Avengers New Avengers: Revolution discussion (#26-31; spoilers)

Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

...I can't believe I like it. I mean, I didn't thought it was great, but it was pretty damn good.
The art is amazing, Maleev' style was perfect for the story. Bendis' dialogue didn't get on my nerves this time, but I thought it needed something more. I read it and I got to the end and was like "Is that it? What the hell? I want more Hawkeye!" Note that I really don't like Hawkeye.

I think that the door issue is becoming more complex that it was suposed to. I think it was just Hawkeye wanting to leave, but now he has feelings for Wanda and he remembers what Doctor Strange says. He came there to get answers or even revenge and got more questions and some...you know.

4.75/5 <- For not really end the "ballad"
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

I'm not a Bendis fan. I'm just not. As much as I loved the first couple years of USM, his other stuff just leaves me completely cold and I hate, hate his dialogue.

But every New Avengers I've read I've liked. The first six, not so much when they came out, but rereading them they were much better. I read the Sentry arc and that was pretty good, with awesome McNiven art. I read the first two Civil War issues and liked them. And now I read this.

I think this is the book for Bendis, if he's going to be writing a shared universe super-hero book.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

I read this the other day, and kind of zipped through it. Which was a mistake, because at the end I had no idea what was going on.

I re-read it just now.

****ing beautiful. Seriously.

I can't believe this is the same guy writing USM. Just can't believe it.

I'm thinking that Clint is going to stay with her...maybe he's just had enough. All of the stuff he was going through when Disassembled happened, House of M, coming back...maybe he's just done with it all. Maybe it's time for him to get away from it all.

And I'm thinking that the chaos magic thingee around his hand could be one of a few things...maybe Wanda is unconsciously using her power to make him stay, because that's what she wants. It seemed obvious that we were supposed to believe she took her own powers away as well as her memories...maybe it didn't work. Maybe she doesn't know it.

Or maybe she does...!

Either way, this didn't need to have answers. Situations like this...I dunno, sometimes problems and people dealing with them are too big to settle in an issue.

5/5, and I think this was even better than the Cage and Jess Civil War issues.
'Nuff said. Just picked it up today and thought it was excellent. Nice pacing, beautiful art, and overall an excellent issue.

I like what Bendis did with the issue, but it's not New Avengers. It's Hawkeye. It should be a mini about Hawkeye trying to make sense of what is going on. Not an issue of New Avengers.
Will agree with this. Didn't have a feel to anything with New Avengers, but it was good nonetheless.

Beautiful Maleev art. I love it.

And I don't think the door led outside. If anything, it's the door to open Wanda's true self, or something mentally spiritual like that.
That makes a whole lot of sense and the only reason what it should be.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Simple, because he destroyed our dreams with Ultimate Spider-Man.

Since we are the Ultimate Central known as the Ultimate Universe fans, this is a big dissapointment because USM is the reason we even exist, it's the reason why this forum exists.

We lost our faith in Bendis.That's all, if he keeps doing such work as New Avengers #26 , he might earn our faith and respect again.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Best issue of New Avengers by far.

Which is really saying much, but it was really good.

I really liked it. Although that may just be because Clint's shirtless (naked?) the majority of the issue...

I love vagueness. It does seem he left her, though, to judge off the last page... Anyways, this issue only works as a single issue. There's tons of unanswered questions and such that make it so great.


(And the door seemed to have Agatha's dead body behind it to me. o.o )
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Best issue of New Avengers by far.

Which is really saying much, but it was really good.

I really liked it. Although that may just be because Clint's shirtless (naked?) the majority of the issue...

I love vagueness. It does seem he left her, though, to judge off the last page... Anyways, this issue only works as a single issue. There's tons of unanswered questions and such that make it so great.


(And the door seemed to have Agatha's dead body behind it to me. o.o )

Tryin to tell us somethin bro?
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

(And the door seemed to have Agatha's dead body behind it to me. o.o )
That's what I thought too at first. But I couldn't picture what that would mean or lead too.

Baxter said:
Tryin to tell us somethin bro?
That's the second member to out himself this week.
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Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Oh my God, someone who likes shirtless men, kill him before he breeds!

EDIT: And seriously, it's been mentioned before. Does it matter?
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Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Didn't they already do Agatha Harkness' dead body behind a door? Was that in Chaos?

Yep; in Disassembled.

Also, note that Dr. Strange says chaos magic is real in this issue, when in Disassembled he says there is no such thing. Huh.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

I have to reread Disassembled. I have all the issues out in my car and have been meaning to read them at work for some time now.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Also, note that Dr. Strange says chaos magic is real in this issue, when in Disassembled he says there is no such thing. Huh.
Also look at the guy who made Ultimate Reed 21 years old, then makes him 3 different ages other times. Isn't this the same guy? Huh, indeed my dear friend. Huh indeed.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

And didn't Strange acknowledge Chaos magic before Disassembled.
Re: New Avengers #26 discussion (spoilers)

Oh my God, someone who likes shirtless men, kill him before he breeds!

EDIT: And seriously, it's been mentioned before. Does it matter?

I dunno. I thought I was making a joke in poor taste.