All of this Ultimate Origin/Ultimatum talk is confusing. I feel like Loeb really just wants to take a big, steaming crap all over the UU. Ending it would be stupid. Getting the right creative talent onboard would be better. Frankly, Bendis can do USM. Sometimes he screws the pooch but he's consistent. UFF is usually entertaining. Ultimates' only flaws up until now were the delays.
In a perfect world... Marvel would leave the entire UU in the hands of the right creative talent. Millar, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, guys like that. I'm already underwhelmed by everything associated with Ultimates 3. I know they were looking to get away from the highly-politicized aura of the first two Millar/Hitch runs but toning it down doesn't exactly mean doing away with it 100%. Where does it go then? Spandex and "big superhero showdown action" (aka just like EVERYTHING ELSE) apparently.
I hope I'm proven wrong but I just don't see it happening.