Well-Known Member
DIrishB said:NOBODY has the genetics for wings in the real world. In terms of evolution, the human (or primate more appropriately in evolution's sake) species would've broken off from whatever genealogical line that birds came from (its theorized they evolved directly from dinosaurs and other reptiles) so long ago those genetics would've been filtered out long ago, not simply turned off. Since they wouldn't have been used in tens of millions of years, the body/DNA would eventually have no need for those genes, and basically "get rid of them" by no longer copying that particular part of DNA helix. It takes a very long time, but thats also how evolution works. Its things such as down syndrome, heart defects, etc, which are the result of what you're referring to. And in those cases, the mutation ALWAYS ends up being a bad thing. Not some cool novelty like growing wings or shooting lasers out of your eyes (and if you tell me there's a human genome for that and its just switched off you're going on my ignore list). Therefore, Angel isn't realistic by any means. And you can't "zap" a gene, you can introduce chemical and amino acid solutions to prompt a change, but its not like a light switch. How old are you by the way? You seem intelligent, its just it seems you haven't really thought out or thoroughly studied up on a lot of your theories.
I am 19 days away from 19
P.S. Don't put me on your ignore list! I think you're cool 8) !