Payday/John Wick - Timeline

There's two Tarantino universes though. There's a shared universe, then there's a more fantastical shared universe with connections to the other one because they're in-universe movies.
Peux-tu réaliser ces deux univers s'il te plaît pour que je les modifie dans Sheet ? Ce serait super sympa, tu gères bien pour en réaliser.
No doubt, but without any narrative, it's just a skin. Even with Marvel, I don't count the skins being used in gameplay as canon because it's literally just an appearance, but the comic tie-ins and events are canon to Earth-616.

With John Wick... it's just a skin. Sure, a version of John Wick may have came to the Island, but it isn't tied with the films. It could be a split timeline, like the majority of Dead by Daylight crossovers are (although certain skins do break this, Chucky having the cuts from later films for example means that there should be two versions of Chucky in the Entity's Realm).

Also, can you imagine the absurdity of a John Wick/Fortnite comic? Ew, lol.
Actually, count Wick's fingers in Fortnite. That'll tell you the timeline, XD.
When you think about there are various shorts that show Jonesy taking heroes from their respective realities so maybe Jonesy took John off screen?
Even then there is enough time between 3 and 4 that this could've happened and probably gave him his finger back temporarily for "better" chances at winning
Oh so maybe it's canon then? The time skip between 3 and 4 allows this to not have a divergence
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I didn't say that. If there was a trailer then I could "include" that, but there's not. That's why I don't include Dead by Daylight itself on the Saw timeline, only the trailers and in-game lore. Fortnite doesn't actually have any lore for John Wick, so it can't be judged on canonicity.
Jacket is returning in Payday 3.

In the Boys In Blue heist, several cops can be heard talking about Russian mobsters getting attacked by an unidentified perpetrator, with them wondering whether it is related to a case "in '89"[4], the year that Hotline Miami take place. This fits with Jacket's MO against Russian criminals throughout the events of Hotline Miami.

To be perfectly honest... if we assume that the nukes in Hotline Miami 2 were the only ones that went off (thus no end of the world), and Jacket survived said nukes miraculously (say the prison walls protected him and he was on the outskirts of the blast), then there's the huge time gap between Hotline Miami and Payday... and the possibility that Jacket could be inspired by the original if said survival is thrown out... then I think based on this reference, as well as a few others to Jacket being active in the 1980s, Hotline Miami, with all its alternate reality weirdness, should be included.
The Reservoir Dogs heist would have interesting alternate universe implications if you take it as a proper crossover.

The Basterds killing Hitler in 1945 creates an alternate history where Sharon Tate is saved in 1969, Russia bombs San Francisco in 1986, with further attacks in Hawaii and Florida in 1991 after the assassination of America and Russia's presidents... and then there's a network of assassins ran by an organisation known as the High Table, as well as an insane psychic-powered maniac with an army of clones, just as an extra. Oh, and there's Doc Brown and Shaft too.
Why is their a 7 year time gap between John Wick 3 and 4 even though officially it's been a few months?
@Pro Bot here's a better piece of evidence to support the 2024-2025 time period is the epilogue for John (its at around the 10 minute mark)

Why is their a 7 year time gap between John Wick 3 and 4 even though officially it's been a few months?
John Wick has a car licence date of 2014. Payday 2 has him still with the scars of the first John Wick movie. He mentions his dead dog by name, along with other allusions. John works for the Payday gang from the events of October 2014 to November 2018. In February 2017, the John Wick heists occur and feature a still living Charon. The true ending of the game has bonus text essentially showing what happened to each gang member, and John's text suggests that Payday 2 is a prequel to his films, despite that contradicting the dates in the films and the references to the first in the game. Also to note, John is not missing any fingers.
Regarding the Reservoir Dogs heist:
The L.A. crew is ran by a member of the Cabot family. Both Eddie and Joe Cabot die in Reservoir Dogs, so the assumption would be that a different Cabot is running the "Mr. Color" alias gang members.

There's a chance that if you kill civilians in the game, Bain will call you Mr. Blonde (referencing Reservoir Dogs' Vic Vega/Mr. Blonde), and since the heist confirms the Cabots and aliases exist, you could make the argument that Bain is referencing a famous 1992 heist gone wrong rather than a fictional movie.

That would mean I'd have to include Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, Inglourious Basterds, Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers and all the Shaft movies... and potentially A Million Ways to Die in the West (because of course that stupid movie has a Django cameo)... all that because of a single heist with no additional heisters adding a huge amount of content.
it makes me wonder how much more stuff is retroactively set in the near future
It's definitely set in the near future. Payday 2 acts as a prequel to Hardcore Henry, and it's got advanced technology in it. 2030s is just approximation.
I think Hardcore Henry's flashback should be moved up to the early 2010s or so considering how young he looks near the end of the movie, Ilya Naishuller was 32 when the movie was released so we could assume Henry was around the same age