Scrubs (Spoilers)

Season 8 begins Jan. 6th.


There was a different promo that I saw last night where JD was viewing an X-Ray of someone who had a hand inside them and turned to talk to a Sesame Street puppet who said, "That explains so much."
Season 8 preview

Show creator Bill Lawrence said, just after the Season 7 "finale" ran, that the show had seen a decline since its peak, in Seasons 3 and 4, and that he wanted to get back to that. I'm not quite sure what he means. Seasons 3 and 4 were the peak of the show, I don't think anybody's going to deny that. But Seasons 3 and 4 had the benefit of having Season 1 and 2 as set-up. In fact, you can argue that Scrubs' decline was caused by killing J.D. and Elliot's relationship as quickly as they did. All the while, Scrubs has managed to keep its goofy, idiosyncratic sense of humor throughout the series, so I think the problem lies within what they have done and what they can no longer go back to.

Good to know they know the shows not been anywhere near as good for a couple of years. Unlike most shows where they would act as if now was the best point.
So I saw the two new episodes.

I liked them. They seem to be avoiding the horror that was the sixth season. This new season seems to be a meshing of the first and the very funny third.

Hopefully this stays this good.
So I saw the two new episodes.

I liked them. They seem to be avoiding the horror that was the sixth season. This new season seems to be a meshing of the first and the very funny third.

Hopefully this stays this good.

Although there was a different feel to the show now. Like a different atmosphere surrounds it, I thought. Still, it was enjoyable. I missed the Janitor in the second episode... :(

But what is sure that this is the last season with J.D. in it.
And Carla.
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I just watched the two new ones. I liked them. better than the last 2 seasons so far but still not as good as 1-4 IMO but still great. Though :please: no more Janitor. Hope he comes back. But so far loving season 8.
Surprised no-one commented on The Janitor been back :D, Also who do you think is going to be the new chief of medicine? I'm thinking Dr Cox maybe to bring his character full circle in a way.
The next episodes are next Tuesday. Thought it was this week, but it was a break.

As about who will replace Maddox:

Episode synopsis on wiki already said Cox will be the new Chief-of-Medicine.
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So I talked to Ice a couple weeks ago about this. While it's good to see new Scrubs on air.....I can't help but feel like the show seems "forced" now.
Last few ones have been cool. However I just watched episodes 7+8 and they dropped the ball big time on it. Episode 7 = great and I thought it was interesting seeing Dr Cox become more like Kelso and JD standing up to him at the end been more like Dr Cox was with Kelso was fantastic.

Then Episode they pretty much threw that out the window and had JD act like he use too. I hated that. They had this big change that made sense and was damn clever of them to do it. Then they take that away? Hopefully next episode it'll be back.
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So I've actually been enjoying the last few episodes. I mean, this season isn't really great by any means, but it's still been enjoying for the most part. It would be better with no J.D./Elliot combo (IMO I still think J.D. should've ended up with Kim).

I wish there wasn't one cast member not in an episode a week now. No Turk is no fun. And no Turk means no Turk & J.D. funny which is also suckage.