Spotlight on...

"shuttling between his job as an urban planner in New York city and active membership in the Avengers"
Ah! At last, I've been looking for a link between the world of the superhero and the dynamic world of civil engineering:)
He seems to be a character developed especially to relate to the youth of America in a time in its history when it needed positive black role-models. Social worker, life of crime, gangs, all the things one would stereotypically associate with that time. (1969 was the first appearance of him)
The character though, the only thing I don't like is the pet falcon. Reminds me of She-Ra.
I've read in Wizard that his alter ego has multiple personalities, being "3 different people." That's all I remember. He and Spider-Man will guest star on MARVEL TEAM-UP, in March's or April's issue.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I've looked all night and this is the best bio I could come up with... who is this guy?

I believe his name is Moonknight. ;)

I don't actually know anything about him...
Wasn't Ultimate Moonknight going to appear?
Moon Knight

Name: Marc Specter
Homebase: Egypt
Group: Avengers
Family: None
Relevant Comics: Moon Night, Avengers
History: Moon Knight was left dead in an Egyptian tomb, mercenary MARC SPECTOR was miraculously "resurrected" in the shadow of a statue of the ancient Moon God, "Khonshu." Believing himself to be Khonshus' avatar, Specter vowed to become the moon's knight of vengeance, bringing justice to evil men and atoning for his own shameful past. He adopted three identities to aid him in his quest, Steven Grant, Jake Lockly,and his hero name MOON KNIGHT.
Powers: Moon Knight flies, runs, and walks, at very, very fast speeds if he wishes to. He also has super strength. Moon Knight is very talented at martial arts.
and from the marvel guide:
Moon Knight
Real Name: Marc Spector
Occupation: Adventurer, entrepreneur, former heavyweight boxer, US Marine commando, CIA liason, mercenary, cab driver
Other Aliases: (former) Jake Lockley, Steven Grant
Place Of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Elias Spector (father, deceased), unnamed mother (deceased), Randall Spector (brother, aka Hatchet-man)
Group Affiliation: Former member of West Coast Avengers
Source Of Powers: Visitation by the Egyptian moon good Khonshu
Powers: Athletic (under full moon) enchanced strenght. Skilled gymnast and acrobat, trained as a boxer, expert in commando hand-to-hand combat, got scarab throwing darts, ankh, boomerangs, throwing irons, bolas, axe-shaped lasso-grapple and a specially designed helicopter (Mooncopter)
First Appearance: Werewolf By Night Vol.1 #32
List Of Appearances;
Werewolf By Night Vol.1 #32-33 (hired by the Committee to capture Werewolf)
Marvel Spotlight Vol.1#28-29 (set up identities of Jack Lockley and Steven Grant, information on Conquer-Lord from Crawley)
Hiulk Vol.2 #13-14 (information on Lupinar from Crawley, fought Lupinar, death of villain)
Rampaging Hulk Vol.1 #17-18 (battled brother)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #1 (met Marlene Alraune, fought Bushman)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #2 (Ricky and Ryan Landres begins working for Moon Knight, fought Skid-Row Slasher, death of villain)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #3 (information on Midnight Man from Crawley, first battled Midnight Man)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #4 (defeated assassins sent by the Committee)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #5 (fought Red Hunter)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #6 (with Crawley in St. Lucien, fought and defeated Papa Doc)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #10 (fought Midnight Man)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #11 (fought and defeated Cajun Creed)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #12 (saved Peter Alraune, Jr. from Morpheus)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #13 (fought Jester I)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #15 (information on Xenos from Crawley, fought and defeated Xenos)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #16 (fought and defeated Blacksmith I)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #17 (alerted by Benjamin Abramov of Slayers Elite, fought Master Sniper and Nimrod Strange, death of Master Sniper)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #18 (fought assassins from Slayers Elite, all assassins dies)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #22 (fought a Peter Alraune, Jr. in disguise, defeated him)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #23 (stalked by Morpheus, death of Peter Alraune, Jr.)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #25 (fought Black Spectre II)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #26 (met undercover working Crawley)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #28 (stopped plundrer Jellim Yussaf)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #29-30
Moon Knight Vol.1 #31 (information on Douglas Brenner from Crawley)
Moon Knight Vol.1 #35-36
Captain America Vol.1 #245 (As Jake Lockley, eats at Slim's Diner and gives Captain America ride to Brooklyn.)
Moon Knight Vol.2 #1
Moon Knight Vol.2 #3 (fought Morpheus)
West Coast Avengers Vol.2 #21
West Coast Avengers Vol.2 #23
West Coast Avengers Vol.2 #24 (joined team)
West Coast Avengers Vol.2 #41 (left team)
Punisher Annual 2 (Atlantis Attack)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #1-3 (on rescue mission to Burunda to save Marlene)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #4-5 (met Black Cat and Midnight II)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #8-9
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #10 (Acts Of Vengeance, fought Coachwhip, Ringer II, Killer Shrike)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #15-18 ("Trial Of Marc Spector" in Bosqueverde)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #19-21 (with Spider-Man and Punisher against Secret Empire IV)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Vol.3 #26-30 (stalked by Stained Glass Scarlet, seemingly dead of villain)
Marvel Super-Heroes Vol.3 #1 (captured the jewel thief Raptor)
Moon Knight Vol.4 #1-4 (alongside Stained Glass Scarlet fought Black Spectre II, Morpheus, Bushman)
Ok, Blink- first of all, is a girl.

Blink orignated from the AoA event. There she was brought up by the Sabretooth of that alternate verse. She currently is in Exiles. Her mutant power is to create portals that 'blink' you to other places in a 'blink' of an eye. (Both puns intented. ;))

That's what I can tell ya.
She was in the formation of Generation X, but died as the team was forming in a battle with the phalanx.
Her next appearance was in AoA where she was a member of Magnetos X-Men and after AoA shes been in Exiles and started a relationship with Mimic.
Blink also had a brief relatinoship with Annihulus when he was an amnesiac during the Blink miniseries. Annihulus however regained his memories and Clarice returned to AoA, a few months before it was destroyed. Just before the nukes hit, she was pulled into an energy portal and saved. She is very close to her father figue Sabretooth and is currently involved with Mimic.

Going back to Moonknight. Since the Handbook came out and I read up on him. I dunno he looks cool and sounds cool but his history bothers me. It's real long too... The whole time reading up on him all I could think to myself is this guy really needs an ultimization...
if i recall correctly Moon Knight was one of the first marel attempts to emulate Batman, he resembles him in so many ways it's laughable. The attempt seeminly failed.

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