Pull Lists and Comments
Not your pull list for the week....but your entire list.
Ult. X-Men: Depending on who's writing the arc...one of the most consistently entertaining books released.
Ult. Spiderman: It's the book that got me back into comics. Lately it's been slacking in terms of story and action. But I stick with it out of loyalty and hopes that it'll pick up again.
Ult. Fantastic 4: This one is hit or miss. Sometimes the story is great like the "Doom" arc or the current "President Thor".....but then sometimes its a letdown like the "Namor" arc or "N-Zone".
Ult. Galactus: A great "realistic" sci-fi take on the campy Purple Planet Eater. "Nightmare" was great...."Secret" was ok..."Vision" was a little overrated...but "Extinction" has been firing on all cylinders! Although Silver Surfer is kinda weird in this one though.
Ult. Hulk vs Wolverine Probably the best Ultimate Mini to date! If you don't like the art and storytelling in this mini......go stick a fork or something in an electrical socket.
Ultimates: The greatest comic I've ever read. Period. I can't think of a single issue that I did not love. The art...the story...everything. If it wasn't for the fact that I pick this up at a comic book store, I'd swear that this was a highly detailed storyboard for an upcoming blockbuster movie.
Ares: Words cannot begin to describe my love for this series. If this comic were a real live breathing person I'd marry it. And if it was a guy.....I'd totally go gay for it and find some state that would sanctify our love. :lol:
Books of Doom: You really have to be a fan of Doom to enjoy this. It's Doom speaking in third person while narrating his life's story. If any other character were to do this....it'd be just plain silly....but it's Doom....so it works. The art is ok---but nothing special. Still...it's a great story and a must read for any Fantastic 4/Dr.Doom fan.
Capt America: I got 3 issues into this and I was ready to put it down. But then I decided to just skip ahead and read the "Winter Soldier" arc.........now I see why Capt was named IGN and Wizard's "Hero of the Year". I :heart: America!!!
New Avengers: If Michael Bay was gonna do a movie based on a comic book....he'd choose Ultimates". But then he'd be told no for fear that he would turn it into a bomb the magnitude of "Pearl Harbor" or "The Island". So instead he'd have to settle on New Avengers. And it'd be good. Althouh I can still do without The Sentry.
Young Avenger: Not really sure why I like this comic......but I do. A consistant read. You won't hate it....but it won't be rounding out your top 5.
Nextwave: Kill yourself if you're not reading this. It's that good.
New X-Men: I like the art...and the story is pretty decent....and I like some of the new characters. I'm gonna give it until the end of the year before I yank it from my pull list.
Astonishing X-Men Never read this until they announced that Whedon would be back for another year of this. So I picked up the 2 trades and I'm only on issue #4...but I'm hooked. It feels very continuity based so be prepared to Wikipedia some references....but the story so far is really good.
Punisher MAX: The definative Frank Castle. I cannot say enough good things about this series. The best part is that it's not continuity based! Just grab an arc from the beginning and read. "Slavers" had to be the best arc yet....but I still love "Kitchen Irish" and "Up/Down". A new arc starts this Wednesday.......GRAB IT!!!!
Sensational Spiderman: Up til now I've only read Ult. Spidey.....but with Spidey's new armor, I figure now is the best time for me to get back into 616 Spidey. The art is great. But we'll see how the story goes...
Amazing Spiderman: I like the story....but not the art.
Apocalypse vs. Dracula: It's Apocalypse!!!! How do you not like it?!?!?! The first issue was pretty undewhelming....but I'm holding my opinions until we get a couple issues into it.
Street Fighter II: I can't help but like this. I picked up the intro issue just for ideas for a side project and just really fell in love with the art. The story has always been the same.....Ryu in search of whatever he's looking for.....but the art does it for me.
Freshmen: Pretty funny. I read this off a friends recommendation and liked it.....although I doubt this will remain on my pull list much longer.
What's yours????