thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
This was pretty crappy.
This was pretty crappy.
Better than Ultimates 3?
By the way, I didn't realize this is apparently a 5-issue mini. That makes me feel a little better.
I just saw an advertisement for the Squadron Supreme series that listed it as a 5 issue mini series as well. Maybe they cut it short? Or the previous reports of it being at least 6 issues was bogus? I don't know. Anyway, you were right.
Yeah, that was weird, because it was always promoted as an ongoing, and if it's just a mini, why doesn't it have a subtitle instead of just being called Squadron Supreme? Something fishy is going on here.
Yeah, that was weird, because it was always promoted as an ongoing, and if it's just a mini, why doesn't it have a subtitle instead of just being called Squadron Supreme? Something fishy is going on here.
Well, it does have a sort of subtitle: Power to the People. All the individual issues will also have individual titles like the first did (in addition to the Power to the People semi-sub-title). Don't know why they didn't just label as such on the cover, though.
Back in the day, all comics used to have titles, and if they were part of an arc they would have the arc title with a number and then a real title.
Marvel Comics doesn't believe in individual issue titles anymore though.
This was solicited as an ongoing, the comic itself says the current arc is 6 issues, but the advertisement says it's a 5 issue mini.
No one knows what's going on.
In some places I've seen this being called "Squadron Supreme 2," like Ultimates 2 or Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. The comic itself is just called "Squadron Supreme" though (volume 2 I guess).
This was solicited as an ongoing, the comic itself says the current arc is 6 issues, but the advertisement says it's a 5 issue mini.
No one knows what's going on.
I'm still going to give this a chance. The way I see it, the original Squadron Supreme was created to give the Avengers a JLA-style team to fight against since that was well before DC and Marvel could get together and do that sort of thing.
In this series, we're getting the Supremeverse versions of 616/Ultimate Marvel characters. So it's almost like it's coming full circle.... and instead of someone creating the SS to do battle with the Avengers it's like they're creating an Avengers-style team to do battle with the SS now.
Confusing? Maybe a little. It looks fun to me, though. Not sure if it's the path JMS would've taken had he stayed on the book but I like it anyway.
I just hope there's some resolution to the whole Hyperion arc....I mean the story of how we get to that point, can it really just be the ultimate power virus? what about Doom?
This is Squadron Supreme Volume 3.