

Stranger Things 4x01, "Chapter One: The Hellfire Club"
(0:00:10 - 0:08:48)


September 8

Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 1-11)

September ???
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 12-13)

Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 14-15)



Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 15-16)

April 7
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 17-19)

Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"
(0:50:32 - 0:50:44)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 5 - flashbacks with Joyce and Will)



Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers"
(0:25:23 - 0:26:19)

October 31
Stranger Things: Halloween Special

Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street"
(0:16:47 - 0:18:11)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 12-13)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 11)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 6)



Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street"
(0:23:13 - 0:23:54)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:14:18 - 0:15:06)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:32:46 - 0:35:32)
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body" (0:37:36 - 0:39:20)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:13:32 - 0:14:20)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:33:15 - 0:35:05)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:42:22 - 0:43:58)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:14:39 - 0:15:10)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:19:19 - 0:20:40)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:41:03 - 0:42:19)

November 6
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers"
(0:00:00 - 0:02:30)
Stranger Things #1 (pg. 3-4 - lower panels and dialogue boxes)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:02:31 - 0:08:24)
Stranger Things #1 (pg. 1-9 - skipping game on lower panels on #3)

November 7
Stranger Things #1
(pg. 10-12 - stop at the 1st 2 small panels on 12)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:08:25 - 0:25:22)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:26:20 - 0:40:21)
Stranger Things #1 (pg. 12-16)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:40:22 - 0:44:25)
Stranger Things #1 (pg. 17-18 - stop after middle panel on #18)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:44:26 - 44:56)
Stranger Things #1 (pg. 18 - 20 - start after 2nd panel on #18)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 1)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:44:57 - 45:20)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 2-4)
Stranger Things 1x01, "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (0:44:57 - 46:16)
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street" (0:00:00 - 0:04:28)

November 8
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street"
(0:04:29 - 0:16:46)
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street" (0:18:12 - 0:23:12)
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street" (0:23:55 - 0:45:35)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 5 - Will climbs house for reception on device)
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street" (0:45:36 - 0:49:16)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 6-9)
Stranger Things 1x02, "Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street" (0:49:17 - 0:52:52)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 10, pg. 12-13)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:00:00 - 0:05:23)

November 9
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly"
(0:05:24 - 0:14:17)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:15:07 - 0:32:45)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:35:33 - 0:41:23)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 14-16)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:41:24 - 0:46:06)
Stranger Things #2 (pg. 17-20)
Stranger Things 1x03, "Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly" (0:46:07- 0:49:27)
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body" (0:00:00 - 0:06:02)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 2-4)
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body" (0:06:03 - 0:07:40)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 5)

November 10
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body"
(0:07:41 - 0:37:35)
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body" (0:39:21 - 0:42:27)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 7-10)
Stranger Things 1x04, "Chapter Four: The Body" (0:42:28 - 0:48:00)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:00:00 - 0:10:54)

November 11
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat"
(0:10:55 - 0:13:31)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 11, pg. 1)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:14:21 - 0:23:28)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 12-13)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:23:29 - 0:33:14)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:35:06 - 0:42:21)
Stranger Things 1x05, "Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat" (0:43:59 - 0:50:31)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 14-15)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:00:00 - 0:02:26)
Stranger Things #3 (pg. 16-20)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:02:27 - 0:08:41)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 1-5 - stop after the middle panels on #5)

November 12
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster"
(0:08:42 - 0:14:38)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:15:11 - 0:19:18)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:20:41 - 0:41:02)
Stranger Things 1x06, "Chapter Six: The Monster" (0:42:20 - 0:44:17)
Stranger Things 1x07, "Chapter Seven: The Bathtub" (0:00:00 - 0:36:08)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 5-8 - start after the middle panels on #5)
Stranger Things 1x07, "Chapter Seven: The Bathtub" (0:36:08 - 0:39:41)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 9-11)
Stranger Things - Minute by Minute with Brenda Wood

November 13
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 14-16)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:00:00 - 0:11:15)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:11:52 - 0:18:03)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:18:42 - 0:33:05)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 17)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:33:06 - 0:37:58)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:38:06 - 0:38:14)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:38:23 - 0:40:06)

November 14
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down"
(0:40:07 - 0:41:35)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 18-19)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:41:36 - 0:43:34)
Stranger Things #4 (pg. 20)
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down" (0:43:35 - 0:44:25)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" (0:00:00 - 0:05:49)

Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:22:03 - 0:23:17)

November 27
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons (pg. 21-23)

December 24
Stranger Things 1x08, "Chapter Eight: The Upside Down"
(0:44:26 - 0:52:15)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" (0:37:37 - 0:38:24)

Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog"
(0:04:18 - 0:05:14)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:14:51 - 0:18:20)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:24 - 0:18:32)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:37 - 0:18:41)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:50 - 0:18:53)


June 28

Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?"
(0:00:00 - 0:05:03)

Stranger Things: Zombie Boys

Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog"
(0:29:40 - 0:30:41)

October ???
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 1-7)

October ???
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 8-20)

October 28
Stranger Things 2x01, "Chapter One: Madmax"
(0:00:00 - 0:09:31)

October 30
Stranger Things 2x01, "Chapter One: Madmax"
(0:09:32 - 0:45:07)

October 31
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:05:50 - 0:22:02)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" (0:23:18 - 0:28:46)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 21-22)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:28:47 - 0:37:36)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" (0:38:25 - 0:39:29)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 23)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:38:30 - 0:39:35)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 24 - first panel only)

Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" (0:39:36 - 0:39:48)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 24 - last panel only), 25 -first two panels)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:39:49 - 0:40:40)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 25 -last two panels, 26-28)
Stranger Things 2x02, "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"
(0:40:41 - 0:52:44)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:00:00 - 0:04:17)

November 1
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog"
(0:05:15 - 0:14:50)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:21 - 0:18:23)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:33 - 0:18:36)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:42 - 0:18:49)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" (0:18:54 - 0:29:08)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 29-30)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog"
(0:29:09 - 0:43:46)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 31-33)
Stranger Things 2x03, "Chapter Three: The Pollywog"
(0:43:47 - 0:47:48)
Stranger Things 2x04, "Chapter Four: Will the Wise" (0:00:00 - 0:05:24)
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?" (0:35:49 - 36:06)
Stranger Things 2x04, "Chapter Four: Will the Wise" (0:05:25 - 0:09:00)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 34-41)
Stranger Things 2x04, "Chapter Four: Will the Wise"
(0:05:25 - 0:10:00)

November 2
Stranger Things 2x04, "Chapter Four: Will the Wise"
(0:10:01 - 0:43:08)
Stranger Things 2x05, "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" (0:00:00 - 0:08:39)

November 3
Stranger Things 2x05, "Chapter Five: Dig Dug"
(0:08:40 - 0:50:18)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:00:00 - 0:05:06)
Stranger Things 2x05, "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" (0:50:19 - 0:54:55)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy" (0:00:00 - 0:11:54)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:05:07 - 0:15:30)

November 4
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:11:55 - 0:29:06)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:05:07 - 0:21:27)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy" (0:29:07 - 0:36:02)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:21:28 - 0:26:34)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy" (0:36:03 - 0:37:14)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:26:35 - 0:37:20)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 42-49)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:37:15 - 0:42:55)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 50-53)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:42:56 - 0:43:50)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 54 - last four panels, 55 - first two panels only)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:43:51 - 0:44:40)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 55 - dogs running away only)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:44:41 - 0:45:06)
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 56-58)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy"
(0:45:07 - 0:45:55)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:37:21 - 0:37:45)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy" (0:45:56 - 0:47:13)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:37:46 - 0:41:12)
Stranger Things 2x06, "Chapter Six: The Spy" (0:47:14 - 0:48:43)
Stranger Things 2x08, "Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer" (0:00:00 - 0:03:56)
Stranger Things 2x07, "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" (0:41:13 - 0:42:16)
Stranger Things 2x08, "Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer" (0:03:57 - 0:44:37)
Stranger Things 2x09, "Chapter Nine: The Gate" (0:00:00 - 0:44:43)

November 5
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 59-60)

December ???
Stranger Things: The Bully (pg. 61)

December 15
Stranger Things 2x09, "Chapter Nine: The Gate"
(0:44:44 - 0:58:44)

December 26
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town
(pg. 7-16)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 34-35)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 47-49)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 102-106)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 114-115)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 135-136)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 176-177)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 216-218)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 238-240)
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 308-309)

December 27
Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (pg. 351-352)


April ???

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1
(pg 1-9)

April ???
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1
(pg 10-20)

April ???
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2
(pg 1 - narration only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 2-3)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 4 - narration only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 5)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 6 - narration only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 7-11)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 13)

April ???
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 14-16)

April ???
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #2 (pg 17-20)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 1-2)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 3 - narration only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 3 - present day only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 5-6 - narration only)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 7-17)
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 18 - first panel narration only
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #3 (pg 19-20)

April ???
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #4

June ???
Stranger Things: Summer Camp (pg. 1-12)

June ???
Stranger Things: Summer Camp (pg. 13-20)

June ???
Stranger Things: Summer Camp (pg. 23-42)

June ???
Stranger Things: Summer Camp (pg. 45-64)

June ???
Stranger Things: Summer Camp (pg. 67-86)

June 28
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?"
(0:005:04 - 0:10:31)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:26:24 - 0:26:27)
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?" (0:10:32 - 0:13:11)

June 29
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?"
(0:13:12 - 0:34:48)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:06:20 - 1:07:11)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:09:30 - 1:09:38) (video only)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:09:46 - 1:09:57) (video only)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:10:12 - 1:10:16) (video only)
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?" (0:34:49 - 0:35:48)
Stranger Things 3x01, "Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?" (0:36:07 - 0:47:16)
Stranger Things 3x02, "Chapter Two: The Mall Rats" (0:00:00 - 0:03:01)

June 30
Stranger Things 3x02, "Chapter Two: The Mall Rats"
(0:03:02 - 0:46:53)
Stranger Things 3x02, "Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard" (0:00:00 - 0:7:15)

July 1
Stranger Things 3x02, "Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard"
(0:07:16 - 0:46:31)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Four: The Sauna Test" (0:00:00 - 0:09:11)

July 2
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Four: The Sauna Test"
(0:09:12 - 0:49:31)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Five: The Flayed" (0:00:00 - 0:9:24)

July 3
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Five: The Flayed"
(0:09:25 - 0:48:48)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:00:00 - 0:06:22)

July 4
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum"
(0:06:23 - 0:26:23)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:26:28 - 0:40:17)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:40:44 - 0:41:03)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:41:12 - 0:41:21)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:41:35 - 0:41:37)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:42:02 - 0:42:08)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:42:12 - 0:49:16)
Stranger Things 3x03, "Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum" (0:50:45 - 0:56:13)
Stranger Things 3x07, "Chapter Seven: The Bite"
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt"
(0:00:00 - 0:55:45)

July 11
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt"
(0:56:10 - 0:56:11) (video only)

July 12
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt"
(0:56:26 - 0:56:31) (video only)

July 15
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt"
(0:56:11 - 0:56:14) (video only)

October 4
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt"
(0:55:46 - 1:06:19)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:07:12 - 1:09:29)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:09:39 - 1:09:45)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:09:58 - 1:10:11)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:10:17 - 1:11:52)
Stranger Things 3x08, "Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt" (1:12:26 - 1:14:28)
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Thanks for the timeline! Can you make a simplified viewing/reading order please?
Thanks for the timeline! Can you make a simplified viewing/reading order please?
I hope OP doesn't mind, I recently went through everything before Season 4 came out so here's a rough viewing order. Btw this timeline really helped work out when Rebel Robin takes place :D

If you've not seen any of the show before just watch it first and then come back and do the other material, it can spoil certain twists and the show is meant to stand on its own. The books and comics are a contradicted a lot anyway.

Suspicious Minds (Novel)
Six (Comic Series)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 1 (Comic)
Halloween in Hawkins (One Shot Comic)
Season 1
Minute by Minute with Brenda Wood
The Other Side (Comic, set during season 1)
The Game Master (Comic)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 2
Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins (Podcast, this takes place during Season 1 and alongside the Rebel Robin novel)
Rebel Robin (Novel, this takes place before, during and after Season 1 with the epilogue being just before Season 3.)
Zombie Boys (Comic)
1984: The Game
Season 2
Runaway Max (Novel, retelling of Season 2 from Max's perspective with pre season 2 flashbacks)
The Bully (Comic)
Winter Special (Comic)
Darkness on the Edge of Town (Novel, mostly set during 1972)
Tomb of Ybwen (Comic)
Into the Fire (Comic)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 3 (Comic)
Science Camp (Comic)
(Rebel Robin, epilogue)
Coming Soon: The Starcourt Mall (Teaser)
Season 3
Season 3: the Game (retelling of Season 3 with bonus scenes)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 4 (Comic)
Erica the Great (Comic)
Erica's Quest (FCBD 2020)
Murray Bauman Voicemail (Link)
Hawkins Horror (Novel, I haven't read anything past this yet.)
Kamchtka (Comic)
FCBD 2022 (Comic)
Season 4
Lucas on the Line (Novel, retelling of Season 4 from Lucas' POV)

