Miskatonic-Verse - Timeline

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Aug 30, 2018
United Kingdom
This is the timeline for the Miskatonic-Verse, a shared universe created by Stuart Gordon and Joe Lynch based on the H.P. Lovecraft mythology.

Joe Lynch confirmed that Re-Animator, From Beyond, Dagon, King of the Ants and Suitable Flesh are set in the same universe.

Miskatonic University is featured in Re-Animator and Suitable Flesh, with the same building having been used. It is referenced in From Beyond and Dagon.

and Suitable Flesh both reference Cthulhu in different ways. His name is dropped in Dagon and his likeness is depicted in Suitable Flesh.

When the idea of Barbara Crampton playing Daniella in Suitable Flesh came up, there was a time where they were going to confirm that her character from From Beyond, Katherine McMichaels, is the same person. They found out there was a rights issue preventing this, but it was still the same "feeling" according to Joe Lynch, possibly indicating that this is still the unspoken intent. Both characters wear the same glasses.

Despite not being a Lovecraft adaptation, Sean Crawley from King of the Ants appears in Suitable Flesh.

The security guard from Suitable Flesh, Mace, is the son of the security guard from Re-Animator, also named Mace.

Re-Animator = 32CD32
From Beyond = FF00FF
Dagon = FAC51C
King of the Ants = FF7F50
Suitable Flesh = AA336A

Vampirella vs Re-Animator #2 (pg. 6-9)


**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #5 (pg. 18-20)**


**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #5 (pg. 16-17)**

Dagon Chapter 5 (0:42:35 - 0:42:45)
Dagon Chapter 6 (0:42:46 - 0:48:01)


Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #3, "The Dead in Their Masquerade" (pg. 19-21)

Hack/Slash #15, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 1" (pg. 10-12)

Hack/Slash #15, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 1" (pg. 12-13)

From Beyond Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:04:37)
From Beyond Chapter 2 (0:04:38 - 0:09:45)
From Beyond Chapter 3 (0:09:46 - 0:15:16)
From Beyond Chapter 4 (0:15:17 - 0:19:35)
From Beyond Chapter 5 (0:19:36 - 0:27:35)
From Beyond Chapter 6 (0:27:36 - 0:35:50)
From Beyond Chapter 7 (0:35:51 - 0:39:59)
From Beyond Chapter 8 (0:40:00 - 0:44:22)
From Beyond Chapter 9 (0:44:23 - 0:47:30)
From Beyond Chapter 10 (0:47:31 - 0:54:56)
From Beyond Chapter 11 (0:54:57 - 1:00:58)
From Beyond Chapter 12 (1:00:59 - 1:05:51)
From Beyond Chapter 13 (1:05:52 - 1:12:11)
From Beyond Chapter 14 (1:12:12 - 1:15:13)
From Beyond Chapter 15 (1:15:14 - 1:18:09)
From Beyond Chapter 16 (1:18:10 - 1:22:03)


Hack/Slash #16, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 2" (pg. 5-6)

Re-Animator: Integral Version
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:02:00)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #1, "Dead and Buried" (pg. 1-20)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #2, "Creatures of the Night" (pg. 1-9)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #1, "Dead and Buried" (pg. 21-24)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #2, "Creatures of the Night" (pg. 10-24)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #3, "The Dead in Their Masquerade" (pg. 1-19, 21-24)
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #4, "Zombie Jamboree" (pg. 1-24)

Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #4, "Zombie Jamboree" (pg. 25-26)

October 8
Re-Animator: Integral Version
Chapter 1 (0:02:01 - 0:04:21)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 2 (0:04:22 - 0:10:07)

Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 3 (0:10:08 - 0:17:52)

October 9
Re-Animator: Integral Version
Chapter 3 (0:17:53 - 0:21:00)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 4 (0:21:01 - 0:26:16)

Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 5 (0:26:17 - 0:33:08)

October 10
Re-Animator: Integral Version
Chapter 5 (0:33:09 - 0:33:09)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 6 (0:33:10 - 0:45:03)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 7 (0:45:04 - 0:49:16)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 8 (0:49:17 - 0:55:17)

Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 9 (0:55:18 - 1:01:14)

October 25
Re-Animator: Integral Version
Chapter 10 (1:01:15 - 1:07:18)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 11 (1:07:19 - 1:15:48)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 12 (1:15:49 - 1:21:47)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 13 (1:21:48 - 1:28:42)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 14 (1:28:43 - 1:34:18)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 15 (1:34:19 - 1:38:13)
Re-Animator: Integral Version Chapter 16 (1:38:14 - 1:41:46)

The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #1
The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #2 (pg. 1-18)

Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:07:23)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 2 (0:07:24 - 0:15:22)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 3 (0:15:23 - 0:24:21)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 4 (0:24:22 - 0:32:05)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 5 (0:32:06 - 0:39:31)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 6 (0:39:32 - 0:49:26)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 7 (0:49:27 - 0:56:45)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 8 (0:56:46 - 1:03:29)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 9 (1:03:30 - 1:13:48)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 10 (1:13:49 - 1:19:19)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 11 (1:19:20 - 1:27:02)
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated Chapter 12 (1:27:03 - 1:32:05)

Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:07:15)

Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:09:57)
Dagon Chapter 2 (0:09:58 - 0:17:04)
Dagon Chapter 3 (0:17:05 - 0:22:20)
Dagon Chapter 4 (0:22:21 - 0:32:32)

Dagon Chapter 5 (0:32:33 - 0:42:34)
Dagon Chapter 5 (0:42:35 - 0:42:45)
(Audio Only)
Dagon Chapter 6 (0:42:46 - 0:48:01) (Audio Only)
Dagon Chapter 6 (0:48:02 - 0:49:39)
Dagon Chapter 7 (0:49:40 - 1:01:05)
Dagon Chapter 8 (1:01:06 - 1:09:50)
Dagon Chapter 9 (1:09:51 - 1:16:16)
Dagon Chapter 10 (1:16:17 - 1:25:07)

Dagon Chapter 11 (1:25:08 - 1:33:45)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 1 (0:07:16 - 0:09:39)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 2 (0:09:40 - 0:18:17)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 3 (0:18:18 - 0:27:23)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 4 (0:27:24 - 0:32:27)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 5 (0:32:28 - 0:37:55)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 6 (0:37:56 - 0:45:27)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 7 (0:45:28 - 0:53:29)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 8 (0:53:30 - 1:06:01)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 9 (1:06:02 - 1:14:25)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 10 (1:14:26 - 1:21:15)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 11 (1:21:16 - 1:25:14)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 12 (1:32:57 - 1:33:48)

Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 11 (1:25:15 - 1:29:15)
Beyond Re-Animator Chapter 12 (1:29:16 - 1:32:29)

King of the Ants
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:10:00)
King of the Ants Chapter 2 (0:10:01 - 0:20:00)
King of the Ants Chapter 3 (0:20:01 - 0:30:01)
King of the Ants Chapter 4 (0:30:02 - 0:40:01)
King of the Ants Chapter 5 (0:40:02 - 0:50:02)
King of the Ants Chapter 6 (0:50:03 - 1:00:03)
King of the Ants Chapter 7 (1:00:04 - 1:10:03)
King of the Ants Chapter 8 (1:10:04 - 1:20:04)
King of the Ants Chapter 9 (1:20:05 - 1:25:12)

Hack/Slash #14, "Over the Rainbow" (pg. 1-10)
Hack/Slash #14, "Over the Rainbow" (pg. 11)
Hack/Slash #14, "Over the Rainbow" (pg. 11-22)
Hack/Slash #15, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 1" (pg. 1-7)
Hack/Slash #15, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 1" (pg. 8)
Hack/Slash #15, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 1" (pg. 9-10, 14-22)
Hack/Slash #16, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 2" (pg. 1-5, 7-22)
Hack/Slash #17, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 3" (pg. 1-3)
Hack/Slash #17, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 3" (pg. 4)
Hack/Slash #17, "Cassie and Vlad Meet the Re-Animator, Part 3" (pg. 5-23)

Vampirella vs Re-Animator #1
Vampirella vs Re-Animator #2 (pg. 1-5, 10-20)
Vampirella vs Re-Animator #3

Vampirella vs Re-Animator #4

Suitable Flesh Chapter 1 (0:04:30 - 0:14:40)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 2 (0:14:41 - 0:26:18)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 3 (0:26:19 - 0:40:56)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 4 (0:40:57 - 0:53:09)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 5 (0:53:10 - 1:07:49)

Suitable Flesh Chapter 6 (1:07:50 - 1:17:46)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:04:29)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 1 (0:04:30 - 0:04:43) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 1 (0:11:35 - 0:11:48) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 2 (0:15:39 - 0:15:51) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 2 (0:21:00 - 0:21:09) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 3 (0:37:39 - 0:37:46) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 4 (0:44:11 - 0:44:30) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 6 (1:10:26 - 1:10:43) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 6 (1:17:37 - 1:17:46) (Audio Only)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 6 (1:17:47 - 1:18:06)
Suitable Flesh Chapter 7 (1:18:07 - 1:34:10)


**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #2 (pg. 19-20)** [Alternate Timeline]
**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #3** [Alternate Timeline]
**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #4** [Alternate Timeline]
**The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #5 (pg. 1-15)** [Alternate Timeline]

Viewing Order
From Beyond
Re-Animator: Dawn of Re-Animator #1-4
Re-Animator: Integral Version

The Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator: Necronomicon Rising #1-5
Bride of Re-Animator: Unrated
Beyond Re-Animator

King of the Ants
Hack/Slash #14-17
Vampirella vs Re-Animator #1-4

Suitable Flesh
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Herbert West appears at the end of Hack/Slash #14, so that can be thrown in. Once again, The Resonator by Full Moon can't fit in because the father of Crawford is named Phillip and was killed by a villain within the mini-series. This means that the father couldn't have been Crawford from the movie. Additionally, Herbert West only obtains the green effect on his reanimation formula at the end of the series and appears to be younger.

