Paris Goes to Prison

The title of this thread could've easily been the name of a Paris pr0n0.

"I can't wait to take a shower. It's gonna be so hot."

"Ah! That's cold! That's cold! That's not hot at all!"

"Uch, there goes my soa- ... That's hot."

Only 45 days? What a ripoff.

This is delaying her becoming the future mrs mole
*vomits on top of Planet-Man's vomit*

Are you sure your body could handle being struck so suddenly by so many different venereal diseases?
:cry: I'm not allowed to get married?
No. You have been banned from breeding.

It's really what's in everyones best interests.
To play Angel's Advocate (I guess) - I'm pretty sure Jack the Ripper was a bad man. I never met him, but it seems that might have been the case. :p
I agree that Paris Hilton is comparable to Jack the Ripper.
The title of this thread could've easily been the name of a Paris pr0n0.
I spent like, twenty mintues racking my brain, I really did.

But the best I could come up with was "One Night In Paris,-I Mean, 45 Days In Prison", but I didn't like the way that sounded.
I can't believe I'm saying this but for the love of God go back to talking about Paris Hilton.
I saw this on What Would Tyler Durden Do?: said:
Paris Hilton has posted a link on her myspace to a petition for "all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice". The petition is hoping that Governor Schwarzenegger will pardon her and she will not have to serve the 45 day jail sentence imposed on her last Friday for repeatedly violating her probation. The sentence, of course, came after a DUI charge and for driving 70 miles per hour down Sunset Boulevard at night without her headlights on. The petition begins:

Paris Whitney Hilton is an American celebrity and socialite. She is an heiress to a share of the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as to the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton. She provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world. She provides beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives.

Well when you put it like that I'm putty in your hands you silver tongued devil. I forgot that she inherited a bunch of money and provided beauty all over the world. We should all sign this and put Paris back behind the wheel. We should also go to the zoos and free all the polar bears and lions, just let em run loose on the streets, because it's pretty much the same thing. So you could sign the first one, OR, you could sign this one, started by some mysterious stranger, asking the Governor to ignore the first one and keep her *** in jail. I know its extreme, but by golly, we've got to try something!

:lol: :lol:
Here's the link to the petition to keep her in jail:
Don't talk about her. Don't think about her. Don't spend a moment of your life on her because you are encouraging her disease. MOVE ON AND NEVER GIVE HER THE ATTENTION SHE SO DESPERATELY CRAVES.

Unless you're watching "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset". That's my favorite South Park episode ever.

Marry me.

I didn't think there was ever another being out there whose contempt for that pathetic excuse for a human being rivalled my own.

I am in love.
If the general population was just a little bit smarter, nobody would care about this anyway. Unfortunately, we live in a world full of morons.

When she is released, I'm sure she'll make the talk show circuit, talking about how hard her life was in minimum-security jail, how she couldn't eat organic food or see her precious little dog, couldn't wear makeup or prada shoes. And I'm sure the idiots on Extra, ET and Access Hollywood will follow her around endlessly, once more.

The world is a giant whore full of maggots.
Am I the only one who thought, "Thank God they finally found an excuse to throw her in jail?"
they just need to bust Nicole Richie and there would be a brand new season of the worst show to ever grace television "The Simple Life"

Rumor is she might not even serve since jails are so full now. They're letting tons of felons out on "good behavior" because they honestly can't support them.