Recommended TV series'

Anyone here watch FX's The Shield?

OMG this show is hardcore! I'm only halfway thru with Season 3 but DAMN!!!!!

This show is awesome!!!

I'd start another thread on it.....but I don't know how many people watch it and I don't want it to be another Veronica Mars thread where only me and Compound are talking about it.
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I've been watching the new Doctor Who since it started airing here in the US in 2005, and it's awesome. Campy, witty, heartfelt, scifi fun. Can't recommend it enough, especially if you remember watching any of the Tom Baker eps that used to be in syndication.
I've been watching the new Doctor Who since it started airing here in the US in 2005, and it's awesome. Campy, witty, heartfelt, scifi fun. Can't recommend it enough, especially if you remember watching any of the Tom Baker eps that used to be in syndication.

I have never watched a Dr. Who and have been told I am poorer for it.
I have never watched a Dr. Who and have been told I am poorer for it.

indeed you are!! i'd netflix it if you're interested, cause the dvds are kinda pricey. i think they've also started showing them on bbc america in addition to scifi.
Anyone here watch FX's The Shield?

OMG this show is hardcore! I'm only halfway thru with Season 3 but DAMN!!!!!

This show is awesome!!!

I'd start another thread on it.....but I don't know how many people watch it and I don't want it to be another Veronica Mars thread where only me and Compound are talking about it.
I love The Shield. From an 'objective' perspective, I think The Shield and Veronica Mars are the best written, best shot and best-acted series I've seen in years. The only reason I burned through The Shield faster than Mars on DVD is because it's more to my taste.

Perhaps the other members don't talk about The Shield because they're not old enough to be allowed to watch uncensored FX fare? :twisted:
I have never watched a Dr. Who and have been told I am poorer for it.

Oh, it's awesome. There are a few weak episodes, like Fear Her and Love & Monsters, but it has a nice mix of philosophy and humor and good old-fashioned scifi tropes, like body swapping and alternate universes.

If you ever watch Love & Monsters, stop right after the part where the main villain of the episode is defeated. Before that moment, it's pretty good, but then comes a sight so hellish it makes MJ Goblin look good. You don't want to see what happens next. Trust me on this.

PAVEMENT BLOWJOBS? Why? In the name of science, why?
I love The Shield. From an 'objective' perspective, I think The Shield and Veronica Mars are the best written, best shot and best-acted series I've seen in years. The only reason I burned through The Shield faster than Mars on DVD is because it's more to my taste.

Perhaps the other members don't talk about The Shield because they're not old enough to be allowed to watch uncensored FX fare? :twisted:

It's true. Both shows are completely awesome!

The Shield is so hardcore! There are times when I'm watching the show and I'm in utter disbelief at what I am seeing.

Like when Capt Acaveda was jumped by those gangbangers and forced to "do things" at gunpoint. I thought it was all gonna be implied.....until the next scene. :shock:
So has anyone else seen the show "Freaks and Geeks"? I watched the first disc last night and it was some of the most depressing **** I'd ever seen.

I don't know if I can take another 5 discs of these kids acting like geeks and getting ridiculed. So far the show seems mediocre and I can understand why it was cancelled after just one season.

Anyone else seen it and got any recommendations on whether or not I should stick it out for some big payoff at the end?

In other news....."How I Met Your Mother" Season 1 is on DVD now. Rent it. Seriously!
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As for Freaks and Geeks, I heard it got much better as it went on.

You're just trying to trick me into watching more crap. You want me to waste my hours. It's a trick. I just know it.

I missed most of the second season. Yeah, I watch it, too!

Same here. But now that my DVR service is back----it's game on!

I think it's been renewed for yet another season as well

It's because of the NPH. It's all about the NPH! The NPH makes everything better. You think Harold/Kumar would've been as awesome as it was withuot the NPH bestowing his presence unto the film?
Like when Capt Acaveda was jumped by those gangbangers and forced to "do things" at gunpoint. I thought it was all gonna be implied.....until the next scene. :shock:
Benito Martinez being forced to give oral sex to Latino gangers is the major selling point of season 2.
I'm being serious now people----if there are only 5 comedies you watch on TV. They need to be the following:

  • The Office
  • My Name Is Earl
  • Knights of Prosperity
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • 30 Rock

Everything is obsolete. Even "Scrubs".
I'm being serious now people----if there are only 5 comedies you watch on TV. They need to be the following:

  • The Office
  • My Name Is Earl
  • Knights of Prosperity
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • 30 Rock

Everything is obsolete. Even "Scrubs".
I watch them or at least seen them all, excluding KoP.

I also watch Scrubs. I like it.
I watch them or at least seen them all, excluding KoP.

I also watch Scrubs. I like it.

I've tried getting into Scrubs. I just can't. I watched the first 2 seasons on DVD and it was a struggle. It's funny--yes. But not funny enough for me to have any vested interest.

I think it may have to do with my dislike of Zach. I'm just not a fan. But Donald Faison's character is ALWAYS hilarious!