Orson Scott Card and Homosexuality

I don't know how to respond this (although I already posted about Card's political views in another thread):

For one thing, some people wanna boycott which is just silly because while "democracy by the dollar" is theoretically valid in the world of pop culture products and free market economics, I don't think that works when you're talking about a creator's political views. I mean, REALLY, what kind of creative individual goes to the store and says "nobody bought my comic/album/movie/book! I guess I really should change my stance on gay marriage..."?

On the other hand, the idea that we'll all still pick up an artists work in spite of his political views strikes me as all "path of least resistance"-like. I know both of my ideas are contrary, but I think you get what I mean.
As long as his creative output doesn't reflect his political stance, then I don't mind shelling out for it. And by trying to damage someone because of their viewpoint, we'd be doing exactly the same as what he is.
As I said before, I really respect the man as an author but I have developed a good deal of contempt for him since finding this out.
I think people are intitled to their opinion, whether or not I agree with it has no bearing on my enjoyment of a comic.

In this case, I enjoyed the first issue so I will continue to read it.

Do we have to know all the opinions of anybody who makes anything before we decide it's ok to buy something or not?

And so the pussification of the world goes on..........I can't wait till we are all sexless greyskinned robots who think exactly the same, then everybody will be happy right?
Heh, exactly. Just because I disagree with an opinion doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed it. Sad will be the day when everything around me is too bland to have an opinion about either way.
ngnot said:
I think people are intitled to their opinion, whether or not I agree with it has no bearing on my enjoyment of a comic.

In this case, I enjoyed the first issue so I will continue to read it.

Do we have to know all the opinions of anybody who makes anything before we decide it's ok to buy something or not?

And so the pussification of the world goes on..........I can't wait till we are all sexless greyskinned robots who think exactly the same, then everybody will be happy right?

Well said. bravo.
I'm all for the freedom of speech and the rights to have your own opinions, but I'm strongly against support or action taken for laws or other ways to force people to be something their not.
Soon people wants to make laws over how many children you can have (this is true by the way!) or what work you can take.
Ultimate Warrior said:
Soon people wants to make laws over how many children you can have (this is true by the way!)

The Sierra Club believes that.
Am I the only one who fails to see a problem? If he starts writing trash about Jarvis in the UIM books, then it'll be a problem. But each person is allowed to have their own opinions, and you're not required to agree with him. I'll dispense the same advice I do to all people who have issues with some facet of the comic industry. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Otherwise, shut up.
jtg3885 said:
Am I the only one who fails to see a problem? If he starts writing trash about Jarvis in the UIM books, then it'll be a problem.
I actually hadn't thought about that. Although maybe Jarvis won't be a huge factor in the story.
I actually do not really respect those people who say something and aren't willing to understand. I think it's that sort of thing that makes division so common, really. I heard Strangefate out and I actually have an understanding, regardless of my own opinion. Card feels that he doesn't need to understand and, on such a touchy subject, you shouldn't come out and say how against it you are. I think that is excluding yourself from oppurtunities and rights, really, putting yourself right next to the people who you believe shouldn't get certain things. I wonder what makes him so superior to homosexuals, really. I'm willing to bet that there's a homosexual out there getting paid more than him... Does that guy make a deal out of straights? Nope.
Goodwill said:
I wonder what makes him so superior to homosexuals, really. I'm willing to bet that there's a homosexual out there getting paid more than him... Does that guy make a deal out of straights? Nope.

I didn't read the interview - did he say something about homosexuals getting paid more than him?
.... somehow i think this thread slipped through my radar the last few times i came into this part of the board... but yeah.

Eh... grah. This is frustrating, because not only is this guy actually taking the argument of Gay Marraige beyond the GOP's stance (which is more of disaproving look than downright oppression)... but he's also got his hands on the -most- liberal thinking Ultimate(thor now out of the team), the one with a elderly Gay Butler, which would indicate that he's had this gay butler for quite some time... Which means Jarvis is going to undoubtedly be included in this Miniseries. Rargh!

Im not going to boycott the book, that's pointless, Its probably going to be quite a good read... but if he turns Tony Stark into a homophobic conservative *** (rather than the fun-loving liberal-minded person he's been in the Ultimates) and Jarvis into a flamingly unintelligent stereotypical shallow gay character (yeah, hes stereotypical now, but its amusing because he acts like hes an attractive 20 yr old when he's in fact an elderly chubby guy)... Then the books editor is going to get some angry letters from this fan.

This really bothers me... Comics have been very progressive lately, ESPECIALLY the Ultimate Comics.... and I don't want it to start moving in the exact opposite direction.
BTW, Goody, thanks for giving me the props for opening up your view on homosexuality a bit....

Its always a positive feeling when you know you've given someone a new point of view... not saying that you entirely agree with all i stand for, but you have a good perspective, and as a human, are fully able to make your own oppinions.