The only way I could see it working is if Crawford Tillingham (movie) is the father of Phillip Tillingham, who rebuilt the Resonator and was murdered, then his son, Crawford Tillingham (miniseries) recreated the Resonator once again. I don't think it's a sequel.

I'm wondering why the other H.P. Lovecraft Stuart Gordon films weren't confirmed canon by Joe Lynch. Oh well, no notable connection with them so it's okay.
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"If you listen very closely in the mix, in the background, you might hear someone being referenced in the background. That was one of the things that I was so excited about with this, was to be able to open up this Miskatonic-verse. Before I knew that Stephen King was bringing everybody together in Castle Rock Lovecraft was doing that in Arkham, and he was doing that at Miskatonic, and he was having all these characters kind of passing each other... There are a lot of connections throughout this film that are connecting us to Re-Animator and From Beyond and King Of The Ants and a little bit of Dagon. We're trying to bring it all there so that hopefully if other people dig what we're doing, that they can contribute to that Miskatonic-verse as well."
Dagon is canon then, okay.
Added Dagon chapters.

I can't post it because he deleted his twitter account (don't blame him), but when asked if The Unnamable I-II are canon, Joe Lynch said "not directly, but yes". This is odd, since Suitable Flesh directly references Dunwich and yet he confirmed that The Dunwich Horror (1970) is not canon. Miskatonic University also looks different in The Unnamable as compared to Re-Animator and Suitable Flesh, so I think he was just having fun and being inclusive. He mentions that other filmmakers can contribute to the Miskatonic-Verse, so I take it as The Unnamable being an unofficial, not directly connected thing in the same regard as The Dunwich Horror. A version of it occurred, not the actual movie.

On the other hand:
"I did not know who the hell Lovecraft was to save myself when RE-ANIMATOR first came out. But that's what got me to go back and start reading his stuff. So, for this, there were certain things, like the Necronomicon [a dangerous book of evil lore that Lovecraft invented]. We wanted to present something that felt as faithful to what Lovecraft was doing, but more importantly, because there are so many fans of Lovecraft who used FROM BEYOND and RE-ANIMATOR and DAGON and what Stuart and Dennis were doing with Lovecraft for their own purposes, I wanted to really tap into that, and make sure that it had enough ties to that, so that's why there are certain characters, or relatives of certain characters from the first RE-ANIMATOR. The Miskatonic University [a fixture in Lovecraft's fiction] from RE-ANIMATOR is the same hospital that that we use in this. So, we're tying that all together. Even certain rooms from the original RE-ANIMATOR, we recreated hallways that look like that. So, we were really trying to tie into what Stuart and Dennis's version of Lovecraft was."
"There are many stories in the Miskatonic-verse that Stuart and Dennis and Brian created. Tentacles? Check. Weird swimming fish, like in FROM BEYOND? Sure. We are positing ourselves as part of that world. But not every story needs that. And just the fact that we have the body-swapping element, which is pretty fantastical in and of itself, the Necronomicon, where it's got certain glowing eyes that are popping out it, corpses that are coming back to life, there were certain things that I knew we needed to present, based on the story. But I didn't want to do it so fantastically, because not only were we influenced by Lovecraft and obviously Stuart's movies, but also, I wanted to bring back neo-noir from the Nineties and erotic thrillers. It felt like they were a little bit under-appreciated as of late. This felt like the perfect story that dealt with sexuality as a theme that I could hone in on that. So, there are ways that we had to oscillate the tone, and there were a couple times when we were like, 'We could throw a tentacle in here or there,' and I was like, 'I don't want to go too far.' And you're right. Some people felt like we didn't go far enough. To that I say, 'To each their own.'
Let's look at every Lovecraft adaptation created by Stuart, Dennis and Brian.

Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli, Brian Yuzna)
From Beyond (Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli, Brian Yuzna)
Pulse Pounders "The Evil Clergyman" (Dennis Paoli)
Bride of Re-Animator (Brian Yuzna)
Necronomicon (Brain Yuzna)
Castle Freak (Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli)
Dagon (Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli, Brian Yuzna)
Beyond Re-Animator (Brian Yuzna)
Masters of Horror 1x02, "H.P. Lovecraft's Dreams in the Witch-House" (Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli)
Suitable Flesh (Dennis Paoli, Brian Yuzna)

The only explicitly confirmed canon films are done by all three or a sequel to an existing film. That's interesting.

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