If you want to breakup the episodes of season 1 with the comics and books:
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 1
Rebel Robin Chapters 1 - 14
Halloween In Hawkins
Rebel Robin Chapter 15
Episode 1
The Other Side Issue 1
Rebel Robin Chapter 16
Episodes 2 - 3
The Other Side Issue 2
Rebel Robin Chapter 17
Episode 4
Rebel Robin Chapter 18
Surviving Hawkins Episode 1
Episodes 5 - 7
The Other Side Issue 3
Minute By Minute with Brenda Wood
Rebel Robin Chapter 19
Episode 8
The Other Side Issue 4
Surviving Hawkins Episode 2
Rebel Robin Chapters 20 - 21
Surviving Hawkins Episode 3
Rebel Robin Chapters 22 - 27
The Game Master
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 2
Surviving Hawkins Episodes 4 - 5
Rebel Robin Chapters 28 - 29
Surviving Hawkins Episode 6
Rebel Robin Chapters 30 - 31
Zombie Boys
Rebel Robin Chapters 32 - 39
Runaway Max Prologue
1984: The Game
Season 2
Runaway Max
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I found a short film of Stranger Things published by Netflix Latin America to promote the second season, this is a crossover with La Chilindrina, a character from the Mexican series El Chavo del 8.
I hope OP doesn't mind, I recently went through everything before Season 4 came out so here's a rough viewing order. Btw this timeline really helped work out when Rebel Robin takes place :D

If you've not seen any of the show before just watch it first and then come back and do the other material, it can spoil certain twists and the show is meant to stand on its own. The books and comics are a contradicted a lot anyway.

Suspicious Minds (Novel)
Six (Comic Series)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 1 (Comic)
Halloween in Hawkins (One Shot Comic)
Season 1
Minute by Minute with Brenda Wood
The Other Side (Comic, set during season 1)
The Game Master (Comic)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 2
Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins (Podcast, this takes place during Season 1 and alongside the Rebel Robin novel)
Rebel Robin (Novel, this takes place before, during and after Season 1 with the epilogue being just before Season 3.)
Zombie Boys (Comic)
1984: The Game
Season 2
Runaway Max (Novel, retelling of Season 2 from Max's perspective with pre season 2 flashbacks)
The Bully (Comic)
Winter Special (Comic)
Darkness on the Edge of Town (Novel, mostly set during 1972)
Tomb of Ybwen (Comic)
Into the Fire (Comic)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 3 (Comic)
Science Camp (Comic)
(Rebel Robin, epilogue)
Coming Soon: The Starcourt Mall (Teaser)
Season 3
Season 3: the Game (retelling of Season 3 with bonus scenes)
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 4 (Comic)
Erica the Great (Comic)
Erica's Quest (FCBD 2020)
Murray Bauman Voicemail (Link)
Hawkins Horror (Novel, I haven't read anything past this yet.)
Kamchtka (Comic)
FCBD 2022 (Comic)
Season 4
Lucas on the Line (Novel, retelling of Season 4 from Lucas' POV)

If you want to breakup the episodes of season 1 with the comics and books:
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 1
Rebel Robin Chapters 1 - 14
Halloween In Hawkins
Rebel Robin Chapter 15
Episode 1
The Other Side Issue 1
Rebel Robin Chapter 16
Episodes 2 - 3
The Other Side Issue 2
Rebel Robin Chapter 17
Episode 4
Rebel Robin Chapter 18
Surviving Hawkins Episode 1
Episodes 5 - 7
The Other Side Issue 3
Minute By Minute with Brenda Wood
Rebel Robin Chapter 19
Episode 8
The Other Side Issue 4
Surviving Hawkins Episode 2
Rebel Robin Chapters 20 - 21
Surviving Hawkins Episode 3
Rebel Robin Chapters 22 - 27
The Game Master
Dungeons and Dragons Issue 2
Surviving Hawkins Episodes 4 - 5
Rebel Robin Chapters 28 - 29
Surviving Hawkins Episode 6
Rebel Robin Chapters 30 - 31
Zombie Boys
Rebel Robin Chapters 32 - 39
Runaway Max Prologue
1984: The Game
Season 2
Runaway Max

I cannot find an online version of most of the books. I would love for you to help me edit the timeline. I am barely keeping up with the stuff I do already. :(
Well, it was fairly easy to work out this is set in 1985. Assuming there's no contradictions with Stranger Things, this comic seems to not be connected to any specific iteration of the Turtles (as far as I'm aware), so pretty much there's just an offshoot of the Turtles in the Stranger Things Universe.

Like, how Transformers exist in Ghostbusters Dimension-Prime, or Wolverine exists in AVP, or Xenomorphs and Yautja in the DC Universe (yes, those comics are canon to DC), or Assassin's Creed in Watch_Dogs, or Watch_Dogs in Assassin's Creed (they're confirmed separate universes), etc.
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I found some comics that can be placed on the timeline, such as Tomb of Ybewn, The Voyager, Kamchatka, Erica the Great and others.

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