Spider-Man Spider-Verse Discussion/Spoilers

So I just read Spider-verse Team-Up #1 and Amazing Spider-Man #9. I'm intrigued by the story. Team-Up wasn't particularly great, but I really liked ASM #9. I liked the original Spider-Totem story, even though it wasn't very typically 'Spider-Man'. I thought the deepening of the Spidey mythos was interesting, but didn't really make sense when JMS did it. But the way Slott is handling it seems more well thought-through. And he's clearly been building to this for a while.

I'm intrigued to know what's up with Loomworld and who Lord Solus is. I want to see how the Other (as well as the Bride and the Sire) fit in with this. My guess is that Peter is "the greatest of them all" because of his connection with the Other (who is currently in Kaine as a consolation prize). I'm also guessing that Silk is "the Bride." But I'm not sure who "the Sire" is.

Also, the universe where Miles Morales lives was labeled as Earth-610. The Ultimate Universe is Earth-1610 so either that's a mistake, or that's not the actual Miles from the Ultimate Universe.

Anyway, I'm excited to see where this goes.
This is confusing. I thought it was a miniseries but it's a bunch of one shots that all tie together?
This is confusing. I thought it was a miniseries but it's a bunch of one shots that all tie together?
No, never was. It was a story running through Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 with a some mini-series and also Spider-Woman as it starts out later this month.
No, never was. It was a story running through Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 with a some mini-series and also Spider-Woman as it starts out later this month.

ASM is carrying the main story, but Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Woman will be tying into it. The other minis (3 issues of Spider-Verse Team-Up, 3 issues of Scarlet Spiders, and 2 issues of an anthology called Spider-Verse) seem to be just side stories to showcase the various Spider characters.
ASM is carrying the main story, but Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Woman will be tying into it. The other minis (3 issues of Spider-Verse Team-Up, 3 issues of Scarlet Spiders, and 2 issues of an anthology called Spider-Verse) seem to be just side stories to showcase the various Spider characters.
Well yeah, if you want to get into specifics; I was just talking in a general sense. :p
It was Scion Canuck, not Sire.

The Other is Kaine.
The Bride is this Silk character.
And I think the Scion is the baby with MayDay.

This Old Man Spidey character has me intrigue on who he actually is.
It was Scion Canuck, not Sire.
oh, right. My bad.

The Other is Kaine.
The Bride is this Silk character.
And I think the Scion is the baby with MayDay.

This Old Man Spidey character has me intrigue on who he actually is.

The Other is definitely Kaine currently, but I'm just wondering if it will stay that way, specifically because they told Peter he was the greatest of them all, or whatever and Silk, who is the Bride (Ezekiel even told her she was the Spider-Bride) and he have some weird pheromone thing going on.

And yeah, I was trying to figure out who the Scion was and Benji (Spider-Girl/May's little brother) seems to be the best bet. But other options include May herself or possibly Miles.

As for Old Man Spidey, the options I came up with were Ezekiel or maybe the other brother of Morlun who was in the Superior Spider-Man (was it Karn?) But I'm not sure why he would have become good.
Or it could be the grown up version of Benji (MayDay's brother).

My newest theory is that he's a Older version of Superior Spider-Man. If you look up Last Stand Spidey, they look exactly the same, and Last Stand killed his villains.
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You guys might as well be typing in Chinese right now.
You guys might as well be typing in Chinese right now.


crap, you beat me!

:lol: here's the translation!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
What do spider can.
Rotate the page , any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Be careful ! Speaking of Spider-Man here.
He is strong?
Listen budget he has radioactive blood.
He can swing from a thread ?
Look overhead.
Hey there !
Spider-Man has to go .
In the night 's chill ,
At the crime scene ,
As the light stripes,
He arrives just in time !
Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Good-neighborly friendship Spiderman
Wealth and fame , he ignored
Action is his reward.
In his view, life is a
A great big bang up
As long as there is a pending ,
You will find Spider-Man !

"Good-neighborly friendship Spider-Man" is my favourite :lol:
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Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
What do spider can.
Rotate the page , any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Be careful ! Speaking of Spider-Man here.
He is strong?
Listen budget he has radioactive blood.
He can swing from a thread ?
Look overhead.
Hey there !
Spider-Man has to go .
In the night 's chill ,
At the crime scene ,
As the light stripes,
He arrives just in time !
Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Good-neighborly friendship Spiderman
Wealth and fame , he ignored
Action is his reward.
In his view, life is a
A great big bang up
As long as there is a pending ,
You will find Spider-Man !

Here's the actual translation:

Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spiderman.
Is he strong?
Listen bud— He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread?
Take a look overhead.
Hey there! There goes the Spiderman.
In the chill of the night,
At the scene of the crime,
Like a streak of light,
He arrives just in time!
Spiderman, Spiderman,
Friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
Wealth and fame, he's ignored—
Action is his reward.
To him, Life is a great big bang-up—
Wherever there's a hang-up,
You'll find the Spiderman!

It's the theme song lyrics to the old 1967 Spider-Man cartoon.
This only goes to show just how far language translation software has to go.
They should change the title of every Spider-Man comic to Good Neighbourly Friendly Spider-Man.
Be careful ! Speaking of Spider-Man here.
Here's the actual translation:

It's the theme song lyrics to the old 1967 Spider-Man cartoon.
This only goes to show just how far language translation software has to go.

Yeah, I realized that. But I wonder how translation software can get any better without it being able to think about what actually makes sense. I mean, language translation always involves some fudging to make it work in the other language. Languages aren't codes that translate perfectly into English words. Words and phrases have semantic ranges and can mean several things in any language. Some concepts don't translate into different languages. "Friendly neighbourhood..." is sort of an English idiom and "Good-neighbourly friendship Spider-Man" is decently close.