If they ever made a Saga movie I think an animated feature would serve it better than a live action film.
Maybe in terms of budget, but an R rated sci-fi epic (or even a cable tv show) would certainly be far more spectacular. And it's so different and interesting I couldn't see it not finding an audience, likely a huge audience.
I just can't even imagine not even exploring the possibility of turning this into some kind of movie or show. It has EVERYTHING and balances it all very well. There's something for everybody.
Exactly. It's something Vaughan does extremely well in taking classic genre tropes and turning them on their heads in thoughtful and interesting ways.
A Y-The Last Man television or movie series works the post-Apocalyptic angle, as well as a true examination of the roles of males and females. It'd be funny, interesting, and a sure shoe-in for a number of pro-feminist artistic awards.

It'd also not require a huge budget, just a lot of female actresses and extras, and it would be spectacular.
An Ex Machina series would work best as a TV show, combining the superhero and political drama genres wonderfully. It'd need to have a slightly larger budget to account for the superhero flashbacks, but its location scouting would be easier and likely less costly because it could mostly be filmed in a city much like Law & Order and various other cop shows are.
And Saga could really work either way. I think it'd be a tougher sell to movie studios as a hard R rated sci fi picture, and would necessitate removing a lot of the story and gags to fit it into a two hour movie and pass MPAA ratings. However, given the success of shows with graphic violence and nudity like Game of Thrones (both), Spartacus (both), Walking Dead (violence), etc, I don't see a cable TV series based on Saga as insurmountable, and as said I think it'd certainly find its audience. The only problem would be budget, but with a skilled special effects/CGI team handling the aliens, space scenes, etc, it could be done, and shows like Sci-Fi Channels Battlestar Galactica have shown extremely realistic and fantastic looking CGI for both spaceships and life-forms can be done on a television budget. Hell, using extensive green-screen tech could account for a large portion of the alien landscapes and reduce costs necessary for set-building. This would free up more budget for costume designs, make-up, and CGI.
It could certainly be done, and I'd love to see it happen. I know Vaughan and Staples intended it to be a comic only medium, but again, I think exposing it to as wide an audience as possible is a good thing for both the comic itself and for audiences who've probably never seen anything quite like it. It's definitely an original work.