I totally think the new black suit is the symbiote!!
and the story is really building up well!!
forget about garga-nom (yeah i loved this name

this is the story we see on civil war and amazing spiderman
focus on peter , he has been willinglessly fighting on iron man's side , and iron man was playing games behind his back.that means a lot of anger against the registration side.and his worst enemies as thunderbirds (venom//gobbie) on registration side!!!
this is the story we see on sensational spider-man
so many villains attacking his family,starting from molten man to the chameleon,who has already been a real total pain in the butt of spider-man.which is another reason to get angry.and a damn good one
this is the story we see on friendly neighborhood spidey
mysterios , doc ock attackin midtown high , attackin peter , attackin kids just because he is revealed.and he is left all alone to fight them.
everything has been building up since the civil war begun.peter is simply hating every single detail about his life , and you all know where there is hate , there is the symbiote. so lets wait up and have some fun