Darth Vader #3 was excellent. Really loving that series.
Added a placement for what appears to be a novelization for the upcoming Battlefront game. If its just a novelization I'll probably end up removing it, but if it does offer any new story content, or is a new tale or side story to the game, I'll keep it in the timeline.
There is not a single thing wrong in that title.
Definitely not a fan of the unnecessarily long, overly descriptive and cutesy attempt at a title. Seriously, that title literally serves as a basic spoiler of the film itself, without the charm it was attempting.
Having said that, you sure those are canon?
Not 100% sure, but it was said they'd be doing new versions of the novelizations (probably so they could get rid of the original novelizations which don't mesh with the new continuity completely in certain instances), and I expect these are those. Also, the fact its told from the viewpoint of the characters instead of just a narrative adaptation like the previous novelizations may mean original content (scenes, etc, or at the very least those scenes from those characters' points of view).
Its listed tentatively, as everything else is, until its released. If it ends up not being canon (unlikely since 99.9% of what they release is canon), I'll remove it.