Yeah, man, that's what I was thinking, too, when I saw those sketches... Wasn't that destroyed by Hammerhead? I know it was... I did a lot of research on that man!
I have a question for everyone. I just thought of this last night. Do you see a lot of paralells between the current Mark Miller run on MK:Spiderman and the Lee/Loeb Batman Hush run?
Heres what I mean:
Long crossover with short stories throughout
reinvisioning or slightly updating characters (riddler, Killer Croc - Lizard, Electro)
Showing or bringing in all of the supporting cast of Superheroes (Nightwing, Robin, catwoman, superman, etc all showed up in hush - Catwoman, avengers, x-men, JJJ all are making appearances here)
Hero gets severly injured (Batman had the huge fall and surgery, spiderman got shot and had a huge fall and surgery (or at least trama care))
Hidden Villian that we the readers dont see
I am not stating this as a bad thing but i was rereading the first 6 issues last night and I thought of this. Does anyone agree/disagree?
At the risk of sounding like a Marvel slappy, I don't think Marvel is copying DC at all. It's not like DC invented those character developments. Characters get "reinvented" all the time, major characters get major injuries all the time, and big appearences used to happen all the time - not as much so anymore.
Yeah i didnt want to make it seem like miller is copying but it is similar in the sense that these stories dont happen too often. We dont see 6-8 villians in 7 issues all having something new or different about them, Spidey doesnt normall get that hurt (they both had a bad fall too) It is the overall combination of the developments.
and i prefer to say that Miller is being similar to loeb. Not marvel is copying dc. Marvel publishes it , miller writes it.
Also even if they are taking pointers or using hush as a guide i think that it is great! hush was great and so is this (i actually like this a little better cause it is a spidey book - except Jim lee is the man)
I just was curious if people saw the resemblence... This type of storyline doesnt happen every day.
Oh, yeah - you're right. It's probably a big reason why Marvel gave Millar a new book to do this stuff in instead of having him take over an existing one.
Well, I can see your point, however, it really gets under my skin how these two companies have such problems with each other but mooch off of one anothers ideas. I don't see the point.
I think that was supposed to be a joke. Did you see what happened over at Bendis' panel at one of the Wizard World Conventions? It was DC vs. Marvel for the fans in public... Things are nasty between those two companies...
Looks wonderful, though, I'm still not so sure about this costume... What I liked about the other one is that the actual costume was alive, in a sense, it was always moving outside of the way Brock moved it. This one seems to be very "leather tights" to me. I hate to sound like a Queer Eye Guy, but that's what's up.
Hey, the Spidey-Buggy (or whatever it's called) isn't the real one. It's some replica that some college guys somehow made. But what I'm wondering is how it was able to drive up walls.
Also, what do you guys think of the new Venom? I've heard a lot about him and, I must say, I'm impressed with the reason why the symbiote is merged with this individual and I actually like how he is something of a tragic figure like Peter... If it's developed correctly, he could prove to be just as powerful as the other Venom!