Slasherverse - Timeline

It was gonna be the start of a new storyline but the run was cancelled after the first issue. I saw the comic being sold online for a ton of money.

Wait for It (Leslie Vernon sequel) has only been shown at select film festivals. It's somewhat aggravating because I'd love to see it, but until it becomes widely available... can't really include it.
>Chucky comic cancelled after the first issue and now it's a rarity
>The Leslie Vernon sequel is only being shown at film festivals

This fan film was made by people who went on to work on the Hellraiser films. It was an extra on Hellraiser: Deader. It was also covered in the official non-fiction book "The Hellraiser Films And Their Legacy".

Canon? If so, it's kinda weird that humanity was wiped out after building off-world colonies and such in Jason X.

As for the Hellraiser comics, well... the Boom! Studios comics share continuity with the Epic Comics run, which had a contradictory origin for the Lament Configuration. I believe the first three films are canonical in that timeline though.
They are. I probably prefer it to most Friday the 13th official movies.

But no. Not only are they an alternate sequel to Jason Takes Manhattan, but Rick Cologne is still alive. In canon, he was killed by Horace Pinker in Shocker.

Also, if you haven't, you should check out the "It's Me, Billy" fan film continuation of Black Christmas. That was pretty good.
They are. I probably prefer it to most Friday the 13th official movies.

But no. Not only are they an alternate sequel to Jason Takes Manhattan, but Rick Cologne is still alive. In canon, he was killed by Horace Pinker in Shocker.
Darn. Well, that's a bummer. Divergent timeline, perhaps?
Just listened to Tommy Tapes 6 to 8 from the Friday the 13th game, and got some notes:
  • Tape 6 makes mention of Joey's murder by Vick as being "yesterday morning"
  • Tape 7 mentions the Pinehurst murders as happening "last week"
On a related note, is there anything in the Producer's Cut of Halloween 6 that makes it unable to work in the Slasherverse, given that the film is overall a better version of Halloween 6?
On a related note, is there anything in the Producer's Cut of Halloween 6 that makes it unable to work in the Slasherverse, given that the film is overall a better version of Halloween 6?
I suppose not, although the theatrical version fits better due to Michael's mask being left behind and it showing up in Bride of Chucky (they're both set in Illinois too).

I think both have their positives and negatives. I prefer the theatrical ending more, I like the additional scenes in the PC version, I don't like incest Myers implications (there's different interpretations of how exactly that works so it might not be as bad as it sounds, but it still sounds yucky and gross), etc.

I do appreciate that Michael massacres the cult too. Combine that with how he operated in the tie-in comics to 4-6, it fixes issues with Myers being a pawn to the Thorn cult.
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It actually works really well, because Kent looks very similar to Billy, when he killed Joey he was singing a rhyme just like how Billy talks, and he was killed off-screen in The Toolbox Murders, which could explain his insane ramblings in Black Christmas (possibly brain damage?), or it could be an example of Eugene's fake deaths that he mentions.
The blu-ray for Hellraiser: Deader is pretty rare, so I guess I'm settling for the DVD. Couldn't find a Region B blu-ray for Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, so DVD for those too I guess. The timecodes might be a little off (compression of FPS, something like that), but I can't do anything about that. If anyone has the blu-rays of any of those, feel free to help me out.
Hopefully part of the OG continuity.
Maybe the new family rebuilt the Sawyer house after Texas Chainsaw 3D explaining its appearance in Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)? Kidding of course, but I wish 3D and Leatherface were canon to the original timeline. We already have to accept that the Sawyers can be brought back from death, so it could work pretty well anyway with the Sawyers supposedly being killed in 1973. My explanation will always be that the Illuminati (The Next Generation) keeps bringing them back so that they can keep instilling fear for whatever reason.

Dies: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2
Alive: Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

Dies: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2
Alive: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

Dies: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2
Alive: Jason vs Leatherface #1-3

Dies: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Alive: Jason vs Leatherface #1-3

The first four films are the same continuity regardless of what some people think. The intro texts should be look at as stories and rumours. Stretch appears in III. The Next Generation refers to two other incidents and then silence for 5 years (matching 1991-1996). Then, of course, Fade's comments about the other movies happening. I suppose you could take his comment about Leatherface being given as many chances as movies that happened could be taken to include Texas Chainsaw 3D, but... well, they were very adamant at that time that the only canon movies were The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Texas Chainsaw 3D and Leatherface so I guess we just lose out on Bubba's whole backstory (or Jed as it were).

My head-canon:
1965 - Leatherface
1973 - Petals
1973 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
1986 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2
1991 - Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
1996 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
2000 - Jason vs Leatherface #1-3
2012 - Texas Chainsaw 3D
2020 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2024 - Texas Chainsaw Legacy

You could technically throw the reboot in there since it's a completely separate family, but... that'd be a huge coincidence that there's two cannibal families in Texas that both have a Leatherface and attack on the same August 18, 1973... so ignoring that.
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