Thinking of getting a ds (mainly for pokemon) is it fast to complete and is it fun?
I don't know about the game but a DS is a wonderful device I'd get one regardless
I don't like DS's but I really want pokemon diamond or pearl , if i get one I would want a couple of games. So I was thinking
Spider-Man: Battle for New York
pokemon diamond
Mario Kart
New Super Mario Bros.
and the GBA DB/z/gt games
Will we get to play as Venom again? That was an awful cop-out in the last game. The Venom levels just weren't any fun. It was just half-assed Hulking. You can't pick stuff up, you can just sort of...toss things. Eating people doesn't satisfy as much as it should, because they just get spat back out again when you're finished. I could go on and on...
but I know this game instead of venom it's Ultimate Goblin you play as
Meh, guess that's pretty cool. I much prefer playing as 616 glider-Goblin, myself, but this should be pretty cool.
Quick n00bish question: Can Ultimate Goblin actually fly or just leap great distances?
Leap, like the Hulk. Another similarity.
Ugh. There better be more functionality in this one, then. I have no interest in merely being able to 'toss' things. I want to be able to do everything that I could do in Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Yeah. I doubt you're going to get that in a cheap, low-budget DS game.
Holonasecond, is this not coming out on the TV-consoles as well?