Not a girlfriend who can fight alongside him but one who has enough super powers to take care of herself.
In the annual he says he can't date anyone but then agrees with Kitty's point that he could date somebody with super powers.
His choice of girlfriend in this respect can have something read into it (choosing a girlfriend that can literally render herself immune to physical harm, with the odd exception).
It seems to me (although this is of course just my take on things) that Peter is making a nice safe choice so he doesn't have to worry about his girlfriend coming to harm, although since him and MJ are still friends she is still in danger as is Aunt May meaning his logic isn't exactly up to scratch.
He either has to accept the risk he is putting his loved ones in, hang up his tights, or discard Peter Parker and shut himself off from the rest of the world, trying for some hazy middle ground is intellectually dishonest.
That is a little off topic so I will quickly get back on topic by saying a prefer MJ-Peter (although I don't care much either way), simply because MJ hanging around trying to win Peter back will get tiresome rather quickly.