Payday/John Wick - Timeline

There's a Payday 2 video game poster in Hardcore Henry, but seeing as how Jimmy and Akan were in the Payday 2 live-action trailer (which is a prequel, along with the HH Heists), and the movie has an easter egg of Jimmy's mask from the game, I guess there's just an in-universe Payday game series.
Well, should be fully updated now, minus chapter breakdowns. Obviously still going through Payday 3, but all the heists are added with the starting point following the release date format as with the rest of that series.
Wouldn't the films be moved up to 2020 then?
If John Wick is set after Payday 2 despite the references to his dog and wife in dialogue, then it'd actually be set in at least 2023 (probably later), since John Wick was retired for 5 years. Rather than ignoring the dates in the films, I've compromised and placed John Wick 1-3 in 2014 and Chapter 4 in 2021, so Charon is still alive during the John Wick heists but the references still match, though ignoring statements that Chapter 4 is months after Chapter 3 and that the Continental appear to ally themselves with the Payday gang despite Wick being excommunicated at this point.

I'm ignoring Rumors and Stories when it comes to John Wick for now (unless people prefer John Wick to be after Payday 2?), but it certainly gives a fix if future John Wick media enforces a condensed timeline between 3 and 4.
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What's left to add on the Payday side?
The FBI Files has in-universe files on all the heists and characters, but not a lot of timeline indicators for when they were written. Also, the Heist list is in the wrong order. I think it's supposed to be chronological, but they have Election Day after a Christmas Heist they state occurred on December 24, 2014, and another Christmas Heist, placing it in 2016, but there's very explicit 2014 dates in that heist. The same goes with Story Line/Career Mode in the game, the Heists are just in the wrong order. Release order makes much more sense.

If Payday 3 crosses over with Breaking Bad, Money Heist or something else that already has a huge continuity I'm gonna be pissed, lol. It'd be fun but really annoying for me.
Reservoir Dogs could be canon if the heist is all copycat identities of the originals from 1992 (except possibly Mr. Pink). I mean, it could be, doesn't mean it is.

Anyway, the "Realer than Real" Tarantino-Verse goes something like this anyway.

1858 - Django Unchained
1877 - The Hateful Eight
1944 - Inglourious Basterds
1969 - Once Upon a Time in Holywood
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - True Romance
1994 - Pulp Fiction

Oh... and:
1882 - A Million Ways to Die in the West

You know, with the Django cameo... and Doc Brown... you know, maybe Doc Brown can explain Reservoir Dogs and Hotline Miami's existence, lol. Kidding.

Oh, and Django is a decendant of Shaft. So... that's a thing. Also, Django is referenced in Kill Bill, so are we even sure it's part of the "real" universe? Or, perhaps this is one of those crossover points between his two universes.

Either way, all parallel timelines I take it.
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That's actually a comic canon to the Tarantino-Verse: Django/Zorro, naturally a crossover based on the unmade film. I don't know the implications of that, but Zorro exists in the Tarantino-Verse... one of them, anyway.
Reservoir Dogs pourrait être canon si le braquage est constitué de toutes les identités copiées des originaux de 1992 (sauf peut-être M. Pink). Je veux dire, ça pourrait l'être, ça ne veut pas dire que ça l'est.

Quoi qu'il en soit, le verset de Tarantino "Plus réel que réel" ressemble de toute façon à quelque chose comme ça.

1858 - Django déchaîné
1877 - Les huit haineux
1944 - Basterds sans gloire
1969 - Il était une fois à Holywood
1992 - Chiens de réservoir
1993 - Vraie romance
1994 - Pulp-Fiction

Oh et:
1882 - Un million de façons de mourir en Occident

Vous savez, avec le caméo Django... et Doc Brown... vous savez, peut-être que Doc Brown pourra expliquer l'existence de Reservoir Dogs et Hotline Miami, mdr. Blague.

Oh, et Django est un descendant de Shaft. Alors... c'est une chose. De plus, Django est référencé dans Kill Bill, alors sommes-nous sûrs qu'il fait partie du « vrai » univers ? Ou peut-être s'agit-il d'un de ces points de croisement entre ses deux univers.

