Made me cry.
Stark and Warbird are visiting Cage telling him that if they don't register by 8:00 tonight, they will be outlaws.
When they leave, Jessica tries to tell Luke to run away. Luke talks about how he cleaned his neighborhood up and this is where he'll stay.
Jessica is going to take the baby out of harm's way. Luke makes her promise that whereever she is, she won't turn the tv on. They kiss, she gets in a cab, and they're off.
Luke walks back into his home. A bunch of neighbors and kids ask if Luke's gonna register. he says he's gonna go sit in his home and watch tv because that's what he's allowed to do in this country.
At exactly 12:00 midnight SHIELD is at Luke's door insisting he opens up. At first he says he's busy and they should come back. They show the outside where SHIELD tanks and snipers are set up in the neighborhood. They're persistent and Luke takes te sofa and throws it through the door at them.
Then there's the fight Luke Cage Vs. SHIELD. When things aren't looking to good for him. His neighbors start harassing SHIELD. One guy pulls out a shotgun. Then the billy club and the shield. Cap, Falcon, and Daredevil jump in and Daredevil asks if Luke's all right (Iron Fist). They help Luke escape via stealing one of SHIELDs tanks (embarassing moment for SHIELD) Maria Hill comes in via hologram and Luke Cage tells her "The Revolution is coming". He tells Iron Fist er... DD that he sent Jessica and the baby to Toronto.
Jessica makes a pit stop to buy some supplies and accidently sees a newsbroadcast about the scene in Harlem. She holds the baby as they announce Luke vs. SHIELD and begins to cry. She's then relieved when she learns he's escaped with the others.
Bendis knows how to ****ing write Luke Cage. And I couldn't even put to words how phenomenal the scenes between Luke and the child were. Brilliant.
I was also worried about Luke's reaction to the registration because of what he said to Matt during the "Out" Saga of Daredevil. But there's a clear difference between hiding behind a mask, which he's against, and the situation of registration which he's also against. Something I wasn't sure about until I read this. Good work Bendis.