newuniversal Discussion (Spoilers)

Ultimate Houde said:
I've heard the opposite. Delays is what killed the series from what I understand


I'm pretty sure the series started dying when it switched from MAX to Marvel Knights. I'm pretty sure a lot of fans dropped it then, and it probably didn't help that Deodato was supposed to take over, but didn't. And then the whole series just got delayed and I have no idea what is happening now.

But yeah. newuniversal.
Anyone read #3?

It's 11:42p.m. and I'm too tired to do a summary, but it was very good. I wasn't really interested in the first two issues, but this one picked up the pace a bit.

And I just noticed the celebrity lookalikes that you've all been talking about.
Anyone read #3?

It's 11:42p.m. and I'm too tired to do a summary, but it was very good. I wasn't really interested in the first two issues, but this one picked up the pace a bit.

And I just noticed the celebrity lookalikes that you've all been talking about.

This is becoming one of my favorites. The slaughter scene was the ****.
This is becoming one of my favorites. The slaughter scene was the ****.

The slaughter scene was very cool.

I'm interested to see how the Angelina Jolie-looking chick works out. She can "read" electronic devices?

I didn't get what the big deal was about the Geiger reading at the end. Why did he seemed so shocked over that?
I too love this series, but I have a question that's actually been rattling around in my brain for a while: exactly how much are they allowed to show, in terms of violence, nudity, etc., in the various comic "ratings" (ie, T+, as newuniversal is rated). The slaughter scene, while very cool, had a fair amount of blood and violence (the half-severed head comes to mind) that I would usually expect to see in an R-rated film, not PG-13 as i assume this is akin too. So, yeah, I'd like some clarification on that, just out of curiosity.

But, back to the issue at hand (get it? It's a joke. Ha!), I really do like this series. Not the best, but the powers are very creative. Not just the usual "I can cause big explosions!" powers, and that adds a lot. Very well written and somewhat cryptic, as all Ellis books seem to be. Pretty good stuff.
Well, violence is more acceptable thna nudity or swearing, I guess.

I haven't seen any nudity in a non-MAX Marvel book, but an issue of Blade had the word A-hole in it, so I guess Ellis could go there if he wanted to.

So I'd expect a lot of blood, but no nipples.
Well, violence is more acceptable thna nudity or swearing, I guess.

I haven't seen any nudity in a non-MAX Marvel book, but an issue of Blade had the word A-hole in it, so I guess Ellis could go there if he wanted to.

So I'd expect a lot of blood, but no nipples.

I think Joe might have it.

Although I don't have any reason to think they would HAVE to make a book a MAX book in order to go all out, i.e. Punisher.

(I say this having not gone back to see what kind of ratings have been put on the newuniversal issues thus far.)
So it's getting pretty good, although issue 4 had the lamest cliffhanger ever.

But I'm curious as to the General being named Ross and the NASA guy being named Jameson.

Just how much are the Marvel Universe amd New Universe integrated into this new reality? Curious and very interesting.
This book is awesome. And I likes Larocca's art. Although he is clearly using celebrities as the basis for his drawings.

It still moves pretty I don't expect anything to REALLY happen until the second or third arc.

Kinda reminds me of Heroes a bit.
Got #4 last night and loved it. This is one of Marvel's best books, and I haven't seen the sales numbers on it but I hope they are high enough to keep it going.

I don't know if I'd call it the lamest cliffhanger ever but I did see "me 50 years from now" the second the older guy said it.
Got #4 last night and loved it. This is one of Marvel's best books, and I haven't seen the sales numbers on it but I hope they are high enough to keep it going.

I don't know if I'd call it the lamest cliffhanger ever but I did see "me 50 years from now" the second the older guy said it.

I agree.

The art is beautiful also. I love the reasons for the the newuniversal and the powers.
Didn';t think it was that much of a cliffhanger..just a little twist..but didn't everyone guess it as soon as he said he came from a universe much like this one...I think Ellis just wanted to make that clear by the end of the issue and it seemed a good a place to end as any. good issue - 4/5 - I agree this won't really pick up for another 6 months, but it's still good. It's like that point in heroes when they don't know each other yet but they keep running in to each other and saving people from exploding cars.
Didn';t think it was that much of a cliffhanger..just a little twist..but didn't everyone guess it as soon as he said he came from a universe much like this one...I think Ellis just wanted to make that clear by the end of the issue and it seemed a good a place to end as any. good issue - 4/5 - I agree this won't really pick up for another 6 months, but it's still good. It's like that point in heroes when they don't know each other yet but they keep running in to each other and saving people from exploding cars.

That's exactly it. Aside from being obvious from the start, it just. . . happened. Like, right in the middle of a scene, in a tiny panel, he admits what everyone already knows and the book is over. Worst cliffhanger ever.
But i'm saying i don't think it was really meant as a cliffhanger...does a comic need a cliff hanger..would you prefer if a big dragon suddenly came out of the ground in a big last page splash?
But i'm saying i don't think it was really meant as a cliffhanger...does a comic need a cliff hanger..would you prefer if a big dragon suddenly came out of the ground in a big last page splash?


A comic needs a cliffhanger, it's the nature of a serialized medium. If there's no cliffhanger (unless the storyline has ended, and even then. . . ) then the issue has failed on some level.

But anything with dragons is automatically better.
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A comic needs a cliffhanger, it's the nature of a serialized medium. If there's no cliffhanger (unless the storyline has ended, and even then. . . ) then the issue has failed on some level.

But anything with dragons is automatically better.

None of the Fell issues have cliffhangers. And if the story has ended like the last issue of a stand alone mini (or even like the last ish of most vertigo lines, transmet/sandman/preacher)...that almost certainly doesn't want a cliffhanger...and those are some of my favourite comics.

anyway that's abstraction, reaading the end again we've got the army bombing the starbrands and the guy decides to go with them or not...'cept i suppose we already know he next issue is gonna have him taking on some fighter jets...I'm suspense for next issue
Well, like I say, if the story's over they don't need a cliffhanger. I don't read Fell, but I understand it's standalone stories every issue. And clearly the last issue of a book shouldn't have one.

But regardless, I'll get the next issue anyway, so it ultimately doesn't matter that much to me. I just thought it was lame.
Well, like I say, if the story's over they don't need a cliffhanger. I don't read Fell, but I understand it's standalone stories every issue. And clearly the last issue of a book shouldn't have one.

But regardless, I'll get the next issue anyway, so it ultimately doesn't matter that much to me. I just thought it was lame.

sorry i think i misread the parentheses on your previous post why i went off on a tangent on last issues.