Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (spoilers!)

How would you rate Scott Pilgrim vs. the World?

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(though I still maintain that with Scott Pilgrim and especially Kick-Ass, it was mostly about the release date)
5 Reasons Why Scott Pilgrim Bombed

I thought it summed up all the reasons perfectly.

That had its merits but a lot of it seemed pretty dumb too("I think the desert scene was a reference to Wayne's World 2"). Writing off anyone under 30 as not "getting" the whole NES/SNES subculture(let alone ****ing Seinfeld, which only airs 200 times a day) is just naive. I'm 21 and personally, they're systems the majority of my friends got started on, whether or not they'd been released brand-new years earlier. They stuck around.

The Cera factor is something I was worried about since day one and is definitely a possible threat, but not for sure. It's hard to peg how many people even care. The majority of the vocal crowds have gotten sick of him by now because he's always the same or too associated with hipsters or whatever, but there's also loads and loads of non-constant-bloggers out there who just don't care. They find him funny and that's that. Call it "the Tyler Perry effect". It'll take until the next film to see if it's really him who turned people off and not this film.

I think the heart of the article is this though:
People say it's become cool to be a geek. That's not true. People have just started applying the word geek to cool people. Hipsters aren't geeks and geeks aren't rock musicians and rock musicians aren't old school gamers and aging gamers don't like musicals.

That's a great quote in its own right, but aside from not explaining why nobody saw Scott Pilgrim, I'm not even sure how much it applies to it. I think he's fundamentally misunderstood its appeal. I think a lot of what made SP so popular in the first place is that it's about a world that makes sense to "geeks"(or whatever you'd call us). A person doesn't have to be a laser-fighting rock star for that lifestyle to still mean a lot more to them than their actual one. You can go too far and be alienating and all that, but I don't think SP did, for me anyway.

The article has a lot of good(or common-sense) points, but I still think they only account for a modest failure, not a bomb.
Just got back from seeing it with my mum.


I liked it.

What I find interesting is that I think that the problems the comic had with the ending were properly fixed in the movie. So the movie fixed what was wrong with the comic.

Unfortunately, I think the adaptation created new problems because Edgar Wright, unfortunately, just didn't take enough of a chainsaw to the work. Yes, the Honest Ed's sequence isn't in there, neither is Knives' dad, but that doesn't matter. The problem is that seven evil exes was too much.

It just is. The movie is suffocated by them. The opening rushes at a frenetic pace and it builds up to Patel and then it never really gets a chance to breathe because there's another evil ex to fight.

In the comic, each ex had a volume devoted to it; the comic is much, much longer. Now, I agree that SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD should've been only one movie, and I'm so ludicrously happy that it is. It would've been fine as a mini-series but a single movie's great. But there's just too many evil exes.

I honestly think that if they'd cut out Lucas Lee (despite that he is clearly awesome) and the twins (who just filling up the numbers both in the comic and the movie) the movie would've fared better. Lucas Lee and Todd Ingram both fill very similar elements; famous douches. However, Todd also has Envy and there's the continuation of the battle of the bands, Knives and Envy, and there's just more to that build-up.

So imagine if Matthew Patel showed up, gets beat, and then we find out about Todd Ingram and Envy. Egg (her?) fights Scott and Ramona which of course, upsets their relationship and the big finale is the Amp vs Amp but instead of Sex Bob-Omb vs the Twins, it's them vs Clash at the Demonhead. Hell, Ingram and Scott already have a bass fight in the movie. Imagine if their bass fight happened at the end and that's where the monsters show up. Then we have Gideon and Nega-Scott because Nega-Scott is the greatest thing ever.

Also, was I the only one who thought that the Ownership Diagram of Wallace & Scott's apartment should've been colour-coded? That would've made it clearer.

Anyhow, SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD was really enjoyable, all the good stuff of the comics is still there - Wallace is fantastic (my mum loved him), Knives is right off the page - and it's done in a way that is just as much fun in the film as it was in the comics. It's great. There's lots of terrific gags (the guys in Wallace's bed; Scott doing up his laces; Scott diving out the window), the casting was great - Michael Cera was great - and it fixed the ending. It was a terrific fightical (it needs another name).

The only problem was seven was just too many. Making it longer wouldn't help; there's just too many and it gets repetitive and suffocated.

So, I feel, it's just like the comic; silly and fun.
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Saw this today. It was fun, that's it, just fun, nothing spectacular though.

I mean, Michael Cera was Michael Cera, not Scott Pilgrim in my eyes.

Culkin was awesome though.

I agree with Bass, the Twins didn't need to be there, and get rid of Lucas Lee, though he was great, he still needed to go. It was too much.
It's a shame, because it's a problem that's easily noticed and fixed, but clearly Edgar Wright loved the source material too much to really cut it out. I mean... he fixed the fight with Ingram so it had less of a deus ex. He fixed the ending so it was less ponderous and more intense. He added some great gags (like all the guys in Wallace's bed) and he cast it brilliantly. I just wish he'd stopped and said, "Hell with it. I'm really going to focus on Envy more because she's very important to the story, and I can have a great ending where Scott takes on Clash." Scott Pilgrim fighting Todd Ingram at a Battle of the Bands so he's taking on Envy's signed band she left him for just works. It's a shame, but it's like SERENITY: yes it's fun, it's highly enjoyable, but it's a cult film with a small audience not just because of the subject matter, but because it's not anything truly brilliant. We think SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD should be one of the highest grossing movies of the year because of it's contemporaries; STAR TREK, THE TRANSFORMERS, INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL, TWILIGHT... I mean, there's no question; SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD is a lot better than those movies, so is SERENITY, but they're still not great movies.

Another way to look at it; a 6/10 movie looks like a 9/10 when it's surrounded by 4s and 2s.

A third way; compare SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD to SHAUN OF THE DEAD or HOT FUZZ. You know it's just not in the same league and it should've been because it is precisely the same type of movie. Zombie Apocalypse in the backend of London, Buddy Cop in the West Country, Kung Fu Musical in Toronto. It fits like a glove.
I mean, Michael Cera was Michael Cera, not Scott Pilgrim in my eyes.

This is what I expected.

I haven't seen it yet and I give the benefit of the doubt to Doc, who HAS seen it, but I've seen enough of Michael Cera to question it.
This is coming to DVD on November 9 ... I guess the benefits of movies not doing well in theaters are that they get released sooner on DVD.
FINALLY just watched this. I loved it! It did a good job of keeping the charm of the comic without feeling like it was a slave to it. The music is great too.

I was totally right about Michael Cera not really being a good Scott Pilgrim. It was just a different character. It worked, and he did a good job in the role, but it just wasn't Scott Pilgrim.