

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
Is it just me or is this the worst comic show outside of The Walking Dead? Horrible acting, they somehow made the plot of Powers the most boring thing in the world, the whole thing looks incredibly cheap, and overall it's just a really big disappointment for me. I have a rule about watching a full season for a show before dropping it (only broke it once when I quit Game of Thrones after the first episode) so I'm gonna continue but man, this is bad. Anyone watching/like this?
Is it just me or is this the worst comic show outside of The Walking Dead? Horrible acting, they somehow made the plot of Powers the most boring thing in the world, the whole thing looks incredibly cheap, and overall it's just a really big disappointment for me. I have a rule about watching a full season for a show before dropping it (only broke it once when I quit Game of Thrones after the first episode) so I'm gonna continue but man, this is bad. Anyone watching/like this?

Considering you just classified both Game of Thrones and Walking Dead as bad (both hugely critically and commercially successful shows), in addition to this being bad, and your general aversion to what other people like, I'd wager your review guarantees that this show is epically awesome. ;)

That said I have absolutely no interest in it.
Considering you just classified both Game of Thrones and Walking Dead as bad (both hugely critically and commercially successful shows), in addition to this being bad, and your general aversion to what other people like, I'd wager your review guarantees that this show is epically awesome. ;)

That said I have absolutely no interest in it.

TWD is awful, GoT isn't for me in the slightest. Me qutting it has nothing to do with quality.
TWD is awful, GoT isn't for me in the slightest. Me qutting it has nothing to do with quality.

I don't think it's fair to classify TWD as awful. I haven't seen Seasons 4 or 5 so maybe it changed, but the first three seasons were pretty good. Very dark and post apocalyptic, zombies, everyone having various shades of gray to their character (some outright dark, some just twisted by their twisted new reality, etc).

GoT is fantastic. Again, I know you aren't a fan of anti hero and morally reprehensible characters, so I understand you not liking that.

As for Powers, is it faithful to the comic or sort of a Super Mario Bros. video game to movie translation? I admittedly never read the comic, and never had any real interest in it, hence none in this TV show.

I don't think it's fair to classify TWD as awful. I haven't seen Seasons 4 or 5 so maybe it changed, but the first three seasons were pretty good. Very dark and post apocalyptic, zombies, everyone having various shades of gray to their character (some outright dark, some just twisted by their twisted new reality, etc).

GoT is fantastic. Again, I know you aren't a fan of anti hero and morally reprehensible characters, so I understand you not liking that.

As for Powers, is it faithful to the comic or sort of a Super Mario Bros. video game to movie translation? I admittedly never read the comic, and never had any real interest in it, hence none in this TV show.


The last half of season four was the best the show's been since season one but I didn't like the first half if season four and all of season three. This season is mixed. Last episode ended with the funniest moment ever though. The acting is terrible and the effects, especially the CGI, sucks. I keep getting taken out of the episode when zombie killing starts. Agents of SHIELD sometimes has that same problem.

Again, I'm a fan I just don't prefer it. Fight Club is in my top ten favorite movies as well as Dredd. My problem with Game of Thrones was the sex to be honest. If I want **** I'll watch ****. It just distracts me otherwise. Oh yeah, and the obnoxious fan base. That kind of fanbase REALLY turn me away. It's mostly made up of dudebros (the same people who think Mamoa as Aquaman is great because they don't know anything about Aquaman and genuinely think he's lame when he's not) and tumblr users obsessed with the incest.

It's faithful to a point. They change some things. It's the cheap sets, cheap lighting, bad acting, exposition dump after exposition dump, cheap costumes, and terrible dialogue that's really hurting it. There was a scene where a guy teleported to an artic tundra and it's the worst CGI snow and fog in front of what's clearly a green screen. They didn't even bother putting fake snow down because he moves and there's no footprint. The source material is awesome so it's really disappointing to see it be adapted this poorly.
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I have no interest in Powers. Everything I've seen and heard about it sounds terrible.

Also, I think it says something that they couldn't get it on a real network.
I've watched the first episode to see how it's like since I've never read the comic, so I had no feelings one way or the other.

It was bad. I didn't hate, but I didn't care about it either. It was obvious they basically had no budget. That's primarily the worst offense. The other is there's nothing to make you care about what's going on. At least for me anyways.

I doubt I will watch any more.
I have no interest in Powers. Everything I've seen and heard about it sounds terrible.

Also, I think it says something that they couldn't get it on a real network.

It was supposed to be on FX but then it fell into development hell. They almost started filming even. Then everyone got recasted and it got thrown up on PSN. It's a shame really.