Quoi qu'il en soit, je suppose que toutes les chronologies sont parallèles.
Year Movie
1500 Shin kage no Gundan
1500 kage without Gundan
1858-59 Django Unleashed (2012)
1865 The Bastard Eight (2015)
1882 Albert to the West
1913 From dusk to dawn
1941 The Inglourious Basterds
1944 The Inglourious Basterds
1950s road racing
1969 Once upon a time... in
Hollywood (2019)
1970s Grindhouse: Global Terror
1970s Grindhouse: Proof of Death
1987 My Best Friend's Birthday
1992 Reservoir Dogs (1992)
1992 The Mariachis (1992)
1993 True Romance (1993)
1994 Born Killers (1994)
1994 Pulp Fiction (1994)
1994 Life of Crime
1995 Four bedrooms
1995Jackie Brown (1997)
1995 Desperate
1996 Curd
1998 Out of sight
1996 From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
1998 From Dusk Till Dawn 2
Tree 2000
2001 Child Spies
2003 Kill Bill Vol. 1
2003 Once Upon a Time in Mexico... Desperado 2 (2003)
2002 Spy Kids 2: Budding spies
2003 Spy Kids 3: Mission 3D
2003-2004Karen Sisco
2004 Kill Bill Vol. 2
2005 Sin City
2007 Grindhouse: Planetary Terror
2007 Grindhouse: Proof of Death
Machete killings in 2009
2010-2015 Justified
2011 Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World
2014 Sin City
2016 A machete kills again in space
Tree 2019
2022 Justified: City Primeval
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Just for fun, here's what a list that takes all direct crossovers in Payday as canon (except Left 4 Dead). Yep, this makes no sense. Yep, I'm thoroughly entertained by it as a list.

1858 - Django Unchained
19?? - Django/Zorro #1-7
1877 - The Hateful Eight
1944 - Inglourious Basterds
1969 - Once Upon a Time in Holywood
1970 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #2
1979 - The Continental: From the World of John Wick 1x01-1x03
1980 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #1
1980 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #3-4
1983 - Scarface
1984 - Scarface: Scarred for Life #1-5
1985 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number #5
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #5
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #1-3
1989 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #2
1989 - Hotline Miami
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #7
1989 - Hotline Miami: Carl
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #4
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #6
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #8

1989 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #1
1991 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #3-4
1991 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - True Romance
1994 - Pulp Fiction
200? - John Wick #1-5
200? - John Wick: Hex
2011 - Hardcore Akan #1
2011 - Payday: The Heist
2013 - Payday 2
2014 - Goat Simulator
2015 - Point Break
2022 - Goat Simulator 3
2023 - Payday 3
2024 - John Wick
2024 - John Wick Chronicles: An Eye for An Eye
2024 - John Wick: Chapter 2
2024 - John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
2025 - John Wick: Chapter 4
203? - Hardcore Henry

Obviously Hotline Miami is probably set in an alternate timeline and Goat Simulator would be some sort of digital reality, per Goat Simulator 3, but ignoring that, lol.
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This is a silly question but is it possible to pretend that events of the 1991 original Point Break happen in 2015 instead of the remake (cultural and technological advances aside)?
Just for fun, here's what a list that takes all direct crossovers in Payday as canon (except Left 4 Dead). Yep, this makes no sense. Yep, I'm thoroughly entertained by it as a list.

1858 - Django Unchained
19?? - Django/Zorro #1-7
1877 - The Hateful Eight
1944 - Inglourious Basterds
1969 - Once Upon a Time in Holywood
1970 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #2
1979 - The Continental: From the World of John Wick 1x01-1x03
1980 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #1
1980 - Scarface: Devil in Disguise #3-4
1983 - Scarface
1984 - Scarface: Scarred for Life #1-5
1985 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number #5
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #5
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #1-3
1989 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #2
1989 - Hotline Miami
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #7
1989 - Hotline Miami: Carl
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #4
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #6
1989 - Hotline Miami: Wildlife #8

1989 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #1
1991 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic #3-4
1991 - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - True Romance
1994 - Pulp Fiction
200? - John Wick #1-5
200? - John Wick: Hex
2011 - Hardcore Akan #1
2011 - Payday: The Heist
2013 - Payday 2
2014 - Goat Simulator
2015 - Point Break
2022 - Goat Simulator 3
2023 - Payday 3
2024 - John Wick
2024 - John Wick Chronicles: An Eye for An Eye
2024 - John Wick: Chapter 2
2024 - John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
2025 - John Wick: Chapter 4
203? - Hardcore Henry

Obviously Hotline Miami is probably set in an alternate timeline and Goat Simulator would be some sort of digital reality, per Goat Simulator 3, but ignoring that, lol.
I was wondering if we could include John's time in the Fortnite Universe between 3 and 4?
No doubt, but without any narrative, it's just a skin. Even with Marvel, I don't count the skins being used in gameplay as canon because it's literally just an appearance, but the comic tie-ins and events are canon to Earth-616.

With John Wick... it's just a skin. Sure, a version of John Wick may have came to the Island, but it isn't tied with the films. It could be a split timeline, like the majority of Dead by Daylight crossovers are (although certain skins do break this, Chucky having the cuts from later films for example means that there should be two versions of Chucky in the Entity's Realm).

Also, can you imagine the absurdity of a John Wick/Fortnite comic? Ew, lol.
Actually, count Wick's fingers in Fortnite. That'll tell you the timeline, XD.
Let's make a rule that if any franchise has a skin in Fortnite and has a story behind it, it will be considered canon.
I was wondering if we could include John's time in the Fortnite Universe between 3 and 4?
hi ☺️ I made the timeline of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez in the conversation and I think it would be part of your timeline that you made. because there are a lot of links about their films.