Issue starts off with a recap of who Ash is, in the Marvel Universe, not our intrepid hero. This Ash is the one getting eaten by Howard the Duck from the end of last issue. Ash, our intrepid hero Ash, kills him, and him and Dazzler move on, to find Scarlet Witch, still alive.
Scarlet Witch mentions Dr. Strange my know something, so they go to his place. There, they find Dr.Strange munching on Wong. Ash has a conversation with Strange, who wants to be mortal again. They get him to open up his library door, and he tells Ash if there is a way to be mortal, it's in there.
Ash then shoots him in the head stating that once your a Deadite, always a Deadite. Dazzler goes to open a book, and Ash stops her, telling books can bite, which sure enough, they try to do. Burning one book, he goes to chop another one up with a chainsaw, but it agrees to help him. It tells them they need a sorceror supreme for help, and Scarlet Witch mentions she has a quinjet ready to go,and they go off to Doctor Doom's palace. Before they go, they get jumped by Power Pack zombies, when out of nowhere Nextwave shows up, drawn Immonmen style. The typical NEXTWAVE box is there, stating under it "AN orginazation formed to fight the Beyond Coporation, but most likely going to die in a ridiculous manner off panel in a few moments from now"
Ash, Dazzler and Scarlet Witch head to Latveria to find Doom, and instead, they arrive to see it already under seige by zombies, one of them being Goliath.
Does anyone else see a "No More Zombies" line coming out of Scarlet Witch's mouth only to have her die right before she can finish it?