Sony's Spider-Man Universe - Timeline

Now I know that the Silk show is on hold and probably will never even be released, but it's fun to theorize y'know

In the original comics, Silk was taken custody by Ezekiel so she would be protected from Morlun. Here, the synopsis outright states she escapes her imprisonment, meaning Ezekiel wasn't protecting her and outright trapped her for unknown reasons (possibly to experiment on her or something), whereas in the original he even told her that she could always leave (but not without consequence). However, that's not really what bothers me.

Silk is known to be the same age as Peter, although in the SSU, Ezekiel dies in 2003, the year Peter was born in, meaning that Cindy is at the very least about 20+ years older than him. That also wouldn't make sense, considering she got her powers from the same spider that bit Peter, but y'know, here she's the older one. Perhaps she could somehow encounter Madame Web and her team and get her powers from them and then get imprisoned in an origin episode?
Alright, not blocking then.
But I'm making my point clear as day that "Duuuur nobody likes this show I don't like cause my worldview is the law of the universe" is a 4chan-tier argument.
The Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon version is not my favorite incarnation (my favorite is the TAS series) but at least the show had some heart unlike that ultra bland looking Marvel's Spider-Man show (tho I didn't watch it that much).
Adding to this: We don't ever SEE Peter Parker in this universe. His life could be anything really.
It is safe to assume the comic 688 is an alternate future of 616. Apparently, the comic 688 had a different number (88896) before getting retconned to be Earth-688 (this happened before the Spider-Verse 2 movie was released).
The easiest solution would be that the comic 688 becomes that other number again and the Sonyverse becomes the actual 688.

Anyways, the only instance where I COULD conceive a live action and comic shared designation representing the same universe is Defender Strange being the same character as comic 617 Strange (as Sam Raimi apparently said in a director's commentary that Defender Strange is from Earth-617). Their history don't really condradict each other and the Earth-617 number has been used before in many comic stories without acknowledging one another. The movie designation (from the same studio that said MCU is 616) is likely a coincidence in the same vein as those disparate comic stories but even the live action appearance of Earth-617 being connected is a fun idea to me.

It is safe to assume the comic 688 is an alternate future of 616. Apparently, the comic 688 had a different number (88896) before getting retconned to be Earth-688 (this happened before the Spider-Verse 2 movie was released).
The easiest solution would be that the comic 688 becomes that other number again and the Sonyverse becomes the actual 688.

Anyways, the only instance where I COULD conceive a live action and comic shared designation representing the same universe is Defender Strange being the same character as comic 617 Strange (as Sam Raimi apparently said in a director's commentary that Defender Strange is from Earth-617). Their history don't really condradict each other and the Earth-617 number has been used before in many comic stories without acknowledging one another. The movie designation (from the same studio that said MCU is 616) is likely a coincidence in the same vein as those disparate comic stories but even the live action appearance of Earth-617 being connected is a fun idea to me.

It is indeed in Official Handbook A to Z issue 4.
I saw Kraven in theaters, but for some reason didn't see The Last Dance until last night. Shouldn't all 3 Venom movies now take place in just two years? 2018 - 2019? Since it's stated that Venom/ Eddie have only been together a year?

Also, was there any talk about the opening scene? (No Way Home bar scene). Looks to me that it was meant to be the same scene, just without the mention of MCU hero names (and skinny dipping). In NWH, you only see the flash of Eddie disappearing from the bartender's perspective, and in TLD, you see the actual portal, which could have been the same portal in NWH. Also, TLD cuts away before the symbiote piece is left on the bar in MCU-verse. So it appears that it happens in both universes.
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I saw Kraven in theaters, but for some reason didn't see The Last Dance until last night. Shouldn't all 3 Venom movies now take place in just two years? 2018 - 2019? Since it's stated that Venom/ Eddie have only been together a year?

Also, was there any talk about the opening scene? (No Way Home bar scene). Looks to me that it was meant to be the same scene, just without the mention of MCU hero names (and skinny dipping). In NWH, you only see the flash of Eddie disappearing from the bartender's perspective, and in TLD, you see the actual portal, which could have been the same portal in NWH. Also, TLD cuts away before the symbiote piece is left on the bar in MCU-verse. So it appears that it happens in both universes.
venom 3 fucked up the very simple timeline of all 3 movies with a stupid joke by ejiofore's character, who remarks on another character's christmas tree pin when it's "july"; the only real way this makes sense is if there was a time jump from between when eddie goes on the run at the end of venom 2 (very obviously set in november 2020) and when he settles in mexico to july 2021; unfortunately this makes the "we've been together a year line" also not make sense, although it really wouldn't anyway if eddie bonded with venom in april 2019 and venom 2 is in november 2020, it's already been over a year, albeit more-so than if it were 2021
venom 3 fucked up the very simple timeline of all 3 movies with a stupid joke by ejiofore's character, who remarks on another character's christmas tree pin when it's "july"; the only real way this makes sense is if there was a time jump from between when eddie goes on the run at the end of venom 2 (very obviously set in november 2020) and when he settles in mexico to july 2021; unfortunately this makes the "we've been together a year line" also not make sense, although it really wouldn't anyway if eddie bonded with venom in april 2019 and venom 2 is in november 2020, it's always been more than a year, albeit more-so than it it was in 2021
the worst part about this whole thing is if he just said "a christmas pin already? its not even thanksgiving yet!" or something similar, the joke still would have worked and kept the timeline intact
Does Venom 2 have to be a year and a half after the first film or can we ignore what Andy Serkis said in that regard?
serkis actually said frances was separated from cletus 25 years ago, which was shown to be 1996, so really venom 2 should be set in october-november 2021, but that makes even less sense, and the article that eddies writing at the start of venom 2 on his computer is dated october 2020
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serkis actually said frances was separated from cletus 25 years ago, which was shown to be 1996, so really venom 2 should be set in october-november 2021, but that makes even less sense, and the article that eddies writing at the start of venom 2 on his computer is dated october 2020
If that's just something Serkis said, it's clearly not the case anymore.

Computer dates can be ignored or retconned also.
Does Venom 2 have to be a year and a half after the first film or can we ignore what Andy Serkis said in that regard?
Venom is a year and a half before because of a tie-in video setting the beginning in October 2018. It just so happens that it matches with Andy Serkis perfectly.
Venom is a year and a half before because of a tie-in video setting the beginning in October 2018. It just so happens that it matches with Andy Serkis perfectly.
Ultimately that might have to be ignored too.

Not the Venom 1 date but the time passage.
What details will they change about the movies if that happens?
I strongly doubt Dakota Johnson or any of the Madame Web stuff will remain and events might be altered in the new merged timeline similar to DC with the Arrowverse stuff like Supergirl and BL being altered after merged into Earth-1/Prime.

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