Pull Lists.

Well, at the start of the Ultimate runs:

Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men
Ultimate Fantastic Four

and everythinig else Ultimate

A couple months ago:



All-Star Superman

When I'm in college and neither of those two are going anymore:

That's right, I'm phasing out completely.

I might hit trades now and again, but I am going to spend my money elsewhere. And try to save against the massive debt I will have post-college. Plus, I might sell my comics that I own, get the trades of the series I liked, and call it quits.


It's been a good run.
Book Of Lost Souls
Cable and Deadpool
Ex Machina
Iron Man
New Avengers
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z
Ults 2
X Factor
Young Avengers

Astonishing X Men and Squadron Supreme soon to follow. Considering dropping Young Avengers and adding Punisher and New Thunderbolts.
Y The Last Man
here's mine:
American comics:
Street fighter II
Astonishing x-men

Samurai Deeper Kyo
Shaman king
Rave Master
Trigun/ Trigun maximum
Birds of Prey
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Teen Titans
Wonder Woman

Ex Machina
The Intimates


Astonishing X-men
Marvel Zombies
New Excalibur
New Thunderbolts
Son of M
Supreme Power Nighthawk
Superme Power Hyperion
Ultimates 2
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Spiderman
Ultimate X-men
X-men The 198
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Stuff I'm reading as of my last LCS trip


7 Soldiers
All Star Superman
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
Infinite Crisis (occasionally tie in stuff that catches my eye)
Jonah Hex


Desolation Jones


Ultimates 2
Ultimate Extinction
Ultimate Fantastic Four (might be dropping this soon)
Ultimate Hulk VS Wolverine
Young Avengers (might be dropping this, too)

Stuff I'll be getting between now and the end of the year:


Black Gas


Green Lantern Corps ongoing
JLA (relaunch)
Shadowpact ongoing

Action Comics
Green Arrow


Astonishing X-Men
Gaiman's Eternals
Ultimates 3


Older Books that I'm slowly but surely collecting in trades:

Animal Man
The Authority
Doom Patrol
Sin City
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I spend about $100 to $200 a month and I play that all at once since I ordered them. It should be shrinking with the crisis ending and all the tie-ins gone. That and I'm moving to trade only. Where I get a trade for about 6 to 10 bucks a pop. I'm not one that goes out and does stuff.
Pull Lists and Comments

Not your pull list for the week....but your entire list.

Ult. X-Men: Depending on who's writing the arc...one of the most consistently entertaining books released.

Ult. Spiderman: It's the book that got me back into comics. Lately it's been slacking in terms of story and action. But I stick with it out of loyalty and hopes that it'll pick up again.

Ult. Fantastic 4: This one is hit or miss. Sometimes the story is great like the "Doom" arc or the current "President Thor".....but then sometimes its a letdown like the "Namor" arc or "N-Zone".

Ult. Galactus: A great "realistic" sci-fi take on the campy Purple Planet Eater. "Nightmare" was great...."Secret" was ok..."Vision" was a little overrated...but "Extinction" has been firing on all cylinders! Although Silver Surfer is kinda weird in this one though.

Ult. Hulk vs Wolverine Probably the best Ultimate Mini to date! If you don't like the art and storytelling in this mini......go stick a fork or something in an electrical socket.

Ultimates: The greatest comic I've ever read. Period. I can't think of a single issue that I did not love. The art...the story...everything. If it wasn't for the fact that I pick this up at a comic book store, I'd swear that this was a highly detailed storyboard for an upcoming blockbuster movie.

Ares: Words cannot begin to describe my love for this series. If this comic were a real live breathing person I'd marry it. And if it was a guy.....I'd totally go gay for it and find some state that would sanctify our love. :lol:

Books of Doom: You really have to be a fan of Doom to enjoy this. It's Doom speaking in third person while narrating his life's story. If any other character were to do this....it'd be just plain silly....but it's Doom....so it works. The art is ok---but nothing special. Still...it's a great story and a must read for any Fantastic 4/Dr.Doom fan.

Capt America: I got 3 issues into this and I was ready to put it down. But then I decided to just skip ahead and read the "Winter Soldier" arc.........now I see why Capt was named IGN and Wizard's "Hero of the Year". I :heart: America!!!

New Avengers: If Michael Bay was gonna do a movie based on a comic book....he'd choose Ultimates". But then he'd be told no for fear that he would turn it into a bomb the magnitude of "Pearl Harbor" or "The Island". So instead he'd have to settle on New Avengers. And it'd be good. Althouh I can still do without The Sentry.

Young Avenger: Not really sure why I like this comic......but I do. A consistant read. You won't hate it....but it won't be rounding out your top 5.

Nextwave: Kill yourself if you're not reading this. It's that good.

New X-Men: I like the art...and the story is pretty decent....and I like some of the new characters. I'm gonna give it until the end of the year before I yank it from my pull list.

