Nintendo Wii discussion

No More Heroes is out today.

If you like action games, go buy it. It is ridiculous, over-the-top fun.
He also did this


Holy Hell.

I love how he things the tricky bits are taping the motion sensor to your cap or creating a stand for your Wiimote.


The TRICKY STUFF is the whole "reverse engineering the wiimote with software to hook it up to a pc to turn it into a magic box" thing.

Mole was so happy just now. Paypal had cancelled my account waiting for proof address , I gave it them a couple weeks ago and it was sorted. I go on ebay today and because I hadn't used ebay in a while they game me a £10 voucher to encourage me back.

I just used it to get Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I've played that game before but not bought it for Wii. take off £10 and with what's left and p&p it only cost me £11 :D
Mole was so happy just now. Paypal had cancelled my account waiting for proof address , I gave it them a couple weeks ago and it was sorted. I go on ebay today and because I hadn't used ebay in a while they game me a £10 voucher to encourage me back.

I just used it to get Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I've played that game before but not bought it for Wii. take off £10 and with what's left and p&p it only cost me £11 :D

How is it on Wii?

only MK game I've never played (played it on PS2 tho)

how does Khameleon (the girl one) play?
How is it on Wii?

only MK game I've never played (played it on PS2 tho)

how does Khameleon (the girl one) play?

not got it yet but I played Wii version at a friends house. But from what I played it plays pretty good. You can use wii-mote and chuck but I prefer using the cube pad for fighting games.

Khameleon I think played all-right. I didn't use her I was to busy using Reptile since he has more of a Ninja look again which is great as he was my favourite till he became just a lizard. But my friend did.

Also Endurance Mode was pretty cool. Didn't have a chance to play story mode so I don't know how it is but The Wii version seems pretty damn cool. I wish it had online but still a cool game.

You should get it dude if you don't have ps2 version anymore
I still have the PS2 version, I thought it was decent, I love the Kreate-A-Kombatant

can't wait for MK8 later this year

I liked Kreate-A-Kombatant from what I saw. I just wish it had more options you know
So I was playing Guitar Hero last night and I'm about to quit. I go down to look at something on the Options menu and accidentally hit the Nintendo WFC thing. Now, I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but the router we have has in the past not connected to either my Wii or my DS. So I don't expect anything to happen. But, then it asks me for a band name and I put something in and the next thing I know, I'm online!

I played a match with someone and totally kicked their ***. Since then, I got all the channels up and running. I'm so happy.
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During a Game Developers Conference session called "Planning the Wii Menu" today, Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama announced a new Pay to Play program. This will be a new version of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Aoyama explained that NWFC will remain a free service, but forthcoming experiences will require users to pay a fee to enjoy. These services will fall under the new NWFC: Pay to Play program. Games that utilize the new service will feature a logo similar to the one used for NWFC but is orange and reads Pay to Play at the bottom.

Unfortunately, Aoyama did not go into details about what games or services we will be paying to play. He did say Nintendo is taking steps to ensure consumers don't mistakenly buy a Pay to Play game with the expectation that they will be able to access the entire game for no extra charge.

This is cool if it gives Wii and Xbox live type online. But I'm thinking games like Animal crossing for wii which is a MMO in a way will be what use this
That's crap

PS3 has spoiled me with free online play

thats a crappy move Nintendo

It says it'll still have free too though.

But either a) it's for MMOs which you can understand
B)It'll improve online like Xbox live which is the best online for a console
B)It'll improve online like Xbox live which is the best online for a console

I've played on XBox Live. People like to pretend that somehow making people pay for the service makes it better because it gets rid of the kiddies, idiots, retards, and douche bags. But it doesn't. In fact, it probably makes it worse because they have a sense of entitlement because they pay for the service.

This is why I buy any multiplayer or online game on PS3 from now on.
yeah my friend was playing Halo and i snatched his head set

good god people act like fifth-graders on XBL, I still don't see the nessesity for voice chat in videogames. (i'm not saying that PSN's is alot better, i avoid voice-chat when playing as much as i can, don't want to deal with douchebags and i find it distracting)

after seeing both XBL and PSN in action, i still don't see the advantage's XBL presents, nothing that i'd pay for, and i'm positive i wouldn't pay for NWF (Nintendo Wifi) either, it's pointless.
I've played on XBox Live. People like to pretend that somehow making people pay for the service makes it better because it gets rid of the kiddies, idiots, retards, and douche bags. But it doesn't. In fact, it probably makes it worse because they have a sense of entitlement because they pay for the service.

This is why I buy any multiplayer or online game on PS3 from now on.

I didn't say it was better "because it gets rid of the kiddies, idiots, retards, and douche bags" I said xbox live is the best online service for a console and I honestly think it's because they charge.

Here is why :

Better DLC for games : Ps3 has DLC too , sure. But 360 has better DLC an example of this would GTA IV. 360 gets 2 extra missions as DLC or how about the Marvel Ultimate Alliance add on pack?

Less Lag : Wii has a lot of lag, Ps3 has some lag too but 360 has a lot less due to stronger servers as it's subscription

Those are two very important things. Now I'll still get a ps3 over 360 but I honestly think it has better online. You don't like some of "kiddies, idiots, retards, and douche bags" then turn off head set or ignore them.

So hopefully pay to play could give wii strong DLC when we get it and stronger servers so it doesn't lag.
Well I finally got my Wii and it's just as awesome as I thought it was. I really enjoy Wii Sports and Wii Play is interesting but the creme of the crop so far is Zelda. Now I just need to get Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime and Smash Bros when it comes out.
Well I finally got my Wii and it's just as awesome as I thought it was. I really enjoy Wii Sports and Wii Play is interesting but the creme of the crop so far is Zelda. Now I just need to get Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime and Smash Bros when it comes out.

remember to post your friend code in the gamer tag thread
If they could make more of a Wii community it would be cool. But man, ps3 already has this and it's free.