After reading issue 2 of this comic, and here's my thoughts.
It's a Space Opera, plain and simple. You have the backdrop of this interstellar war that has been going on for generations. You have two parents, both with sordid pasts and both were great soldiers, who are now on the run because they love each other AND THAT IS FORBIDDEN. You have fantastical planets (though is does fall into the one planet has one ecosystem sort of thing) and beings, which all seem to be uberpowerful and have their own type of backstory hinted at, and with these dead children introduced in the last book, you have your Guide Character.
The problem, with me anyways, is that Hazel is doing the narration, which means she is never in any danger from the story. Granted, this is a Space Opera, the bad guys could be reading her thoughts while her brain floats in a jar, or she is narrating her death before being shot out of an airlock to her death, but I doubt it.
Also, as with most Space Opera, they are grandiose, huge, massive. Books about Space Opera (good ones) tend to be in the 800 page range, with sequels that are just as big, and here we have a comic sporting about 30 pages (if we are lucky). Which means it's going to go for the long haul. I simply would rather wait for the story to be complete before I really invest into it, but that is me.
So in short, Bass doesn't like it after six pages, Baxter and Zombipanda are telling him he can't enjoy it because he is over analyzing it, Bass distilled their argument into an overly simple statement to make them look bad and E is obsessed with Saga, and I'm "meh."
Do we have a Saga discussion thread? All of this talk about it should simply go into that thread.