Spider-Man Unlimited does not fit into this timeline because of the very different history for the symbiote backstories. Some details are similar (Jameson's shuttle crashing on bridge), but not the same (S.H.I.E.L.D. capturing Brock, no Dormammu). It was also confirmed separate by the showrunner of Spider-Man (1994). Though, there are some suggestions that it is linked.
I've read that Spider-Man Unlimited is the unofficial sequel to the 1990's Spider-Man series. I can, in a way, see that. There's a gap between the two series, but it can be done. I wonder, since the 1990's ending on a bit of an unresolved note, could Spider-Man Unlimited actually be a sequel...
"[Spider-Man] Unlimited" fits into continuity during the time Mary Jane and Peter were engaged [in Spider-Man, the Animated Series]. (Wizard #97, page 78)
So, uh... when Mary Jane was a water clone? Wtf?
“Dear lord! Didn't think it was even possible... but that's a thousand times worse! The death! The destruction! It's inhuman!” 1 appearance(s) of Earth-7831 1 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Earth-7831 4 image(s) of Earth-7831 3 characters that originate from Earth-7831 1 teams that originate from...
This is a variant Earth of Spider-Man Unlimited. Weirdly, they thought of it as a continuation of Spider-Man (1994) as well, where that show happens, then Spider-Man Unlimited, and then Peter gets slaughtered for a time.
With much-hyped event story "The Clone Conspiracy" looming, writer Dan Slott and more talk Spidey's future.
Another fan question asked why the 1990s cartoon Spider-Man wasn't in "Spider-Verse." Lowe said they decided the "Spider-Man Unlimited" Spider-Man was the same character.
How many tangential worlds are there to the 1990s animated cartoons?