Power Rangers Series Discussion Thread

There seems to be a rumour going around that "Jungle Fury" will be the last Power rangers series as we know it. After that disney are meant to switch an animated series , most likely cgi animation.
So, at what point in this new series will a new character turn up, who eventually gets transformed into an EVIL RANGER by the villain, who the main rangers have to battle until they realize it's they new friend/rival etc. They then free him from the control of the bad guy, and he joins the team.
So, at what point in this new series will a new character turn up, who eventually gets transformed into an EVIL RANGER by the villain, who the main rangers have to battle until they realize it's they new friend/rival etc. They then free him from the control of the bad guy, and he joins the team.

You've read the script for this season? :lol:

I don't know BUT an interesting note is the Disney toys of the next series have an extra colour to the Japanese version , could this be another American created ranger like the Titanium Ranger in Lightspeed Rescue
I've been watching Power Rangers RPM, mostly because I
heard it would be the final season of the show. And even if it isn't, I figured the nostalgia would be good.

That mature revamp Mole was talking about a page back? I swear this is it. The mere premise of the season makes it the darkest one ever. Humanity all but destroyed by a SkyNet lookalike, with apparently only one city still standing, with the Power Rangers are the only defense. Its Power Rangers with Mad Max, and I must say I'm enjoying it.

The series is still pretty campy, and that's a good thing. While I find the new take to be fresh, I think it'd be a mistake to not let it be at least a little campy. Frankly, camp has been a part of the series since the beginning, and I think it would be a mistake to abandon it entirely at this point. (Indeed, they can't. Power Rangers is at least partially a dub of Sentai, which dosen't take itself seriously in the slightest. This is probably as close as we're going to get to a dark and edgy Power Rangers.) There are parts where the goofyness undermines the dark storyline, but I found it to still be enjoyable.

The tone does bother me a bit. Not because of the camp, but because it's the last season. The world had been razed to an apparently endless desert by Venjix (the latest Big Bad) with only one city left standing as a safe haven for humanity. If humanity is truly destroyed at this point, then that also includes all the rangers from prior seasons. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the otherwise optimistic series ending in such a fashion. But then, the season just started, so I wouldn't be surprised if things have turned around for the better by the end. (Most likely by showing that the world isn't as destroyed as it looks, and at least some of the previous rangers survived.)

I haven't watched the show since Wild Force, and while it's not the greatest stuff I've seen, this feels fresh and original to me. If it truly is the end of Power Rangers, then at least it gets to go out with a bang.

(I find it darkly hilarious that the first season to make the series face cancellation was Turbo...and this season's gear uses the same gimmick as Turbo. Also, I swear Dr. K is a female L from Death Note.)
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It's not the last season. it was reported it was because someone who works on it said so but then it was confirmed toy company is working on next seasons toys for disney. So it looks like there will be another season.

The maturer series i was talking a page ago was Time force. The series before Wild Force (Wild force was bad I'll agree. had some cool things though) However RPM is awesome and is what you described. Darker story, Skynet like bad guy.

Hopefully Disney will keep up the tone next season what ever it is.
It's back! The original mighty Morphin Power rangers has been re-edited for today's kids.

Here is opening :


Take note oof the new comic style effects.

The 2010 version of MMPR includes things like a adam west style "pow" "bam" when they punch bad guys. New what has been described as Anime-esque moments

I don't know how to feel about these changes part of me thinks it's horrible but some part of me likes it.
so they're taking a show from the 90s- a show that was basically footage of an older Japanese show mashed up with American actors between fight scenes - and putting in new effects to make it look more anime?

I used to watch Might Morphin' Power Rangers back in the day, and I enjoyed it...but I have to honestly say I have NO idea how it has lasted this long.
Probably because of how stratospherically high the return on investment is. Non-SAG actors, stock footage and a few dime-store special effects and imported costumes for some of the original scenes...it probably costs a hundred dollars to make an episode. When you add in all of the guaranteed merchandising and viewing figures, it's almost impossible to see how they couldn't be making millions in profits.

Releasing the old series because there wasn't a Japanese series for them to "borrow" from is a new low, but the alternative is losing out in millions of dollars in merchandising because there was no Power Rangers this year.
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Releasing the old series because there wasn't a Japanese series for them to "borrow" from is a new low, but the alternative is losing out in millions of dollars in merchandising because there was no Power Rangers this year.

Yes there is , They just chose not to do more. After disney screwed up the show then the crap they pulled with rpm it was failing. Basically there IS another series to use They could have done Samurai Sentai Shinkenger or Tensou Sentai Goseiger But instead have chose the cheaper option of just re-edit the old.

Nothing really wrong with it as such but still I have mixed feelings on it.
Releasing the old series because there wasn't a Japanese series for them to "borrow" from is a new low,

Yes there is , They just chose not to do more. After disney screwed up the show then the crap they pulled with rpm it was failing. Basically there IS another series to use They could have done Samurai Sentai Shinkenger or Tensou Sentai Goseiger But instead have chose the cheaper option of just re-edit the old.

Bet you feel stupid Gothamite!
Dibs on the OzymandiasZord. GO GO Dr.MANHATTAN!

Seriously.....I hate the Power Rangers. With every fiber of my noob hating-violent women loving being. Why you ask? It could be easily be because I cringe everytime I think of Kimberly screaming "Tommy!" whinningly. Or maybe because Billy looked like he was 3 years away from collecting social security. Or maybe because Trini was so sterotypically asian that she looked like she pooped egg rolls.


It was that chicken-loving, watermelon eating, grape soda-chugging, Mantan coon Zack. I hate Zack more than I hate Luke Cage's PowerMan outfit. I was done with that show when I first saw how cheesy it was.....but it was dead to me when I saw the abomination of black guy Zack teaching a bunch of white kids his martial arts style called hip-hop-kido.

Since then, the show has only gotten even stupider. I will admit that they've stepped it up a bit and gotten actual martial artists doing some somewhat impressive moves and stunts.........but the show still blows elephant balls. The fact that a 20-something year old guy loves this show and faithfully watches it makes me wanna commit hate crimes while punching babies and then slit my wrists in front of a Rob Liefeld altar.

This is the source of my hatred.

If I ever met him in real life I would stab him. Repeatedly. Feel free to e-mail him and let him know this is a written threat.


That ****ing rolling snake move at the end. :furious:

It's mostly funny because its true. Zack is a dead man if I ever see him.

Also...I saw him in this horrible movie called "Love and A Bullet". He played a hitman. I kid you not....he was spinning on his back, breakdance style....while shooting at one man. It was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in my entire life.

****ing dead.

These opinions still stand.

Heh...."pooped egg rolls". :lol:
I'm just stunned that this thread is eight pages long.

If everyone who's on this thread isn't already on an FBI watch list as a result, they should be.

You're welcome, American intelligence agencies.
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I'm just stunned that this thread is eight pages long.

If everyone who's on this thread isn't already on an FBI watch list as a result, they should be.

You're welcome, American intelligence agencies.

The post was edited! :lol: