Well-Known Member
And her whole human-pretend thing isn't yr typical "Why can't I cry? Where is my heart and my soul?" schtick. She's not learning how to be human because she has some secret desire to be human, she's doing it because she's genuinely intrigued and curious on a very rationalist level.
I know! She has an intellectual fascination with humans, rather than an emotional one.
Edit: Oh, and another thing. She's not trying to become human. I've never gotten the sense that she wants that. She wants to understand humans as part of understanding herself, a robot.
The comedy is different too. Most wannabe-human robos make the funny by speaking coldly or being callous. But Summeron makes the funny by trying to cleverly incorporate human behavior to FAIL effect. I think my favorite example of this is in the first season when Sarah picks her and John up to go on another fight:
JOHN: I call shotgun.
SUMMERON: I call nine millimeter.
Exactly. And I love how she uses "tight". She learned it, assigned it a meaning, and now she'll never stop using it, even though it isn't exactly the right word.
The actor they chose to play Cromartie/John Henry is great. I love how in "Brothers of Nablus," halfway-house hobo-girl tries to teach him the value of being sociable to get along with people. And he proceeds to make the most awkward looking smile ever and parroting, "Thank you for your time," all over the episode.
And then he clearly got fed up with that crap and kicked her out of the ******* car.
Also, Myron Stark was hilarious.
Also, Myron Stark explains so much about the world. Clearly, Skynet requires a communist dictatorship in Cuba.
And Agent Ellison's attempt to convert John Henry to Christianity is doomed to fail. Unless he keeps all scientific knowledge from John Henry and refuses to give him a copy of the Bible (which JH and Weaver-1001 both would find unacceptable--growing minds need stimulation), JH will quickly find the flaws and contradictions in the Bible. Can he really explain the entire concept of "metaphors" and "fables" to a robot? Either JH takes it super-literally and starts trying to convert everyone, or Ellison is going to have to convince JH that a) you can pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe, b) there are infinite ways to interpret the Bible, many of which are valid and c) JH should interpret it the same way Ellison does.
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