That's a good idea. Now for that work these guys would have to trying to replace Kingpin, which may seem similar to the hammerhead arc, but heck with that, I like it.
The problem I had with the last Ultimate Six arc is it was the Six vs. the ultimates and the six got stomped of course. For an evil genius, Norman's plan of attacking the white house was really stupid. If the new Six were more low key, they would fare better. Plus the Six vs. Spidey and his urban allies (DD, Black cat, etc) would be more of a fair fight.
Personally I would go with: Chameleon (leader), Vulture (give him some balls), Electro, Sandman, Kraven and Rhino.
Shocker needs a his own story in order to get some balls, Mysterio needs his own arc to be introduced as something other then a throwaway character and and carnage or venom would be too choatic for such a group.