Astonishing X-Men Never read this until they announced that Whedon would be back for another year of this. So I picked up the 2 trades and I'm only on issue #4...but I'm hooked. It feels very continuity based so be prepared to Wikipedia some references....but the story so far is really good.

Punisher MAX: The definative Frank Castle. I cannot say enough good things about this series. The best part is that it's not continuity based! Just grab an arc from the beginning and read. "Slavers" had to be the best arc yet....but I still love "Kitchen Irish" and "Up/Down". A new arc starts this Wednesday.......GRAB IT!!!!

Sensational Spiderman: Up til now I've only read Ult. Spidey.....but with Spidey's new armor, I figure now is the best time for me to get back into 616 Spidey. The art is great. But we'll see how the story goes...

Amazing Spiderman: I like the story....but not the art.

Apocalypse vs. Dracula: It's Apocalypse!!!! How do you not like it?!?!?! The first issue was pretty undewhelming....but I'm holding my opinions until we get a couple issues into it.

Street Fighter II: I can't help but like this. I picked up the intro issue just for ideas for a side project and just really fell in love with the art. The story has always been the same.....Ryu in search of whatever he's looking for.....but the art does it for me.

Freshmen: Pretty funny. I read this off a friends recommendation and liked it.....although I doubt this will remain on my pull list much longer.

What's yours???? :D
Re: Pull Lists and Comments

Cable Deadpool
Captain America
Iron Man
Iron Man: Inevitable (Casey's miniseries)
Son of M
Ultimates 2
Young Avengers

Desolation Jones
Ex Machina
Winter Men

Battle Hymn
Fear Agent
Noble Causes
Rex Mundi
Small Gods
Strange Girl

Beowulf (Speakeasy)
Black Coat: Call to Arms (Speakeasy)
Fallen Angel (IDW)
Gatesville Company (Speakeasy)
Hunger, The (Markosia)
Living in Infamy (Ludovico Technique)
Local (Oni)
Middleman (Viper)
Modern Man (Narwain)
Mouse Guard (Archaia Press)
Paradox (Arcana)
Polly and the Pirates (Oni)
Robotika (Archaia Press)
Spellgame (Speakeasy)
Steel City Hawk (Narwain)
Supermarket (IDW)
Surrogates (Top Shelf)

There are also things I tradewait:
Walking Dead
Books of Doom
Black Widow
Sea of Red

and there are other random things I read when they are (infrequently) released or the mood strikes me.
Re: Pull Lists and Comments

Okay here we go. This is all I've been reading and plan on getting...

Ultimate Spider-Man (Not the most amazing there ever but it's constantly good and I enjoy it.)
Ultimate X-men (This is what got me into comics. If hasn't been great of recent but i love anyways)
Ultimate Fantastic Four (I like Millar's run. It's been fun. The art is amazing)
Ultimates (This is a must. I was never an Avengers fan until this book.)
Ultimate Iron Man (meh)
Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk (This as been fantastic. Excatly what I want)
Uncanny X-men (this has been crap. But with the new arc as actully been good and Bacholo art as gotten better. Tan's art is very good too.)
X-men (I'm getting this for the Apocalypse arc. I'll probaly stay for the new team too. The rest as been crap)
Astonishing X-men (This is the X-men book I love. Whedon is a genius)
X-men The End (The first book was good. It's been going downhill.)
New X-men I started this after HOM. It's been interesting)
New Avengers (I love the New Avengers team. This book rocks)
Young Avengers (I was amazed by the first arc. The art is amazing. And I really like the Hawkeye chick.)
Wolverine (Rucka's run was meh, I loved Millar's, and Way's has been good so far.
Sensational Spider-Man (I read the first issue and loved it)
The Incredible Hulk (HOM was aright. The first issue of Planet Hulk was freakin awesome.)
Cable/Deadpool (this one of the funniest things out there. I love it.)
Daredevil (one of the best comics ever. and Bubaker has missed a beat)
Punisher MAX (Graphic, Disturbing carnage. I love it)
Marvel Mangaverse (this has been fun. Nothing to grand)
Supreme Power (I still need to get the 3rd arc but this is awesome)
Action Comics (I have to wait and see where this goes with OYL)
Superman (same)
Batman (The Red Hood as been great. Hopefully it continutes into OYL.)
Gotham Knights (this Hush saga has beat Red Hood a little bit. I hated the ending.)
Detective Comics (OLY)
Superman/Batman (I hope this continutes to be good. I have some doubts)
Supergirl (I hope Rucka does better than Loeb)
Green Arrow (The ending before OYL was breathless)
Birds Of Prey (This has been alright. I hope it gets better.)
Teen Titans (This has been great.)
Seven Soldiers (I loved the first trade. I really liked the Zantanna issues)
JLA (I'm looking forward to Melzter's run.)
Infinite Crisis (This is so amazing. One of the greatest things ever)
IC Tie-Ins (I've been getting some titles that tie in like Hawkman, Firestorm, Wonder Woman, Outsiders, and JSA. Some has been good, some have not)
All-Star Batman & Robin (This has been good. I like the art.)
All-Star Superman (The first issue was good and the second was creepy)
Justice (I've been amazed at this)
Hellblazer (Carey's run was so awesome. The new arc is starting out slow)
Desolation Jones (This is awesome. It's a very bizarre comic.)
Spawn (I like this)
Soulfire (The art is amazing. I like the final fantasy feel to it)
Fathom (I dont know about this. It's been alright but I might drop it.
Metal Gear Solid - Sons Of Liberty (I'm getting into this more.)
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic (The first issue was good.)

