Newsarama reveals new "gold standard" for Ultimate cover styles - and more

MaxwellSmart said:
I'm at a lose as to why they would want to have Vision as female robot with huge METAL tits. I'm confused as to why she would be a woman at all, yet alone the tits. I can only assume that it's for male attention. I'm offended by their opinion of our maturity, but at the same time I'm impressed by their observational skills.

I guess you don't remember Jocosta in 616? Ultimate Vision, To me, Seems to be an Ultimate Jocosta with a little Vision to spice her up.

They were both built by Ultron in 616...
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See, this is just like the wasp.

Wasp flashes the Hulk to distract him and get him to follow her. MAD is flashing a pair of tits at us and expecting us to follow.

Conclusion, he thinks we're all as dense as the Hulk. Cheers for that.
Ultimate Deadpool said:
Ultimate Wasp is a smart cookie... Which issue is that?
Ultimates #5

Guijllons said:
Ultimates #5


Thank you very much for including that picture.

I liked the way she did that. It wasn't slutty, It was both sarcastic and cunning at the same time. Hulk is essentially a Caveman, Acting on instict and rage. Of course something like that would get his cooperation.
Bass said:
Nick Fury: Okay Sam, how's the Vision thing coming... What the hell is that?
Sam: It's Vision.
Vision: Hello.
Nick Fury: What did you do to Vision?
Sam: Well, you told me to study and fix her...
Nick Fury: When did it become a her?
Sam: About 30 minutes after you left me alone with it. I had this idea you see...
Nick Fury: Why are there scented candles and a drawn bath here? Why are you naked?
Sam: Well, I felt the best way to download the information from Vision would be to physically integrate with it. Unfortunately, my memory stick was too flaccid to fit into any of her memory ports. I upgraded Vision to look like this, and now, my memory stick is hard enough to retain its consistency when fitting into the special port I created.
Vision: The only problem is that I seem incabaple of delivering the information into Sam, because the only port in his memory stick seems to discharge information in a liquid state into my memory port. Obviously your technology is of a different system to my own and I am unable yet to adapt fully and accept the data. However, I am adamant that with enough constant practice...
Nick Fury: And Gah Lak Tus?
Vision: It is strange, General Fury, but despite the impending apocalypse and our continuous failure to share information, Mr Wilson seems unbelivably calm and mellow at all times.
Sam: Shush, honey. Y'see Nick, I thought, if this Gah Lak Tus fella is going to anti-create us or whatever, I thought, why not do the things I've always wanted?
Nick Fury: So you've had this machine for weeks, a machine with information that may save the human race from a celestial predator, and all you did was turn it into a fully functioning robot woman?
Sam: Yes.
Nick Fury: You know you've doomed the entire human race, don't you?
Sam: Yes. Yes I do.
Nick Fury: Sam, you're the reason why there's war in the Middle East.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

....memory stick...
Ultimate Deadpool said:
Thank you very much for including that picture.

I liked the way she did that. It wasn't slutty, It was both sarcastic and cunning at the same time. Hulk is essentially a Caveman, Acting on instict and rage. Of course something like that would get his cooperation.
Jus like MAD and that titty picture, we're supposed to get excited about the ultimates because vision is a robot slut. Fan-****ing-tastic.
Guijllons said:
Jus like MAD and that titty picture, we're supposed to get excited about the ultimates because vision is a robot slut. Fan-****ing-tastic.

Well everyone seems to be excited about the Ultimates, And the Ultimate Universe in general. Otherwise no one would read them, And no one would have known that Wasp flashes... Except me. The nearest comic-shop to me is 45 minutes away, And the Post Office has screwed me in the past.

I love that Vision is a woman-- Type, I guess. But maybe there's an alternate reason for this change? Maybe they're trying to avoid the whole Scarlet Witch + Vision laugh from the 616 Universe?
Ultimate Deadpool said:
Well everyone seems to be excited about the Ultimates, And the Ultimate Universe in general. Otherwise no one would read them, And no one would have known that Wasp flashes... Except me. The nearest comic-shop to me is 45 minutes away, And the Post Office has screwed me in the past.

I love that Vision is a woman-- Type, I guess. But maybe there's an alternate reason for this change? Maybe they're trying to avoid the whole Scarlet Witch + Vision laugh from the 616 Universe?
More likely it's just cheap titillation.
I would guess that Vision II's personality will be based upon Vision I's, when/if she dies (because I don't think she's entirely robot...)

Otherwise they'll retcon Vision II out by the time Ult.3 comes out

Or it'll turn out that Wanda is Bi (she can't be a complete lesbo, she had that thing for Scott)...

We'll See, hopefully it's good whatever way they do it.
Doc Comic said:
Not to mention Pietro. ;)


Pietro is definitely not a breeder.

I mean, come on....

He's pretty, shallow, and egotistical. He -can't- be straight. :p
No, I meant the whole Pietro/Wanda thing. There's no denying they at least had an incestuous relationship in the past. I'm not sure if they do anymore, but it was hinted at before.
I think they're just creepy close, and they like to play with that joke to creep people out.

Pietro is overly protective of his sister...

I mean, I know boy/girl twins who are that close, and people who don't know them, they seem to be all over eachother, when its just them being brother and sister.

It's been implied, but not seriously, methinks
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, in case I'm proven correct later on. My guess is that "She-Vision" will be the Vision robot from Nightmare with the consciousness and personality of Carol Danvers uploaded into it.
Bass said:

That's brilliant! :lol:
I know. I am. 8)

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