Spider-Man One Moment In Time: And The Spider-Man Fandom Explodes In Three, Two...

Yeah, this wasn't very good.

I'm on the record as liking One More Day. I am the only human being in the world who likes it. It's a burden I bear.

One thing that works with it (and of course not only would most people disagree but they might say this is a weakness - doesn't matter and I'm not interested in debating it) is that it doesn't try to cross every T and dot every I. It does what it set out to do minimally. It doesn't try to answer every single question about things that did or didn't happen or what people will remember. It didn't need to.

OMiT is the opposite. It would've been a lot better if it was more about MJ and Peter dealing with the wedding being cancelled and not involving all of this other stuff and making things tie together.

Oh well.


I am a little bit impressed that, given the complaining everyone made about Mephisto not having the power to make people forget things, they arranged it so that he himself didn't actually make people forget things.

I've kind of changed my mind about this. I'm impressed at the level of work that went into it, and while some parts of it aren't great, I do think it works pretty well. The integration with One More Day and the wedding issue was really good. I wish comics did stuff like that more, as in the way they construct issues and pages.

I just read it and Peter Parker looked suspiciously like Joe Quesada in the scenes he drew.

I thought so too!

that was kind of dumb. They never got married. But they stayed together for the whole time up to the end of the Civil War? So just go back and replace the word "wife" with "girlfriend" in every issue since the wedding, ignore the pregnancy and besides that everything is the same...

what the heck is the point of that?

Excellent point.
E said:
I'm impressed at the level of work that went into it, and while some parts of it aren't great, I do think it works pretty well. The integration with One More Day and the wedding issue was really good.
Yeah, as much as I hated OMD/OMiT, I have to admit, that was pretty cool.
Excellent point.
Why thank you.

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