
The Office (UK), Arrested Development and Curb Your Enthusiasm are my three favourite comedy shows but I have to respect Seinfeld because it's kind of like the father to all of them.

I also think George Costanza is probably the best sitcom character ever. I can't believe Jason Alexander never won an Emmy.
Arrested Development FTW!!!

I agree AD probably has the sharpest comic writing on every level, of any TV series ever. I just don't really think of AD in the same vein as other sitcoms. Even among single-cam or mockumentary ones it's far more outdoorsy.

I also think George Costanza is probably the best sitcom character ever. I can't believe Jason Alexander never won an Emmy.

I think Jason Alexander is privy to that rare level of acting where he's so utterly convincing people actually forget how much acting is still going on. I watch Michael Emerson and think "Wow, he's great at acting". I watch Jason Alexander and have to make conscious effort to understand that he's acting at all. People just took for granted that they were watching George Costanza. He's probably the most emmy-deserving comic actor of the 90s.
I just watched "The Soup Nazi" for the first time and now I want some soup.
I think Jason Alexander is privy to that rare level of acting where he's so utterly convincing people actually forget how much acting is still going on. I watch Michael Emerson and think "Wow, he's great at acting". I watch Jason Alexander and have to make conscious effort to understand that he's acting at all. People just took for granted that they were watching George Costanza. He's probably the most emmy-deserving comic actor of the 90s.

This is also true of Jeff Bridges who seems like he just walked on set in character. He's just so relaxed and natural. Which is so bloody hard to do. And he's not got an Oscar for it.

As for SEINFELD, I've tried but never been able to find it funny. :/ I'm missing something, because everyone truly loves it, and not in a 'guilty pleasure' way. Just doesn't work for me for some reason.
This is also true of Jeff Bridges who seems like he just walked on set in character. He's just so relaxed and natural. Which is so bloody hard to do. And he's not got an Oscar for it.

He does now; he won Best Actor for Crazy Heart.
That had one of my favorite moments
"So I reached in there and pulled out the obstruction!"

"Is that a Titlist?"

I'd rather watch Home Improvement, or Friends, or the Cosby Show, or M*A*S*H*, or Fresh Prince, or Boy Meets World, or Welcome Back Kotter, etc.

EDIT: or Full House.

That's amazing to me. I mean no offense at all by it; I just can't imagine feeling that way. I HATED Full House; my sister used to watch it all the time. All of those TGIF shows were terrible.

I liked The Cosby Show when it was on, but now when I watch reruns of it it's just not as good.

Arrested Development FTW!!!

AD is on a completely different plane of existance when it comes to intelligent humorous writing. It's so smart - I've never seen a show like it. It's a close second in my list of favorites after Seinfeld.

I just watched "The Soup Nazi" for the first time and now I want some soup.

You're pushing your luck, little man.
"What about that Bavarian cream pie joke I told you? There's no truth to that. Nobody with a terminal illness goes from the United States to Europe for a piece of Bavarian cream pie and then when they get there and they don't have it he says, 'Ah, I'll just have some coffee.' There's no truth to that."

Nobody likes Home Improvement...

When I was in middle school and Seinfeld was coming on, I thought it was hilarious. But watching it now, and this may be just due to oversaturation or a change in my tastes or both, it just doesn't thrill me. I mean, it's funny, to a degree, and I can respect it for what it did, but it didn't really age all that well for me.
You know I always wanted to pretend I was an architect.
So legally, I could marry your daughter!
I'd just like to point out how disturbing it is that you equate eating a block of cheese with some sort of bachelor paradise.