New X-Men Series Discussion (Spoilers)

ProjectX2 said:
So, if X-23 is a clone...

Does that mean Wolverine was once a female prostitute?
Something you two have in common.

I don't really like X-23. Why? Because the character has no interesting points. Theoretically, watching someone raised by wolves is fascinating but in practice, it's not that great. She's a clone. I hate clones on principle. She is possibly the most emo kid who ever emo'd, or was in Nyx. There's no real appeal for me.
Caduceus said:
I don't really like X-23. Why? Because the character has no interesting points. Theoretically, watching someone raised by wolves is fascinating but in practice, it's not that great. She's a clone. I hate clones on principle. She is possibly the most emo kid who ever emo'd, or was in Nyx. There's no real appeal for me.

Something you two have in common. :D
Ice said:
*Sniff* *Sniff*

Smells like a....


I'm so pleased that I and a select few brought back the burn. Its just so damn applicable and all-encompassing.
Victor Von Doom said:
I'm so pleased that I and a select few brought back the burn. Its just so damn applicable and all-encompassing.


It was here before you, fool.
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Caduceus said:
Between us we make up a whole clone; you're a hooker, I sit there, flick my hair and cut.

Smells like a sitcom.
This has to be my favorite X-title out right now. The flow of the book is great. Although each arc is broken up into a nice TPB-friendly format, each arc ties right into each other with almost no time down between.

The "Nimrod" arc is no exception. We pick up right where we left off--the aftermath of Stryker and his Purifiers.

We open with a cop describing the scene when he first arrived at the crime scene (Stryker's base of operations) to Iron Man and Ms.Marvel. They tell the cop they did right by contacting them. Tony and Carol search the crime scene for clues as to what happened. Carol looks at some of the covered up bodies--she spots a kid who's been shot. She realizes it's Jay Guthrie. Tony and Carol try to decide who should inform the X-Men. Carol decides she should do it.

At the Mansion, we see special forensics and med-evac crews clearing out the dead bodies at the mansion. Beast is interested in examining the technology that Stryker had that allowed he and his Purifiers to shut down the Sentinels. He is denied access by Col Reyes of O*N*E. We see some of the kids dealing with what has just happened here.

Meanwhile in Cerebro, Cyclops tries to get the Stepford Cuckoos to locate Jay. Sooraya blames herself for whatever has happened to Jay. X-23 tells her not to. If Sooraya had followed thru with her own plan, she'd be dead. All of a sudden Cyclops is told that he has a visitor. It's Carol Danvers.

In the Med-Wing, we see Elixir still struggling with his new "black death state". Laurie's mother arrives and David Alleyne tries to offer his condolences but gets slapped instead. Emma Frost takes her away to see her daughter's dead body.

Back upstairs, Carol greets Cyclops and tells them they should talk in private. X-23 and the rest of the students wait in the hallway while X-23 eavesdrops on the convo and tells the students that Jay is dead. Emma appears and tells the kids to go to their rooms. She will be up later to talk to them.

Emma joins Scott and Carol and tells them they need not bother filling her in. She read Carol's mind as soon as she arrived. Carol also wants to talk to them about the Registration Act. Emma tells Carol that her answer to Tony (in Civil War#3) still stands. Carol tries to convince her....but Emma does her "head teleportation" trick again and places Carol in all the places that Emma tells her that the Avengers and humans should've been there for. Carol "understands" and leaves. After she does, Emma breaks down and cries.

Meanwhile, the students meet in a bedroom and figure out that Nimrod is activated again....

Elsewhere, we see Nimrod confronting Forge. Nimrod orders that Forge repair Nimrod. Forge refuses. Nimrod then tells him that he has enough power left to teleport and launch one more devestating attack. But Forge knows that Nimrod won't kill his maker, Forge. Since he doesn't understand---he tells Nimrod to clarify his plan. Nimrod tells Forge that either Forge will repair him...or he will teleport to Africa and kill Storm.



Hotness......pure hotness. The best X-title that nobody is reading. I like how this is also tieing into Civil War, but at the same time maintaining it's independency. So great.......
I loved how it new just how to push Forge's buttons.

I'd just like to say X-23 is the coolest woman is Marveldom. She's one of the deadliest fighters in the Marvel Universe AND looks good in low rise leather pants.
MaxwellSmart said:
I'd just like to say X-23 is the coolest woman is Marveldom.
I'm giving that to Emma. She is the **** in New X-Men, being officially the best supporting character in this book. What she showed Carol? Man, reading that, I really felt the anger coming from her. It was as if I was getting pissed off, too.

I love this book.

Ice said:
I'm giving that to Emma. She is the **** in New X-Men, being officially the best supporting character in this book. What she showed Carol? Man, reading that, I really felt the anger coming from her. It was as if I was getting pissed off, too.

I love this book.

Emma's too *****y for my taste. She does play role of a strong female quite, though. The enigma of Emma has always been why does she choose to wear such slutty clothes and then I remember I'm a guy and shouldn't ask such foolish questions.
I love this book. I know Brubaker and some other guy I can't think of, are doing the main X-titles.......but New X-Men is just so much more entertaining.

With Nimrod's predictions of who will die next and in what order....anyone else think David will be the deciding factor in their "obvious" victory? Although with this can't really say obvious because they could kill anyone at anytime.

Plus if this Nimrod is from the future---and he says that Forge and Storm will be together and have would something like that play out with the recent wedding?
Victor Von Doom said:
Plus if this Nimrod is from the future---and he says that Forge and Storm will be together and have would something like that play out with the recent wedding?
Actually, though the future is not set in stone, you'll see that the Forge from the future said he sent (or the present Forge, I forget) that Nimrod was sent to an alternate timeline of the past.
Ice said:
Actually, though the future is not set in stone, you'll see that the Forge from the future said he sent (or the present Forge, I forget) that Nimrod was sent to an alternate timeline of the past.

I need to reread that. I thought I read something about alternate timelines but thought it dealt with the past so he updated his database based on the past.

So that would leave me to believe that the future was still firm...unless......

Wolverine said it best "I hate time travel."

I love Yost's "graffitti-esque" art. The book feels "young".
This book just sounds lackluster.
Victor Von Doom said:
I need to reread that. I thought I read something about alternate timelines but thought it dealt with the past so he updated his database based on the past.
3 pages after the "Got Milk?" ad, the last panel with the last caption box, Present Forge says "He sent Nimrod to a different timeline."
ProjectX2 said:
This book just sounds lackluster.

Far from it. Some of the most exciting stuff from an X-title has been happening here since they announced the actual team. In your case I recommend downloading it.

Ice said:
3 pages after the "Got Milk?" ad, the last panel with the last caption box, Present Forge says "He sent Nimrod to a different timeline."

Just went back and read it. Now I follow ya.
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