Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil

I'm going to buy every issue AND get the hardcover, probably. Jeff Smith's stuff just looks so nice that it's one of those books I can put out on my coffee table and everyone, whether they like comics or not, will pick it up and flip through.

Exactly! My non-comic friends love my Bone HCs
I LOVE Pride of Baghdad

;) Everyone loves Pride of Baghdad - even people who don't read comics.

I left my copy with my mom, so she could maybe understand why I'm getting into the business I am, and she was absolutely amazed.

Pride of Baghdad is a work of art.
I just read this today.


I want more. Really badly.

Imagine what it was like for me, as a rabid Captain Marvel AND as a Jeff Smith fan...

The early delays killed me :cry:
This was great. Pure Jeff Smith good-ness.

And I think I figured out a future plot point by accident:

I was reading and I was thinking about how to redesign Captain Marvel, something I've been pondering for a while. As I was reading (before I got to the time travel bit) I thought "Wouldn't it be great if Captain Marvel was just Billy Batson from the future? And Shazam was just Billy from even farther in the future?". Then as I was reading about how the Rock of Eternity was at the beginning of time, where all of time and space existed at one point, I thought "Wouldn't it be great if Captain Marvel pulled a Promethea style move and destroyed the physical world, rejoining existance into one piece. And Shazam not only lives at the beginning of time, but the end of it also?"

Now notice what Captain Marvel says later: "I must confess, there are blank spots in my memory". Hmmm....
So, I got this and it sucked. The art was terrible. The dialogue, the story nearly incomprehensible - then I realised it was Onslaught Reborn. Phew.


I loved this comic! It's soooooooooo much fun! Although, I have to say, it scares me a bit because of Miracleman. Jeff Smith is doing a great job, but dammit - Alan Moore's Miracleman just makes me a little scared of Captain Marvel. But that's hardly Jeff Smith's fault.

Nothing is. He rocks. This is a wonderful title. And I love your theory Mooney. Makes a lot of sense.
It would explain the 'electric spark' Shazam and Billy Batson had when they touched. However, it doesn't explain Marvel's apparent disbelief at Billy's living conditions, nor his infatuation with hot dogs. It seems he's very old. That said, it could be he loves hot dogs because of the familiarity. Not sure. Good idea, very good idea. We'll see.

I love this title. It's so good. The crocodiles rocked.

Also, I worked out the code, if anyone's interested.

Basically, realising that the "Z" in the chapter 1 title had to be a word, it could only be A or I. When I thought of A, I realised that they had simply reversed the alphabet. Which they had. Chapter 1 is "Billy has a secret!" and chapter 2 is "Mary takes the cake!".

The fact there's a code that I wanted to solve... magnificent title.
#2 was great. Mary Marvel is so cute.

And Moony might be onto something with his theory...
I'm kinda in the same boat as E. I've thumbed thru this and I wanna get it....but $6 for this single issue is a little pricey. Plus I've been having some big buy weeks.

I've got some extra I think I'll grab these.
She is!

I love it when she pulls her hood over her face.

This comic is so much fun to read. :D
I'm kinda in the same boat as E. I've thumbed thru this and I wanna get it....but $6 for this single issue is a little pricey. Plus I've been having some big buy weeks.

I've got some extra I think I'll grab these.

Dude. It's SO worth it. I'm enjoying this more than any other book right now. It's so ****ing fun.

"Remember, the terrorists win if we change out lifestyles, so go immediately to your local mall and spend, spend, spend! KEEP OUR ECONOMY STRONG!"

Edit: Also, am I the only one who found the line, "We've lost! Quick! Eat the children!" hysterical?
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Edit: Also, am I the only one who found the line, "We've lost! Quick! Eat the children!" hysterical?

That was the best line in the entire book. :D

She is!

I love it when she pulls her hood over her face.

This comic is so much fun to read. :D

"Oh my God, you killed Mary!"
"I'm a bastard!"
"No, I'm okay!"
"Oh, phew."

The Monster Society of Evil is like sunshine, puppies and orange juice condensed into comic format.

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