Oh let them all mix!
Who in 616 hasn't fought Doom, Galactus, Hulk, and Namor?
Then they mix the others. She-Hulk's fought and slept with Juggernaut. Spider-Man fought Juggernaut. Juggernaut fought Rhino.
Marvel has A LONG HISTORY of mix matching villains in books. I would love to see Ultimate Doom, Magneto, and Goblin come together and beat up on the Ultimates, FF, or X-Men.
Although at his current power level I think Doom could be brought down by Spidey, and the Ultimates would be lucky to defeat Magneto at his power level.
I want to see Colossus vs Juggernaut vs RHINO in an Ultimate book.
Or a rematch between Magneto and the Ultimates.
Mastermind vs Spidey.
And I think Bullseye vs Spidey would be cool as well. Maybe even bring Daredevil in. Bendis loves to make his Ultimate Spidey book more like a Team Up book.