New Questions Answered by Robert Kirkman

Well I will not say that I have liked or loved Kirkman's run. But it hasn't been bad. It's just...he's following up on a book that was previously written by BKV and Mark ****ing Millar! (Bendis's arcs were ok, he sucks at team books and he's always trying to write team books...even out of his solo book USM).

I respect the guy. He's a hard worker in comics and that's rare these days. What he said to McFarlane makes him awesome to behold, and his work on Walking Dead and Marvel Zombies are great!

That all said, I'm getting tired of reading nothing much every week. Vaughan didn't have the action "wide-screenness" that Millar had, but his stories were great and worked well with one another. Leading to the last arc which every Vaughan arc had been building up to.

Kirkman's been building up to something too. But it's too damn slow. And despite it being slower than the other writers (except for Bendis...I mean come on Blockbuster took forever to tell nothing much, and Spidey and Daredevil disappear between issues and are not mentioned when they both fought along side least give them both goodbyes)

I'm still holding out hope that Cable will be mind blowingly good. And with 1 issue left in the Magical arc that ish might just save the Magical arc. I doubt, no matter how good, it will make up for Date Night (which I liked some of, it was Sabretooth's return!) and Pheonix? (Shi'ar were cool...then I noticed it's Scientology backing the X-Men...can't wait until Hellfire tears them down).

You know something...there might be a curse of reality wrapers in the Ultimate Universe. World Tour was 4 issues long and Proteus never came across as that much of a threat. He could have used another issue of development. Nevermind all the little errors in the arc (like having Dublin airport's sign in the background of a panal in Russa).

Date Night, Pheonix?, and Magical have all had their moments. But I feel we've been force fed Magician for too long. It's clearly the point Kirkman wanted to make, it's just a decision I don't understand. Instead of making us all sick of Magician and making it clear from Pheonix? issue 1 that he's a villain. Why not fool us all into loving the new character, into wanting to know more about him, into believing his a new teammember. Then Fury's bomb would have been shocking. You haven't met him? Oh my god!

Instead of course he hadn't met him. I believed he was a good guy until Pheonix? arc started. And so did a hell of a lot of people. (I was a little wondering why in Date Night Fury and the cops showed up when no one besides Boggs and his parents knew of him killing his parents...but I thought, meh it's a comic book suspend disbelief for the character).

I've rambled enough. Thing is simple. Kirkman's good. But most of Ultimate X-Men has been written by greats, and that makes us mistreat Kirkman's good story. He can make things better with a kick *** Cable story. Or he can continue to be good and remembered fondly if Marvel sticks us with some idiot on UXM after he leaves. Or if Singer's phantom run shows up and sucks.

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