I watch it. Great show.

The first show was a great, all 2 hors of it. The last part was a great cliffhanger. Last night's episode was awesome, too. Great chemistry between characters. It's just told great, and with the new cellmate for Fish, things are gonna get going better for sure!

And incase anyone else didn't know, Fish's brother was on an old Fox show called "John Doe". And Warden Pope played Christopher Titu's dad on "Titus".
icemastertron said:
I watch it. Great show.

The first show was a great, all 2 hors of it. The last part was a great cliffhanger. Last night's episode was awesome, too. Great chemistry between characters. It's just told great, and with the new cellmate for Fish, things are gonna get going better for sure!

And incase anyone else didn't know, Fish's brother was on an old Fox show called "John Doe". And Warden Pope played Christopher Titu's dad on "Titus".

You're a TV Guru. Aren't you?

The chemistry is great. The lead character is getting a lot of praise for his acting skills. Personally his acting reminds me a lot of Hayden's in EpIII so it's kind of a turn off for me but on the flip side he seems like the kind of character that is methodical and always thinking, which is what he is.
I was originally planning to check this show out only because the pilot was going to be directed by Brett Rattner, the x3 director, and I wanted to get some insight on his style...

but now I'm hooked.
Another great episode tonight.

I thought the guy singing in spanish was hilarious and the ending was a shocker. The crazy cellmate, that actor is real good at that.

Preview for next week... yeaaaaah.... *Jumps into his time machine right to next week* (I wish :cry: )
The previews for next week looked amazing. That episode will be our reward for having sat through four episodes of...well, almost equally amazing content.

And by now, I'm comfortable enough with the show to say that I'll definitely be watching it every week without hesitation. Great series, truly.
Last night's episode was great. Really enjoyed the crazy guy. I thought it was good having him complicate things, which made what was going on more interesting. And damn, I only wish Fish would just beat the **** out of the guard.

The singing was funny. "Little faith, bro." :lol:

But that guy who took his girl, that was just messed up. Can't believe his girl won't wait. If she truly loved him, she would've waited. Her mind was poisoned with the "WHAT IF's" of what could happen with him in there.

Can't wait for next week.
The writing on this shows is so great. There's so many twists.

Anyway thoughts?

The Warden is going to bite it soon, I think. The whole plot with his son and the transfer he's just pushin' so many buttons and these secret service guys are so evil.

The way the secret service was with the bus kinda gave me the idea Michael wasn't just going to some prison but was gonna find his way on a backroad somewhere.

Fernando is an awesome character but I do slightly miss the crazy cell mate.

What's the deal with the tape and Veronica? Do you think her partner is a bad guy or her house is bugged? Could go either way with me.

Anyway Michael successfully stays in the prison in the same cell.

Fitz street baby!

I think this was the best episode so far. A lot of action goodness. And I knew already that Michael was going to save her, cuz they showed that part earlier. Can't wait for next week.
10/5 ... yes I mean that.

Best episode yet. When the captain started mouthin' off to Teddy.... wait how about just the fact that Teddy's back and that showdown with Burrows? And now Teddy knows!! They should've just killed him and the guard knows. Either he'll be grateful for Michael saving his life or at the very end Teddy's gonna be sneaky and shank him. Awesome. Loved the good doc defending herself like that. If anything I really wanna see the consequences of what happens when this situation is over. Burrows seems to be in deep **** too. I knew that guy was leading him downstairs to kill him like why would Michael be in that direction? Fernando was great as always. I think the guy working with Veronica is definitely helping the secret service. Great great show and best show on Cable Television. If you do not watch this you are missing out!!!