OMFG... will this guy just shut...up.
Rapture postponed till October
he's been saying all along that the rapture/judgement day would be May 21 and the world would end October 21. Now, since nothing happened on May 21, he's just claiming that the significance of that day was spiritual instead of physical (and that he misunderstood that in his earlier predictions) and that October 21 is still going to be the end of the world. :roll:
This is exactly how I saw it too. Just because Hinn worships what he calls the Christian God, doesn't make it so. The offense generated by the comment is by aligning one's religious beliefs with that scam artist (and he is a scam artist, none of us actually believe this guy believes in God, right?).
That said, I wish when people are offended by a joke clearly not meant to offend them, they'd respond with half the grace Canuck did. Very impressed.
thanks Bass, that means a lot.
I know I said that I was finished talking about this, but I guess just to make myself clear, I knew ZP wasn't
trying to offend me, but I couldn't just let the joke slide.
I don't buy into the idea that God is a personal thing, an expression of your own personal faith, and that the God I believe in is separate from the God that Camping may or may not believe in (or Benny Hinn, or Joel Osteen, or whoever else). If God is just an expression of your own personal faith, then what's the point of believing in Him? If God isn't existent apart from His expression through the faith of myself or anyone else, then He's not really God, He's an imaginary friend (which i'm sure lots of people believe anyway).
When lunatics and scam artists preach in the name of God, I can't separate myself from them by saying, "The God they're talking about is different from the God I believe in, so it doesn't matter." Because it does matter, they're taking the name of the one true God and dragging it through the mud and dishonouring it. And that upsets me.
I know for someone who isn't on the same page as I am about this, what I said sounds weird and intolerant, but imagine for a minute that there really is one true God. Imagine that God is more than a personal expression of someone's faith and that His existence transcends our experience and being. Imagine that He is good and loving. If all that was true, it should upset us when someone misrepresents Him and dishonours Him by scamming people in His name. And it should seem unthinkable to make a joke about urinating on His throne.
Again, I don't expect you guys to all agree with what I'm saying, but hopefully that helps you understand where I'm coming from a little bit. In all sincerity, I try to represent God as well as I possibly can in my life and to the people I interact with (both in my "real life" and on here). I know that I say and do things at times that don't line up with that, I can be hypocritical and "super-spiritual", and just down right mean at times. I try hard, though, to be gracious, and kind, and tolerant - in the sense that I respect you all as people and recognize that everyone has a right to believe what you want to believe and live the way you want to live and that no one has the right to disrespect someone or treat them poorly for any reason. But I am not tolerant in the sense that I believe God is a personal belief with no bearing on reality as a whole. There is Truth; if not then God really is just an imaginary friend and it's stupid to believe in Him. I'm not interested in having a "God" I can keep in my pocket and pull out to make me feel good from time to time. If He's not bigger than I am and sovereign over everything and self-existent and beyond my comprehension and good and loving then He's not worth worshipping and I want nothing to do with Him. But He is all those things so it bothers me when He is misrepresented or dishonoured.
All that to say... ummm, I don't really know what.
But like I said, that's where I'm coming from on this issue.