Stuff coming up

Captain America
Secret Six
Iron Man
Civil War
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Re: Pull Lists and Comments

I am very impressed! I can't really offord my pull list!

For now...
1. Ultimate Spiderman: Not exactly something I look foward to, put I am a completest, if I had the money I would pick up the Hardcovers...
2. Ultimate Fantstic Four: Again, not something I look foward to, this however I do collect in Hardcover, all one of them.
3. Ultimate X-Men: The first Ultimate comic I ever bought, it once was one I greatly looked foward to, now, not so much. I also get this in Hardcover.
4. Ultimate Extinction: Nightmare was good. Secret was dull. So far so good for Extinction.
5. Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk: My #2 most wanted book.
6. The Ultimates 2: Naturally, my #1.
7. Marvel Zombies: I don't know, this series dosn't hold much excitement for me, I never really liked Zombies... But I get this anyway, mostly for the collection.
8. All-Star Batman and Robin:These guys are holding out on me, I know they can do better...
9. All-Star Superman: And this is what I mean be better, my current #3.
10. Nightwing: My favourite superhero, I don't really know why...
11. Robin: Another favourite hero, Drake is my favourite Robin, and his new costume looks cool.
12. Teen Titans: My second favourite super hero team, next to the Ultimates.
13. Outsiders: I mostly got this for Nightwing, and the cross overs with Teen Titans, but this series now holds its own in my pull list.
14. Infinite Crisis: Mmmmm, Crisis... Soon to be 52...
15. Mouse Guard: I like the Redwall books, and this seems like fun.
16. Angel: I was curious, The Curse sucked, Old Friends is better, but I don't know is I will carry on with Spotlight...
17. Spike: Not a hard hitter, I shelled out for Old Wounds, but not Old Times...

1. X-Men Fairy Tales: This should be a laugh or a great dissapointment
2. 52: Oh God, my poor wallet...
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Re: Pull Lists and Comments

There's a thread for this already. Someone do me the favor and get the link. I can't search for it at the moment.
Re: Pull Lists and Comments

I forgot some....

Ultimate Extinction
(I've loved it so far. I love what they did with the surfer)
Atomika (this has been good. The art is meh but fits)
Street Fighter II (I enjoyed the first issue I read of this.)
Grimm Fairy Tales (Big busty woman in sick twisted fairy tales. What's not to love)

I know I'm forgeting more...
Forgot even more

Son Of M
(this has been great to see what happen top Pietro)
X-Factor (this has been decent, Layla Miller creeps the **** out of me)
X-men 198 (The first issues have been great
Generation M (this hasn't been to exciting)
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As of march


Infinate Crisis
Blue Beetle
Jonah Hex
JLA Classified
JSA Classified
Teen Titans
Detective Comics
Batman Year 100
All Seven Soldiers
Birds of Prey

Dark Horse

THe Goon - Monthly
Knights of the Old Republic - Monthly
Hellboy - Tradewait
BPRD - Tradewait


100 Bullets - Tradewait
Y The Last Man - Tradewait
Fables - Tradewait
Swamp Thing - Tradewait


Captain Atom Armagddon
Team Zero
Desolation Jones
Ex Machina - Tradewait


Moon Knight
Marvel Zombies
Ultimate Spiderman - Hardcover Wait
Ultimate X-Men - tradewait
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Wolverine vrs Hulk
Ultimates - Hardcover/Monthly
Apocalypse vrs Dracula
Cable/Deadpool - Tradewait
Astonishing X-Men - tradewait
Punisher MAX - Hardcover wait
Daredevil - Hardcover Wait


The Walking Dead

With the big Wildstorm relaunch coming I'm trying to slim down my Marvel pull, probably going to go straight tradewait again on the Ultimate line and drop out nextwave.
Ultimate Spiderman
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate X-Men
Ultimate Extinction
Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine
Captain America
New Avengers
Son of M
Amazing Spiderman
Incredible Hulk

In the Future:
Moon Knight
Wolverine: Origins
Civil War
Annihilation: Silver Surfer

-couldn't be more basic:)

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