No Captain France?

Still a bit like Britain being called "that little island off the coast of mainland Europe" :D

But Ok, no captain France nor Captain Germany for that matter. It's simply because France and Germany are totally against the military conquests that the US is dragging some of Europe into, and this can fully fit in with HYDRA.
UltimateE said:
He could be dressed in all white.

Well, it may be that, since this is a political book, that France does not have a super team because they are, in a sense on Thor's side; they don't believe that these super heroes should monopolize entire countries. It would be fitting, wouldn't it?
It would. France isn't involved in the middle east conflict for many reasons though. Not least of all is that they had a great deal of money invested in Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussain, so they can't exactly go and overthrow a government that they would benefit from. The UK on the other hand has a great oil interest, so there are no worries there about the invasion. Until recently however i did believe that we had no Neo-con agenda, this is apparently not so. But that is merely an aside
jtg3885 said:
We're getting Captain Britain in U2 #4, and (I think) new characters in Captains Italy and Spain... but why don't we get Captain France? Especially after the infamous line in U1, I've gotta wonder if MM is Francophobic or something.

He's Scottish. The only thing he hates more than the British is the French. "Civilians are civilized. These people are French."

*ponders MM's Captain France*
"You think this letter on my head stands for France?!"
"Oui? It is an F, is it not?"
"Oh. My bad."

Surely it would be:

"You think that letter on your head stands for France?!"
"Est-ce qu'il un "F" n'est pas lui est-il?"
"Américain Typique. Vous ne pouvez pas même parler français. Je crache à vous."
"Hey! No fair!"
"Regardez-vous. Tout le pâté de cochon et aucuns muscles. Vous ressemblez à un chiffre d'action."
"Er... my God. Magneto has escaped, I'd best fight him!"
"Vraiment ? Magneto s'est échappé ? Je me rends !"

Also, I'm surprised to hear that America is called America. I thought it was called "those bloody colonials". I guess that King of England was wrong when he said on the 4th of July 1777 that "nothing important happened today".
Bass said:
Surely it would be:

"You think that letter on your head stands for France?!"
"Est-ce qu'il un "F" n'est pas lui est-il?"
"Américain Typique. Vous ne pouvez pas même parler français. Je crache à vous."
"Hey! No fair!"
"Regardez-vous. Tout le pâté de cochon et aucuns muscles. Vous ressemblez à un chiffre d'action."
"Er... my God. Magneto has escaped, I'd best fight him!"
"Vraiment ? Magneto s'est échappé ? Je me rends !"

I don't know French, but that was funny!
LAMO Bass :D

(However, the Scots hate the English, not the British;))

Though nowhere near as much as the welsh hate us, as i am assured by my welsh 'friends'.:)

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