Possible BKV X-Men stuff

UltimateE said:
The biggest thing I get out of that is that Sinister is NOT dead, something we've debated over a few times. That is the first I've seen BKV say so.
Well, since it's impossible to choke yourself...

Anyway, I'm all for Big C turning team. He's had a problem with Xavier since day one, it only makes sense that he atleast check out the competition.
UltimateE said:
The biggest thing I get out of that is that Sinister is NOT dead, something we've debated over a few times. That is the first I've seen BKV say so.
Nope, and Apoc. is real, too. :wink:
Well, I didn't think Sinister was dead, either. You can't do away with a cool character like that in a matter of four issues... Oh, wait, I take that back, Sebastion Shaw only last one! That was a crime!

Anyway, he's said a lot... I'd like Colossus to jump the boat, if only for a while, and I'd really like to see what he plans to do with Northstar and Psylocke, two characters that I've really wanted to see more of in the past couple of issues. Also, if he's said that they are going to come back, who's to say that Longshot won't be back for the Magnetic North arc? I'm betting he's going to be there, too.
Baxter said:
That one I'm not too sure of. 8)

Could go either way. 8)

Nah - he's not real. Ice is delusional.
Colossus on the brotherhood? I don't think so. There's no way he's going to follow Magneto. Especially after the RotK arc. He knows Magneto's a lunatic and would never join his team. I don't think he'll leave at all. First off, he left the team once already and was convinced to come back. Second, the fact that he's at odds with Xavier makes it interesting. And if he's not on the team how do you expect them to feature his sexuality and explore it like everyone wants?

Oh, Apocolypse is real too... :twisted:
TheManWithoutFear said:
Colossus on the brotherhood? I don't think so. There's no way he's going to follow Magneto. Especially after the RotK arc. He knows Magneto's a lunatic and would never join his team. I don't think he'll leave at all. First off, he left the team once already and was convinced to come back. Second, the fact that he's at odds with Xavier makes it interesting. And if he's not on the team how do you expect them to feature his sexuality and explore it like everyone wants?

Well the thing is, Peter thinks that Xavier is a lunatic too, and it could go down to which Lunatic is going to let him reach his potential. Xavier won't let him explore his dark side, and with his work in the Russian Mafia, Peter probably has killed before, and possibly without having a real problem with it. Magneto's idyllic world can make sense to a man who's having trouble with his team mates, and I wouldnt put it past him to quit.

As for the sexuality bit, when Magneto's at large, we see a lot of whats going on with his Brotherhood, this could be explored there. At the same time, I think that if anything is going to push him over the top to leave the mansion, its going to be coming out... or rather, being outed. Not sure how that'd happen, but I gaurentee that Nightcrawler's going to be an *** about it. Possibly Iceman too... he's never been too tolerant of anybody, really, and if he finds out one of his best friends has had this big secret from him for a long time... He might not be too happy. It happens in life, why not in comics?

And in the end, he'd be coerced back to Xavier, since it would be that or imprisonment. Magneto's message would probably stick with him, and his sexuality and his anger would separate him from the rest of the team and make him very difficult to work with...

Maybe someone should start a poll.... Colossus Quits and Joins Hellions, Colossus Quits and Joins Magneto, Colossus Quits and Joins the Ultimates, Colossus Quits and goes home, Colossus stays at the X-Mansion. (i would but i dont think i have time for another long post... im at school :-()
Dr.Strangefate said:
As for the sexuality bit, when Magneto's at large, we see a lot of whats going on with his Brotherhood, this could be explored there.

Magneto's response to this could be interesting. I could see a Hitler-esque response.
UltimateE said:
Magneto's response to this could be interesting. I could see a Hitler-esque response.

I think I would expect a more open Magneto, he's all about breaking the bounds of normal society, and i think that accepting Colossus for his sexuality, and praising him for his bravery in coming out could possibly be what pulls Pete away from the X-men
Dr.Strangefate said:
I think I would expect a more open Magneto, he's all about breaking the bounds of normal society, and i think that accepting Colossus for his sexuality, and praising him for his bravery in coming out could possibly be what pulls Pete away from the X-men

That's true but I think it would make Magneto much more interesting and villain like through a hypocrisy presented if he shunned Colossus. Then again, I really don't believe Colossus is going to leave.
TheManWithoutFear said:
That's true but I think it would make Magneto much more interesting and villain like through a hypocrisy presented if he shunned Colossus. Then again, I really don't believe Colossus is going to leave.
If they worked it in nicely in 616, they can do the same thing here, which I totally see it as a possibility.
Dr.Strangefate said:
I think I would expect a more open Magneto, he's all about breaking the bounds of normal society, and i think that accepting Colossus for his sexuality, and praising him for his bravery in coming out could possibly be what pulls Pete away from the X-men

Absolutely. But I could also see him wanting nothing to do with Colossus since, lets face it, he doesn't contribute much to increasing the species' numbers.

How did Colossus get brought up anyway?
The colossus is a reference to Vaughn's answers to my questions, quoted on the previous page, one of which was about Colossus leaving
Colossus did actually leave the team for Magneto's ideals at one point, but was never perminant... I believe he did it partly because of his sister, however, it would seem this time will be different.
He didn't leave to side with Magneto. He left to deal with his own personal problems. When the Ultimate X-Men started out Magneto's plan looked good to mutants, now it's established The Brotherhood are the bad guys. Colossus isn't gonna side with the villains just because he's sexually frustrated.