Onimusha 4 Dawn Of Dreams

thee great one

Master of TOG-fu.
Jan 27, 2005
Mormon Land.
Has anybody else played this series? It was made by Capcom and is simlar to Devil May Cry and the first games of both series came out at the same time but got overshadowed by Devil May Cry. It's about fedual Japan and a Samuri warrior gets chosen and recieves abliltes and weapons to fight Demons. I think this series is just as good as Devil May Cry and every game so far as been one of my favorites.

Anyway I found a new trailer online for Onimusha 4 Dawn Of Dreams for I think the Playstation 3. Check It Out.
thee great one said:
Has anybody else played this series? It was made by Capcom and is simlar to Devil May Cry and the first games of both series came out at the same time but got overshadowed by Devil May Cry. It's about fedual Japan and a Samuri warrior gets chosen and recieves abliltes and weapons to fight Demons. I think this series is just as good as Devil May Cry and every game so far as been one of my favorites.

Anyway I found a new trailer online for Onimusha 4 Dawn Of Dreams for I think the Playstation 3. Check It Out.
Damn str8 Onimusha 3 had one of the greatest openings movies ever!
I got the game. And damn it is fun so far. The main character is nothing like that last two. He reminds me more of Dante. I like the different character switching.
I remember when Onimusha came out, Capcom said it would only be a trilogy. I'm so happy they aren't sticking to that :D . Onimusha is one of my favorite game series ever... Onimusha 2 being my favorite of the bunch.

Anyhow, trailer is freaking awesome. I can't wait. This game alone may be what convinces me to get the PS3 and not the 360 or Revolution...
Dr_Draco said:
I remember when Onimusha came out, Capcom said it would only be a trilogy. I'm so happy they aren't sticking to that :D . Onimusha is one of my favorite game series ever... Onimusha 2 being my favorite of the bunch.

Anyhow, trailer is freaking awesome. I can't wait. This game alone may be what convinces me to get the PS3 and not the 360 or Revolution...

It's not as good as the others. The gameplay and puzzles are still fun. That's why I get it but the acting and stuff is cheesy.

2 was also my favorite. I loved the trading and the trying to get all the story. I think I did but never at once. I loved finding the different colored necklaces that did different things like the white one that healed you when you stood still. That was my favorite. My friend was pissed cause he didn't get it.

But if liked the first ones you would enjoy this. It's out now. It's on PS2. That was my bad with the PS3. It came out last Tuesday.
Onimusha was good, i didn't play Onimusha 2, but Onimusha 3 was awesome, I love Jean Reno's acting and the soundtrack, can't wait for Onimusha 4. :D
thee great one said:
It's out now. It's on PS2. That was my bad with the PS3. It came out last Tuesday.

LOL, I didn't realize when this thread was originally posted. Anyhow, I think I'll definitely have to go out and get this.